Republicans reject coronavirus bill that would have provided paid sick leave and free testing

>Republicans on Thursday said they would not support a House bill designed to counter the economic fallout of the coronavirus, putting the future of the outbreak response bill in jeopardy hours before Congress was scheduled to leave for a weeklong recess.

>Democrats released around midnight on Wednesday the text of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which would provide free testing for the respiratory illness COVID-19 and expand paid sick leave. It also sought to increase safety-net measures during the outbreak, including through increased food stamps and unemployment benefits.

>On Thursday afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said lawmakers would cancel the recess and remain in session to negotiate the bill.

>The bill was meant to build on an $8 billion coronavirus response package, which was approved with overwhelming bipartisan support within a matter of days last week. But the second package has drawn sharp opposition from key Republicans, with House House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy deriding various aspects of the paid sick leave mandate and other stipulations.

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Look bud, this is honestly a nothingburger flu being drummed up by fake news videos on wechat/twitter and lonely happeningfag neets. You'd have to be a retard to not spot that.

Let's look at this objectively without emotionally manipulated manchildren screeching about muh 10%+ death rates, muh bioweapon leak, muh elite depopulation conspiracy, muh ccp shill coverup, muh so2 from burning bodies and otherwise retarded shill narratives.

>b-but muh mass quarantines in Italy and China!1!1! It's the beginning of exponential growth that there is no evidence for being possible to begin with!1!1!1!
>b-b-but muh 28 day incubation period, just wait 4 more weeks™ and we're all gonna be coughing up blood!1!1!1!1!

It's killed only 4600 people after several months. SARS, MERSA, MERS, H1N1 etc etc were more deadly and viral. The common cold literally kills more people every year than this "pandemic."

China has it under control. Italy has it under control as does every other government around the world. By April, this coronavirus outbreak will be nothing more than a meme, and the world economy will keep going as usual.

Happening canceled

>no paid leave


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What else was in it?

>paid sick leave and free testing

the kosher sandwich at work

>the elderly dying off
>housing prices crashing
>immigration bans

Suddenly the average working man can afford a house?!

>wages increase
>more white babies being born


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It would have provided all kinds of crazy things, the Democrats tacked on like 600 riders.

Sorry kids, try again. This time no riders or it gets rejected again. But you already knew this, didn't you, OP? You knew this bill was just being loaded up with liberal pork.

Nancy literally said we have to pass it to see what's in it.

The proposal had employers paying for sick leave. It was rejected because the GOP wants the federal government to foot the bill. Not a bad thing.

Shitloads of welfare

Who cares money is fake, them trying to slow this down or eliminate it is fake af, and them giving two shits about your grandparents dying of this laughable.

Dems trying to give shit to illegals and niggers.

What else would you expect

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y-yes sir *coof*

is it my imagination or is this just the USSR with extra steps?



>paid leave
Paid by whom? What do you do for work?

Agreed, no reason to delay your cruise to China. Make sure to take plenty of pictures of Beijing.

All of that would be paid for by BUSINESSES, including SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS.
Republicans said If DC wants this then DC can pay for it.
Dems were trying to push costs onto the people instead of having the government pay for it all.
Actually read what you are posting you demented faggot

and as usual, democrats stuck a bunch of shit in there so that it would either not pass and they bitch, or they get all kinds of unrelated gibs to hand out

And what else would it have provided? Food stamps for immigrants? Open borders? Mo money fo Dem programz? Anything about small businesses? Show us the full bill

The Senate Republicans voted against it because the Democrats wanted businesses to pay that cost, while the Republicans wanted the government to cover it.

>Senate Republicans have blocked an emergency paid sick leave bill aimed at helping deal with complications stemming from the coronavirus outbreak, arguing that the federal government should foot the bill — not employers — for the measure that Democrats claim is a public health imperative.

What else did Dems attach to it?

So what else was in there

Gibs for nigs and spics

fucking mirror dimension

UBI making a lot of sense right now

i think you mean 4600000 you fucking CCP trusting retarded faggot

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I really hate the GOP. How the fuck are people suppose to buy food if businesses are closed down from a quarantine you goddamned idiots?

Dems wanted to sneak in travel ban restrictions.

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Hmm.. what else was being earmarked in it?

There it is! Lying faggot always lie. Can we just ban Jews from journalism?

Damn. These motherfuckers are straight up evil. Amazing that working class whites think they're on their side.


The president shouldn't have the sole authority over travel bans. Especially not an idiot like Trump. Look at how much he's tucked the economy since last night. What's wrong with getting them approved through congress (as it should work when you're not living in a dictatorship)

>the president stopped travel from europe
>except the UK
It sure is feeling very ANGLOSPHERE in here, lads!

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UK is the only European country brown enough to enter the USA

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Law requires that certain grocery stores per locale stay open in case of emergencies, IDIOT

you're an actual retard, people already think trump dragged his feet responding to this, imagine how much slower it would be if he had to go through congress when they've been very actively trying to make him look as bad as possible
kill yourself with a nice wuhan flu

Fucking this.
Goddamn it.

Imagine being poor and voting republican? Lol

> Look at how much he's tucked the economy since last night.

I don't give a fuck about the stocks of travel companies they don't make me rich I care about my family

Fuck stocks

This is why you cunts are even more fucked than most of the world, your faggot government can't even agree what to do, meanwhile shart in mart citizens have to go to work and continue the spread because muh paid leave is gommunism and are shit scared of getting slapped with a gigganigga bill for getting tested or seeking medical care because anything else is gommunism.

Use your savings. Oh, are you another entitled millennial who has $50 to your name? Use this pandemic as a life lesson in responsibility then. Nobody else has to pay for your shit.


based to reject it

didn't blumpf just give CDC 800million additionally to the extra 500million he already added?

he's giving reduced small business loans and reduced taxes..

Niggers will never be happy till 100% of our tax dollars are wasted

What was I expecting of a honorary boomer?
Good thing all your support base is going to die wit hthe virus.

Not one single fucking measure designed to take advantage of very low mortality for young people and designed to protect specifically old people, just shitloads of welfare

I will clarify. If businesses are closed and not paying employees, where the fuck do they get the funds to pay for food at a grocery store?

Tens of millions of boomers will die from this. That will be a nice life lesson for them.

classic gop

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>small business loans
Stick those loans up Trump's faggot ass. How about actual financial relief? Not kike loans.


From the people buying the groceries.
This is not complicated, user.

Back to work wagie. Survival is for NEETs only.

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>democrats stuff it with pork spending for abortions and other stupid shit

>Amerishart reading comprehension

It would be funny if the Wagies turn on the Republican Party machine while the NEET sits back and laughs.

What political poison pill did the retarded democrats try to slip in?

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If non-grocery businesses are closed and not paying employees, where do those same employees get the money to spend at a grocery store? Imagine this on a massive scale during an extended time period. Do you understand yet?

What was hidden in the fine print of the bill that isn't a talking point?

>have a massive kike nepotistic network
>exploit goyim

Not tens of millions you fucking retard.

Socialism for me, capitalism for thee.

Oil and airline companies are getting welfare! :)

>where do those same employees get the money to spend at a grocery store?
Why does anybody need money anyway, it's all going to be free once they pass this into law.

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And the sheep will vote for it again while saying they hate socialism.

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>democrats stuff it with pork spending for abortions and other stupid shit
Oh no!
Go look at how demographics would be in the US without abortion.
Abortion is eugenics.

>The evil republicans
yes, they rejected it.
The mistake you're making is thinking the republican party is not evil.