Nick FUENTES and GOYper Hate Thread

>heh you want to protect the white race and have an ethnostate?
Wignat, Cringe and Bad optics
>you want to call out Jewish influence and flesh it out? Not some waterline thin BS like the USS liberty, instead of the Lavon Affair
Optics bro, Normie's would think of us as anti semetic for that
>you want to preserve the WASP culture of the Anglosphere
Dios mio, wetback and irish nigger catholicism is the way
>heh you have radical beliefs and believe the system should be destroyed and replaced
Cringe, bad optics
>heh you h8 irony peso crossing dressing cat bois
They are based and redpilled like you, stop dividing.
>heh you dont want us to be paleocuckservatives

Why are conservacucks and civic (fake) nationalists such traitors

Previous Thread --> As you can imagine conserv-a-nothing kikes got BTFO

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Other urls found in this thread:

You aren't even American. Shut up.

t. spic

I believe a "movement"/optics doesn't work nor matter. Revolution is a spectators game, all the population have been lulled into a deep sleep post 45' and have let world degenerate around them.
In my opinion MAGA/Civic" Nationalists"/Goypers are merely reactionary and always retreat into a watered down liberal position. In the 60s homosexuality and other sexual deviant acts were considered abominable and now we have supposed leaders of the right like "Nick the spic" hanging around with horse dildo sucking catbois, the acceptance of these pervsions within the right and watering down our core beliefs for muh optics, even though schlomo shekelberg will shut it down regardless and only allows what he wants on TV, social media, etc...

Tl:Dr this pic
Doesn't even need to be NatSoc, just become far right and stop cucking

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How many times will you make this thread?

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As many as I need to, conservacucks need to be redpilled an get their heads out of the conservacuck asshole mentality

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>jesuit faggot beaner
>white nationalist
controlled opp bullshit. kys

He's obsessed lmao


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That's not a contradiction. You're thinking on the most basic level. There's plenty of good reasons why minorities would wish for whites to remain the majority of the United States.

Well it just proves this ---> Appealing to the normies doesn't work since they are already lemmings/demoralised retards and he is playing a political game setup by kikes/elites who have blacklisted him.
So he needs to choose his alligence whether the centrist conservative migfag or the far right who originally accepted him.

non-whites all deserve to be put to the sword, that includes every memeber of your filthy spic church.

>There's plenty of good reasons why minorities would wish for whites to remain the majority of the United States.

You're either outstandingly ignorant or a gatekeeper.

>anti Nick shill is a fan of GLR
GLR was a retarded larper. His movement could have been a success if he wasn't such a retard and didn't use the name and the symbol of the country in which the USA fought a costly war with just two decades previously. I'm not surprised that a shill against Nick would be a fan.

I assume from that comment you are either you own race traitor or a white race traitor. Either way (((establishment))) approved KEKSERVATISM won't achieve that. GenZ is already 48.88% white (exclude Kikes and Arabs from pic along with "white" Hispanic)
The political and optics game would take decades and he doesn't have that time he needs a radical approach and now he has been blacklisted he can adopted that

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Why? I'm not saying that most minorities hold this position.

These retards were all in the prev. Thread
They have no argument apart from le stronk feelings and convincing themselves in a berniefag.

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Remove the flag I want to see what country your from

>People are still posting about bloodsports e-celebs
Look, the fact that you all were left with an autistic Frenchman that fucks downies and a cringelord, underage Spic just goes to show you how retarded that whole fad was. Let it go. This shit died out years ago. Let it go. Seriously...start reading and educating yourself instead of listening to clinical retards spew shit at each other on YouTube.

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JF gang represent
Nobody and i mean NOBODY insults my papa

There are always going to be retarded lapers like yourself who refuse to work with our current system. His has been the dominate view of racially conscious whites in the post war period, and it has resulted in our current situation. Why are you shilling against those who are taking a different approach? Can't you see the benefit of having an alternative voice to the likes of Charlie Kirk?

you will always be a goblin.

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We doing demoralization angle now? These fucking closeted racists aren't fooling anybody.

Sub to my channel

Also i make memes

Why don't you be the next GLR? You can go speak at BLM rallies. uwu

>brit flag
why the hell do you care?

probably because american whites waking up is the only hope you have, since you are disarmed and we arent.

Antifa pride world wide

Based and DontGetTheIntentPilled

Yes comrade

Based and redpilled.

>40 million niggers
>60 million spics
>25 million asians
>20 million faggots
>19 million mixed race mutts
>10 million Jews (most control all american media)
>4 million trannies
>Circumision rates up 70%
>90% of zoomers no longer identify as straight
>Highest rates of immigration out of any country
>Most Christians are evangelical zionbots who worship the same people who killed Jesus
>Every commercial, television show and animated series contains one of more nigger or homosexual main characters
>Trans rights heavily supported by the establishment
>GMOs in every food, the same thing that gives rats tumors
>Obesity rates up 60% since 1990
>Still believe in the two party system that royally fucks them in the ass
>Invades other countries they shouldn’t be in, especially ones that protect christian minorities like Syria
>Pedophiles control all the wealth in the nation and are never exposed for their actions
>20 of America’s major cities are ran by niggers, women and spics
>Girls are inspired to race mix while boys are inspired to crossdress and chop off their dicks

now do carlson


>40 million niggers
>60 million spics
>25 million asians
>20 million faggots
>19 million mixed race mutts
>10 million Jews (most control all american media)
>4 million trannies
>Circumision rates up 70%
>90% of zoomers no longer identify as straight
>Highest rates of immigration out of any country
>Most Christians are evangelical zionbots who worship the same people who killed Jesus
>Every commercial, television show and animated series contains one of more nigger or homosexual main characters
>Trans rights heavily supported by the establishment
>GMOs in every food, the same thing that gives rats tumors
>Obesity rates up 60% since 1990
>Still believe in the two party system that royally fucks them in the ass
>Invades other countries they shouldn’t be in, especially ones that protect christian minorities like Syria
>Pedophiles control all the wealth in the nation and are never exposed for their actions
>20 of America’s major cities are ran by niggers, women and spics
>Girls are inspired to race mix while boys are inspired to crossdress and chop off their dicks
yup... and more guns than the rest of the world combined.

boomer cringe

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All Nick does is complain
>dude non Catholics r dum
>dude trads r dum
>dude homosexuality based but only if I do it
>dude meds based
>wignats dum but half my ideology is shitposting
>bad optics brb cat bussy

Ok boomer

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GLR was a product of his time. New times require new tactics. I recommend organizing on the state level, you have more power there. Read Rules for Radicals.

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Oof you really hurt my feelings by calling me a goy. Are you retarded or something? If I wasn't a goy I wouldn't be a groyper. I'd take more insult to jew than I ever would goy, as goy just isn't an insult. I never realized that brits have shit for brains as well as teeth.

Fpbp. Stay in your lane, nigel. Dont you have a Rothschild hand to kiss or something? Or maybe some irishmen or germans to murder?

>was gaining mass support even Malcolm X backed him

Feds kill him and later MX

Nice try retard

Maybe so, but he still isn't wrong about KEKSERVATISM and I imagine he is rolling in his grave if he saw what the conservatives and alt lite were supporting

Shit thread

>his FedRez is owned by GoldManSachs

Go pillage another nation because they didn't obey the NWO Jewish dollars.
The Irish are not human, Europeans know this and have always enslaved them, from Vikings all the way to you.
You helped in that regard with the Germans and now your KEKSERVATIVE movement pisses on what could have beuen

Define far right

No argument sheamus

>>was gaining mass support

>Irish are not human
I'll remember that

>Cringe and Bad optics

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GLR is the babies first Yas Forums experience.
These lil faggots are posing to seem credible.

Don't need one. I'm bumping your shit thread out of boredom.

Usually encompasses many ideologies though similar in some regards.
There are two camps (each camp has but isn't limited to...)
Pro Authority (NatSoc, Facism, Monarchy, Baathism, etc...
Anti Authority (Ancaps, NazBols, libertarian, etc...)
But all of which are commonly united against the left wing and are strong on principle (don't change for the current year (que john Oliver). In the face of a establishment which they all openly reject

Conservanothing kikes work within said (((democracy))) arnd try to "preserve" something they lost long ago and ultimately lose. They are libertarian lite

Look at all the "mass support" GLR had!

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Thanks, more people will we cuckservatism for what it is
How does one go from GLR to a mutt spic conservacuck, that's shitting out a red pill

you kikes were scared of him enough to murder him.

>trusting an extremely online eCeleb ever

Pretty based
Holy shit you are brainwashed for using duckduckgoy

Imagine making multiple threads every day for the past few months hating on our young king who came from nothing. You trannies are demented. All this money and with all his powerful enemies against him, Nick still continues to thrive. You trannies are pathetic.

Are you so stupid as to not understand that he would have had far more success if he used a different name and symbol? Normal whites would have joined him. He was the original larper.
Keep reaching for things to insult me with you dumb faggot.

>shits in us/far right, gets rejected
>appeals to mainstream after betrayal, gets rejected
>gets ejected from YT
>on a who? Stream service

Oh my god the hate bus!!!!!!
Helllooo uh based department?

How does one stay on GLR? I haven't went anywhere, i've always been true natsoc catholic and despise your kike system.

Up the fucking ra

Imagine getting hammered with those guys. Thinking about the sheer level of jewposting they’re capable of makes me tingle

Maintaining strong and principled ideals is much better than watering it down.
The masses are fucking retard lemmings.
Was MX a larper for being a Black Nationalist? He still gained support and got suicided

potatoniggers gonna potatonig

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Fine, I'll be open-minded. Nick fans, please tell me what's so great about Nick.

Wait I thought you were a KEKSERVATIVE? What's going on??

>making this thread again
The nicker is based. OP is a big gay faggot

He could have promoted the exact same ideology without using the term "Nazi" and the swastika. You utter retard.

>but he still isn't wrong about KEKSERVATISM and I imagine he is rolling in his grave if he saw what the conservatives and alt lite were supporting
I don't doubt that at all. It's just that, just like Tucker Carlson, I'm not sure how much progress Nick can make by himself, he's one guy that has to talk to whole country, and he doesn't give people tips on how to organize their own groups. LGBT/Nonwhite Supremacy causes are able to take root (besides not being as persecuted) because they have so many smaller, offline organizations as opposed to just one champion. However, Nick did mention in his AFPAC speech that a lot of conservatives are actually completely blind to the whole Israel situation, so maybe he's actually doing the right thing with the groyper wars.

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Potato supremacy is real. We only care about our own.

I thought you were a faggot, you haven't proved me wrong yet.