Explain me: National Socialism
Explain me: National Socialism
>Nation is home of the race
>Race matters a lot
>Germans help yourselves and other Germans
Satanic death cult which consumed the German people.
We good
You bad
Free shit
>t. synagogue of satan
It was better than globohomo kike world we have today
Yessir, National Socialism is the synagogue of Satan.
>t. Kike retard
Tick tock
Notice how aggressive the 'totally not jew' guy is in this post.
Love your blood folk, and bleed for them too.
Everything matters, everything is causal, the universe is an organism and every level of human organization is organic too. A healthy body will consist of organs and organelles and cells of a similar constitution, all varying in their works to produce an effective body.
Arbeit macht frei my crypto jewish friend
Christ is/will be a nazi.
Hey I remember you, I saw you posting yesterday
Militaristic fascist regimes founded upon past butthurt and rooted in racism always end badly.
Nazism was a massive failure and is easily one of the worst political systems ever devised.
Fascism leads to nothing but ruin.
Christ dissolves all socialism.
Socialism is compulsory charity. This is Satanic. This is not Christian.
Christianity is garbage but you have a myopic view of things. You conflate socialism with the marxist conception of the word.
Have you ever considered words by their denotative manner of existence?
That socialism is simply social, and not materialist?
You never considered that though because you have a small brain and a small dick though man.
>Christianity is garbage
Note that the national socialist is repulsed by christ
Note that when a christian speaks the truth, they are bound by some power to speak out against truth.
Kikes invented Communism to destroy Europe, made up the holocost hoax to extort money from whites and poison white minds, and blew up our skyscrapers with thermite and blamed the other sand niggers for it with their media control. Your time is limited Jew Rat
Hes not a National Socialist
Hes a fucking Pagan Larper
t. descendant of actual National Socialists
NatSocks always throw me this bullshit line.
>he's not a real National Socialist
Which is the same bullshit like Satanists use.
>noooo that guy wasn't a real Satanist
These beggars need to get the fuck off my board.
Shut the fuck up faggot
If Christ was alive today he would rightfully consider you a satan worshipper.
Note that the national socialist is repulsed by christ
Note that when a christian speaks the truth, they are bound by some power to speak out against truth.
shut the fuck up handicaped christcucks
It was a great movement that died with Rockwell and has been irredeemably corrupted in the public mind by "Hollywood Nazism"
Read MK for a full picture
These are explanations of NS from a NS point of view
>the national socialist is repulsed by christ
Neonazi*, national socialism was explicitly pro Christian
Willful conflation on display
But israel is a fascist country
Scam by AshkeNAZIs
Just like Israel
Except Hitler fought against the entire world while Israel fights against a couple shiite muzzies with corona and still Israel is a bombed out shitwhole of razorwires and minefields.
Been there.
Israel is a shithole any which way you look at it, lebabon is better safer, less terrorists less kikes, less bombs and the occasional bombs there is are israeli planes flying over lebanon to kill shiites in Syria because Jews love to kill people, that is like their whole thing.
An idea so effective that it almost enabled Germany, a nation the size of Montana, to conquer the world after it just got its ass kicked in WW I.
6 million Germans back to work in 2 years.
All of that destruction came from Allied forces bombing Germany.
Nice try.
It's the only option remaining for people who aren't lost. Commies are commies, and libertarians are just as degenerate. When you realize that you can have a dictatorship that tries to keep the market as free as possible, having recognized that a free market works best, then there's really no alternative.
To put it in one sentence: Capitalism is in the white man's nature, but only a dictatorship can stave off the social ills that are currently killing us.
Fuck off with your degenerate picture and fuck off with your retarded views of "Capitalism is in the white man's nature"
Either you're a Kike or a 15-year old that just became "NatSoc" after being a libertarian for 3 months.
Either way, fuck off faggot.
Btw for anyone listening, sunnis are the kind of terrorist that goes in to shiite mosques yell allahuackbar with a subsequent explosion.
Shiite doesn't do that all that much.
Shiites are a lot more civil, and when america is bombing in the middle east, its usually shiites that never did anything to americans to begin with.
Israel is surrounded by Sunni terrorists that acts as Israel lawless border patrols protecting Israel to the death and making sure no Lebanese, Palestinian or Iranian ever gets to trade by simply killing them before the trade has even taken place.
Israel does not like even the notion of any arab actually having a say, because if they did what they'c say would be fuck Israel, like they did in 2010 when for some reason after a huge oil reserve was discovered outside Syria and egypt, all of a sudden every arab took to the streets to yell death to their government for being to friendly to Israel and America.
They'd say stuff like: Fuck Assad you american agent.
In a twisted case of irony they all had their government forcefully taken over by a small group of paramilitary who immediately for some reason beyond my understanding went ahead to suck Israeli cock, and then the protests died down.
Pretty weird huh!?
Look up ISIS in sinai on hoholmaps you'll see them making their best effort to kill egyptians and palestinians attempting to trade for the glory of Israel.
Gross. Another LARPer who just wants to be able to call everyone he disagrees with kikes.
It was a good idea until they invaded Russia and triggered the most horrific conflict in history.
Just lurk moar. It took me about a year to finally accept myself as a national socialist. I agreed with all the policies and loved the aesthetics, but I just couldnt accept the name because of its stigma. At some point you get called a Nazi so much that you just accept it. Unfortunately this place isnt as NatSoc as it used to be, so many of the nufags dont get exposed to it anymore. Though I still think we make up a pretty large portion of Yas Forums.
Let's start a war before our economy collapses.
Oh look, its this shill again. Do you have a life outside of spamming NatSoc threads? I actually wouldn't be surprised if this is a bot that just posts this reply to any thread with the key word National Socialist in it.
Wow, another faggot teenager that watches anime.
I don't want to believe an adult European man is this retarded.
You literally posted a picture of a loli dressed up as in a NatSoc uniform. You're a fucking degenerate.
So which is it? Kike or 15 years old?
Some mysterious airplanes (something something jews) killed some 30 or so shiites in Syria, and bombed the headquarters of Iraqs only hope to defeat ISIS the PMU a group of Iranian backed anti terrorist organization that seeks to stabilize Iraq and Syria so that Iran can again resume peaceful trade with their partners against a common enemy, except for some very odd reason, america, england, france, norway, germany, italy, sweden, denmark, belgium, and the whole bluecommie cocksuckers feels obligated to take revenge on behalf of this one unstable frankly quite bloodthirsty and crazy nation that has a couple million deaths to their credit.
I wonder why?
(((who))) could be behind this?
>Free shit
Lmao no. Only weak communist neets believe that.
Fuckin kek
You forgot to use your meme flag.
Cut you meme flag get down from your high horse and tone down the level of discourse to a level where you can both communicate without getting covered in shit
>complaining about anime
>on Yas Forums
Yeah because unchecked, rampant Judaism has done wonders for the planet.
First of all, read Gottfried Feder: Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Money Interest (Das Manifest Zur Brechung der Zinsknechts des Geldes)
I will never tire of insisting on highlighting this unique and definitive point, foundation, block of stone of the system and global universal idea of National Socialism: In the entire known History of human civilisation Aryan, Nazi and Hitlerist Germany alone has risen, as a nation, against usury and the slavery of interest on money, that shame of humanity, the exploitation of every man by a criminal bloodsucking minority that controls the entire system while playing both extremes into which the world divides, capitalist and Marxist, because both systems regard interest on capital as sacred and are in the same hidden hands and dependent on a same central point, a technocratic, imperialist and directive intelligence: the Messianic Imperialism of Zion, a parasitic anti-race that feeds, grows and lives without working or producing, like an intermediary, thanks to the diabolical invention of money interest.
The next steps of the “Black International”, the “Dracula of Humanity”: The electronic transfer of funds and the replacement of paper and plastic money by electronic money; which is to say, by the “bodily mark of consumption”, when the ultimate enslavement and robotisation of the animal-men is complete, the rabbinic interpretation of the Talmud which considers non-Jews to be only animals with two legs, with Yahweh ordering that their enslavement and annihilation be fulfilled.
Therefore Nicolas Palacios would write in 1904 that “when a Jew speaks of the love of humanity, even the rocks smile”.
It's just nationalism and socialism put together, where in theory everything should be done in benefit of the people of the nation
In the dawn of human communities money was a terrestrial material transformed into symbol (“things come to us eager to be transformed into symbols”, says Nietzsche), with the object of facilitating the exchange of products. Let us say, a quantity of amber for a horse. The money-symbol, the piece of gold, or copper, or bronze, or whatever, interpreted, replaced, facilitated commerce. And even in the loan one remains ignorant of the interest, usury, reproduction of the money, the metal, the “thing”, a symbol of itself, another parasite, another worm, pathogenic cancerous bacteria or virus that replicates itself enormously, becoming more important than the product and man-producer and worker, than the human being. Money (“Capital”) thus became the only centre of the universe, of civilisation. The “thing” (currency, money) became the principal merchandise, destroying the organic, destroying life. And the interest with which it is provided is reproduced ad infinitum, enabling its holder, its master, to live without work, without production, at the expense of the work and blood of Aryan and even non-Aryan toiling humanity, which has been reduced to slavery, the servitude of “interest on capital”.
I'm not talking to you.
Fuck off.
>other people are degenerates who watch anime and post it on here, so it's okay for me to do it too
You must love sitting around in your parent's basement not doing shit for your people.
What am I thinking, of course, you don't do anything because you're a fucking jew
Fuck off, kike.
I miss him bros
This is the most diabolical invention that can be conceived, carried out by Talmudic rabbinical minds in faithful interpretation of the dictates of their Dracula-God, for the application of exploitation and suppression of non-Jews. Then one can understand the terror with which they saw the Hitlerist National Socialist miracle, and the application of the recommendations of Gottfried Feder for the breaking of the slavery of money interest. An entire millennial plan was about to be destroyed forever, because Hitler refused to pay the usurious interest on imposed debts and because Gottfried Feder advised the “Gordian” solution to end the payment of interests on interest for a debt without end, where the capital initially borrowed could never be cancelled: the declaration of bankruptcy by the State debtor; because bankruptcy is not bad for a nation on the brink. And because a State or country cannot be put in prison like an individual. And because Hitler returned to the sources of Aryan economics, human and divine (even the Gods traded accordingly), without usury, in which money would return to what it was before: a symbol of exchange and labour, representing the production and effort of man. Boss gold is replaced by Boss work, thereby returning to the barter of goods where currency only facilitates barter and only values what labour adds to economic goods. Usurious interest is abolished.
This is a site for weebs. Always has been. Go to reddit if you hate anime so much.
Rent free kike
People actually believe this?
Nowadays? People who feel disregarded and rejected by society and want a place to belong.
This was so great and so simple that life was about to undergo a transcendental reversal. A transmutation of all values. And National Socialist Germany in a very short time (Oh, so brief!), came to be as close to paradise as men had ever known in this world and these times.
Now if Feder knew that a country could not go to jail for implementing his doctrines, he perhaps did not believe a universal war would be declared against it. His detractors did indeed believe exactly that, at a time when “the practical possibility of such a war’s realisation would be doubted.” Because the detractors went on to declare war and defeat a country materially. Hitler knew he had triumphed in a definitive way and for every time past and to come. Because already no one will be able to forget that National Socialism is the only system in the entirety of the known history of man that has risen against the bondage of money slavery, replacing Boss Gold with Boss Labour, thus realising a national socialism, not Jewish, not Judaic and enslaving, thereby terminating international and imperialist capitalism alike. A regimen of labour for workers on Earth, beyond classes and the exploitation of man by man.
His imposition and triumph have meant, by contagion and visible success, the disappearance of the parasite, the intermediary, that Anti-Race, scourge of the working humanity of this earth: the International Jew. Without the breeding ground of money interest, with loans and usury, the Jew would have been extirpated from this world, entirely alone, without need for malicious stories about “gas chambers” or “crematoria”. The wasp would have been deprived of its sting, the viper of its venom.
Read the 25 points of National Socialism and come back.
also race refers to ethinic group, and race (ethnic group) has the connotation of biology and nature as the determiners of that race's traits.
To understand in depth and extent what the socioeconomic system of National Socialism was able to achieve, even in the transformation of Aryan Germanic banking, it would suffice to glimpse the publications made by the “Deutschen Ueberseeischen Bank” in the year 1936, in Berlin. Banks without usury, without a fixed dollar monetary system, made to serve the producer, the worker, so that each can take care of himself by himself and by his own work, or the work of the workers, employees and managers. How different from the banks serving the Social Market System, the Jewish monetarism of a Milton Friedman and his “Chicago Boys”, that risible thing, that joke “popular capitalism”.
Therefore we say Hitler won the war, even losing it, because the world knows what he did. The new generations already know it, despite everything that has been done to keep them ignorant. Faced with the inevitable failure of the two systems the Jew controls, bourgeois capitalism and communist Marxism, National Socialism (Socialism that is National) alone shines like the sun, Boss Work against Boss Money, whether this be metal, paper, plastic or electronic. And so that humanity not see this sun and love it, the Jew has invented all those crimes and genocides of Nazism, trying to divert the view of those who want to face the sun. They succeeded, but only for a short time until the youth awoke and tired of the repeated and blatant gross lie. A situation already in process of irreversibly fulfilling itself. Because in the world of symbols and miracles that belongs to Hitler, Destiny moves a golden pendulum already coming back. And we deliver the triumph.