/raider/ prep

Keep prepping dears cause I'm coming.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>coof coof
Oops I killed you sorry bruh

>anarcho commie flag
Kek, ok twigboy

Raider threads are mostly bernout cucks who couldn't afford to prep anyhow. Every neighborhood in the USA is already prepared to destroy any raiders, as are the police, local vets, you name it.

Basically the SF Bernouts who are now "working from home" for Twitter are salty because they have like 4 s o y l e n t bottles and a pack of ramen, and Uber Eats is taking longer and longer each day...

And they just spent their last bit of cash (credit card advance) on Bernie's latest funding push. It's sad. Notice there's almost no Bernie shilling on the board any more, they're all realizing they're short on food and TP and are playing out their fantasies here.

Sorry kids, no refunds, and remember to mail in that student loan payment in 2 weeks.

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I didn't even remember ordering a meat delivery,
do you prefer boiled or fried?

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...oh yeah, the shit is inside!

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You wish. The moment you step out of that thing. It's mine.

So, how do you sort out the poisoned supplies from edible ones?

>yfw when you've collected all the items i need and stacked them nicely for easy access

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Raider reporting in

>all these prepper cope
Hilarious, I'll let you live if you pay a resource tax out of the kindness of my heart.

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Unironically I did divert money last month that I was planning to donate to Bern and spent it on home defense and prepping.
No refunds is correct!

Post loadouts

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What if im prepping to be the best raider of the seven supermarket aisles?

Good. get to put my beamz and nods to use.

and something tells me that you don't have any regrets on spending that money on your own survivability

Based and armorpilled


Threadly reminder, unless you have gold & silver you're going to exit the collapse into poverty

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/raider/ here.

No guns here and there will be plenty of old boomer homes to raid, no need to go for anything else.

By feeding them to the dogs.

Really? Because this chart looks eerily similar to DJI: tradingview.com/chart/?symbol=FX:XAUUSD

No one is poisoning their own [limited] supplies, get real.

Based raider, fuck the prep slaves. I'm going to eat their food and them afterwards once food is low.
Makeshift masks look more scary. Loadout is a few macheties and spears. Thank god germans have no weapons or a spine.

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Why would I prep anything? I have spent my life working with plants. I will always have fresh produce. Growing a bountiful crop in my basement is a very convenient and somewhat unusual skill. It's not like regular garden, where you get a huge assist from mother nature. What I need to find is a good dairy farmer, with a few beef cows.

All of my Rust penetration testing will pay off IRL.

>valuing a preservation asset against a collapsing market
You deserve poverty

>What I need to find is a good dairy farmer, with a few beef cows.
Just get a box truck and turn it into a mobile cow stealing/butchering machine.

This is the epitome of millennials and zoomers. Victimize the weak and vulnerable
What fucking monsters. These threads are fucking eye-opening. I'm not a boomer. I'm Gen X but I KNOW you stupid know it all motherfuckers won't...CANT make that distinction.

if people start raiding stuff around here, I will poison some of my rations just for the ''last fuck you'' if something happens

I'm Gen-X. I'm raiding kikes and gun grabbers.

All these raider threads thinking it'll be easy pickings on defenseless people when in reality the hordes of dindus and other subhumans will have killed us to worship our toilets.


>Based raider, fuck the prep slaves. I'm going to eat their food and them afterwards once food is low
Do you honestly think the place won't be boobie trapped. I have a plan, I have an 1100 sq ft basement. I am going to move into my basement and burn the house. So it will look like a burnt-out husk. If someone INSISTS and fucking around it will be wired to explode small ball bearings, like a Claymore mine. How many years did you spend in the military? I have four years in the 82nd airborne. That's the preparation you can't buy.

Just remember while all the elite are in their bunkers, their homes are free for the picking

I want this to happen so bad. Please all you room temp iqs go play madmax the genepool will be so much cleaner after two months of you removing yourselves

I'll help you.


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>*runs out of fuel after 2 miles*


we /raiders/ now

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I have actually used a mobile slaughter unit for pigs and lamb.
need a pretty big unit for beef, along with a skilled welder etc. better bet just killing and boning out all the beef in the field and taking meat out

Who /realchad/ here?

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Lol. You don’t stand a chance taking on people on their own turf. Your hubris has already killed you. You’re just too stupid to realize it.

>This is the epitome of millennials and zoomers. Victimize the weak and vulnerable
NOOO, YOU CAN'T JUST TURN THE TABLES LIKE THAT! So what if boomers bankrupt the country to support their socialist programs at the expense of younger generations after destroying the economy and allowing monopolies to take root in every sector? You must respect the elders who have done nothing other than exploit you for their own self interest!

I don't see a collapse like this coming, but there is nothing I would enjoy more than raiding those fat old fucks. Half of them can't run 50ft without taking a rest and require a handful of meds that won't be there, yet they want to act as though young/fit/angry millennials won't fucking destroy them.

>raiders show up to my place
>their faces when I finally get to live out my fantasy of owning a shemale slave harem

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>encountering my taxidermied Pitbull filled with tannerite and ball bearings
Good luck user

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>Telling sis I'm prepping for virus, buying food/supplies last month
>"OK crazy Yas Forums brother, just don't buy ammo/guns, we don't need any"
>Month later, today
>"Hey bro I just bought 200 rounds for both of our ARs"


Only cops shoot dogs, you fucking retard.

user... the elite's homes? The cabinets are bare. You may find a box of cereal or two and some wine, but that is it.

14 days and at minimum half of them will be dead.

200 rounds? So, enough for a quick range trip?

100k,, now that is respectable amount.(to whoever buys that)
in last combat simulation I spend 120 rounds in 15min (1v4 ratio defense) and had to loot fallen friendlies for more mags before got overrun and killed.
so with 100k you can last quite a long time, assuming you stay alive

>if he loses his glasses, he is dead

fuck, why was I born an eyelet?

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>drink 4 bottles of onions a day
>breaks into Boomer home
>gets caught by old man
>takes a swing at him
>get flattened by a tool to his face before he could react with the grace of a noodle armed spastic retard
>turns out Boomer was a farmer and does manual labor around the house because he's bored
>dances around onions saturated millenials whose muscles atrophied from sitting at a computer all day
Really makes you think.

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>implying my raider clan wouldn't have some refugee pet to send in first as bait.

After the first trap goes off, i would propose you a deal, You join us and we don't touch your shit at all and you help us to secure our bunker or even live with us. Or else, we would just throw molotovs in it and wait for you.

Your military shit taught you how to be a good goy for israel. It didn't teach you to think outside of the box and in terms of tribalistic warfare.
Your knowledge would be valuable and nobody would touch you if you cooperated. If you want to live in our tribe, you will have to share work, you can keep your food because we can feed ourselves just fine.

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Dindus are the going to be the only real raiders. Every poverty fag in here is going to get eaten by Tyrone and his twelve cousins.
I'll be fine because (much like in prison) me and my white neighbors already have a peace treaty with the local Mexicans regarding the groids.

Tick tock prepfags

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>drink 4 bottles of onions a day

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Bad meme, preppers exposed as leftists. Raiders are the objective chads here and there’s nothing that can dispute this

Just plan all your engagements for close quarters. Kek.

>not building an effigy out of the niggers you caught

Not gonna make it, user. Niggs fear magic and voodoo shiet, and being eaten.

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That flag means you're going to be delivering me some steel cased 7.62 and a shitty AK with cast front trunnion. Sad boy.

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Is that what they told the Vikings too?

Kek, raiders are so easy to kill with poisoned loot

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example of a few and stand up to the state.
2 guys on meth beat the Hole LA PD

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>Cabinets are bare.
Do you think they're taking all their wealth with them? They expect to come back at some point.

I can keep you up for days until you lose your mind. You can't win.

you better drive off road because the highway is IED'd.

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This reminded me of the CIAs torture technique where they make you listen to the same song over and over again. Little do they know I used to put a song on repeat on Winamp back in the day and after awhile I didnt even realize it was still playing. Think I had the same song going for 2-3 days before my buddy came over and after 15 mins asked me why I had the same song in repeat. I didn't even realize it was on.

on the one hand, i only have a wooden bat and some big kitchen knifes in house, could make a spear with it.
On the other hand i live in a small town in flanders europe, and all the shitskins live in cities here in belguim.
Raiders will not be a problem here, but the lefties in cities will get redpilled hard in situation where the state doesnt feed the shitskins for a few weeks and they start robbing everybody.

Keep telling yourself that.

Would be a shame if little Billie grabs the wrong rice.