Why do millennials think being 30 is still "young"? I would say you stop being young around 26
Why do millennials think being 30 is still "young"? I would say you stop being young around 26
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t. 25-year old
It's a coping mechanism for lack of achievement.
Youth is subjective.
You can be more youthful at 60 than many young men today.
It is a matter of maintaining your body, and when you body is strong, the mind will follow.
Age is 80% mental and 20% physical.
Hope those dudes survive.
Imagine being that ripped but still having a micropenis
haha tiny baby muscles. dad puts him to shame.
They a Peter Pans, they go like flying fags up to their 40s when anal cancer breaks in.
SAD !!
t. incel who has a "9 inch" cock
my parents were just really bad people, I blame them fully for my failure to thrive and after they die and my host is gone, this parasite is walking into the ocean to drown itself.
With some luck I wont fall out onto Amsterdam. Stupid dutch, living in the ocean.
Well considering your brain doesn't fully mature to mid 30s i'd say they're still young.
Because milestones are no longer there. Genuinely, you stop being a young man around 24. You're definitely no longer a young man by 30. Yet, if you're not a young man, and you're not a father, or hell, for a lot of people financially independent what have you done?
No, it isn't. All things die. Age is an objective measurement.
Micropenis lmao
The TRUE and HONEST cutoff is 28. Over here, that's the age when you're no longer eligible for conscription.
t. nearly 29 year old boomer
Brass eye.
Because at 30 most of them have not done anything that makes you a man
many still live at home
no wife
no children
still plays video games
many smoke weed daily
They're basically 30 year old 16 year olds, its sad. And they try to say 40 is the new 30, and 30 the new 20. Bullshit, you still look 30. You still have a receded hairline, wrinkles and your body is breaking down. You are old.
Is it though? Why do so many young people have such shit levels of performance and I just keep btfoing them year after year. Sure, eventually some younger person will best me, but if age is the objective measure, then it's not accurate at all.
Live to 90 is nearing the average now.
0 - 30 = The Age of Youth
31 - 60 = The Age of Reason
61 - 90 = The Age of Wisdom
That's how is should be, here for real:
0 -30 Age of Idiocy
31 - 60 Age of Reaction
61 - 90 Age of Submission
it has nothing to do with millenials and everything to do with men not slamming the pussy with their ripe horrendous cocks.
if you havent spent a month just screwing your credit score and slamming top of the line loose vagina you might end up like pic related or as one of those "older" guys with that wisdom you can find on cereal boxes, they tend to smoke cigs and have stern looks about them
I'm 28 and I do not feel young any more. I think this is probably the year I feel like another era of my overall life began and youth is just something to remember. Not a bad thing to get older, glad I'm not a kid anymore.
>Why is age an objective measurement of age
It's a californian thing.
While it is malleable and capable to generate neurons even in old age, the brain starts slowly deteriorating in your late 20s.
Age is not an objective measure of performance, you kow IQ nigger.
You're stupid, and your point is stupid.
Stay there while I bully you.
It's young in the sense thet you are still physically and mentally capable and still look youthful. Unless you are a roastie.
I agree. I was at my peak physical strength at 26.
Facts. I'm 34 and still very very very young.
Eh, let them enjoy an extended teenagehood. They've got fuck all else going for them.
We had to extend the age where you're allowed to be "young" because some stupid nigger fucked the economy all through our 20s and we couldn't afford to do anything until we were 25-31.
At 27 I feel younger and fitter and better than most sedentary 18-25 people according to their bitching on social media.
learning years
working years
guys you have to understand its not an age thing and a "how you ram the pussy" thing,
how many strokes?
how much depth?
do you read the news?
these are all things which underline the development of girth and make sure that the bitch gets loaded w cum every time you fuck
many such cases
I do not have sex
>omg a typo. You're just stupid
Nigger. You'll never be white
I’m 30 now and I started feeling old 5 years ago.
>live on my own
>no wife
>no children
>interest waning in video games
>partake in the weed maybe once a year
so am I half a man
>hurr durr, age is just what you feel :^)
I'm 26. Apart from wishing I was dead and being lonely, I don't feel too different.
Ok Latvian, i will give you a lifehack just because you are in Latvia and that means theres no chance in hell you will be in Canada exploiting it
there i said it, you know those 375ml bottles? the $10 smirnoff ones, buy that, chug it all , and go to the red light district
everyone who "fucks" or is "in a relationship" or has "mediocre sex" they dont udnerstand what VODKA is, its not wine, its not chatter matterial like beer, and its not viagra stupid, vodka and SLAM HER ASS
I mean I'm 33 and still feel and look exactly like I did in my 20s. Certainly not breaking down or losing any ability.
So what exactly makes someone "old"?
Is this copypasta? If not, it is now.
why once a year?
why not twice?
4 8 16 32 52 times?
A fade
You need to improve the relationship with your unconscious.
Your brain stops developing around 26 if you're a male, that's the age I'd consider a male to begin being mature.
too bad I only drink beer. Sweet, sweet lager.
Scientifically 'tarded
Pulls own weight
Arrogent knowitlul
My job does drug testing, and it's not really on my radar anyway. Maybe if it's a Christmas break and I have a few days I head to the dispensary and have a fun day with edibles but that's really it.
>Why do millenials use this adjective to describe an age group that's 4 years too old for that adjective to apply to in my opinion?
Who the fuck cares.
Good question Latvian, Every man should have atleast 1oz on rotation, if youre smoking marlboros in 2020 youre seriously behind on BEING AWESOME
I were fighting blokes wi' beards at 15.
Literally chasing them down the street.
I'd been a man for a good 5 years previous.
You're all big girls blouses to me
best of luck to you. Not every one can abstain from the good-feels once you try them
Millennials dont even move out of their parents house until they are 25....
indica or sativa?
>Because at 30 most of them have not done anything that makes you a man
>many still live at home
>no wife
>no children
>still plays video games
>many smoke weed daily
Fuckin this. Gubmint checks roll in just enough to pay for vidya, weed and onions. They do a bunch of online activism preaching how evil the man is. Votes democrat.
That pic is pure cringe.
Right there, you just admitted it, and i called it
Not fucking has little to do with "not fucking" its the drink of choice
SLAMMING A THOT > beer with "buds"
>t. Probably some soft southern fairy
Sativa bro, and you should have one which is go-to cheap but not trash and another which rips
Kushes are fine too, but stick to the sativas and you'll be through and through and living the best life.
Don't fuck on weed though, just vodka,
30 is the new 20. thanks obama
this picture made me grow breasts's.
Why are boomers obsessed with being old. Most of you arent even that old but you talk like you grew up during the depression. Boomers watch more TV than any other generation. The golden gen didnt even have enough money to buy a tv ubtil after the war.
Your posts are cringe. Faggot.
Jimmy savilles love child thru n thru
This. Ill be a jr. Admin for a corporation until im 45 and the top finally clears out enough to move up
I know size doesn’t matter as much as guys think it does but that’s also not having a micropenis. SAD
take the beer and the rum pill
30s is still young.. there's even certain jobs and positions that require you to be AT LEAST 34-35 years old.
also look how much shit Obama and Kennedy got for being "too young to be presidents."
and now with people living longer than before 30s is just gonna be an extension of the 20s just with more cash.
We were the first to be exposed at a young age to easy access internet porn, social media in grade school, cell phones in school years, and overwhelmingly fun yet time consuming and damaging video games. It’s a mix of neglectful parenting, lack of self control, happy-go-lucky academia and censored history taught in schools, the rise of atheism, etc. We were the lab rats used to test the influence of the internet on young people just as it was becoming more mainstream and a lot of us suffered and will continue to suffer. A lot of people didn’t go down this path but obviously a good amount did based on birth rates, lack of sex, etc. I hate taking the role of a victim but some people were just born to fail under the weight of internet exposure and carefree parenting.
Why does OP post these gay shitty topics for years?
I'm still young as long as I can date 18-21 year old girls without getting weird looks
you're so close to cracking it
Around age 25 or 26 people usually have a personality shift towards long term goals, so that is a fair time to stop calling someone a kid... But that's still very young unless you are a nigger and your life expectancy is 27
Here in the UK there are a lot of youth services that are offered from 16-24 (including 24). That's been my basis on what young means, really. Sounds reasonable biologically and socially.