A mere fluelike virus tanks the world economy

>A mere fluelike virus tanks the world economy

How does this happen ?

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On purpose, according to plan.

It's a bioweapon idiot

It's much more lethal than the flu + no vaccine


people realised it was made in a lab and started flipping out. It's no more harmful than say smallpox or herpes.

Because coffee is bad for you

why do white women keep doing this? i cant hold my coom for longer than 6 hours wtf man.

It’s somewhat more virulent than most flu types and has to potential to overstrain care systems. It’s something to take seriously but not panic over.

>nu-Yas Forums singing the praises of (((vaccines)))
You election tourists are fucking retarded.

Because aging boomers are the only ones at risk and they have most of the wealth in this world

There's no vaccine for strep throat either.

well.... not anymore.... since it was discovered to be totally ineffective over the 24-year history of sales it reduced infection rates by precisely 0

Media-induced hysteria.

Damn look at that bitch

>mfw I will never experience a QT like this rip hot pungent farts straight into my nostrils

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Trump is up for re-election, thats why. Pump some gas onto some streets in Chyna, panic the gaijin, get Biden elected.

i'll give you a hint, it rhymes with joos

most based answer

>I-it’s just the flu

House of cards, shaky foundation.
People have been warning for years about the sustainability, but people just ignored them.

Based. Just trying to trick you. Don't get vaccines and don't give them to your children either. It's literally a Jewish plot.

Irrational economic actors

They barely have a functioning septic system user

You could always hire a hooker, you fucking loser.

people's hygiene standards went down, the pacifist movment was trying to kill society by reducing honour and standards, in order to destroy martial virtue

but of course life finds a way, even one as underhanded as this

Yeah, weird. It's almost like the economy is set to tank, and they need a plausible excuse.

The Creature From Jekyll Island.

Read it, then quit being a faggot. Actually, stop being a faggot first, but then definitely read the book.

The real answer

I think it actually is. I get sick every single time I have coffee. Not other forms of caffeine though.

Autopsies on the dead victims show massive trauma to the lungs from the virus.

This is all media hype, H1-N1 was way worse and nothing drastic was done, hundreds of thousands were dead and millions infected before any real action was taken.

Hopefully once this is all blow over people will look back a realize a media with severe TDS nearly fucked the world, and drag them for it.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? I see this creepy shit all the time on a supposedly 'far-right' board.

Fuck off faggot, learn to spell or go back to fuckin' reddit with that bullshit, you fuckin' retard. Fuck you.

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sauce is veradijkmans

Yes but I don't want to be the one who kill my parents. Don't want to infect my boomer mom with the "mother killer flu". I avoid going seeing them.

probably because its a plan to implement the global state security apparatus under the guise of an uncontrollable pandemic and economic disaster.

At this point I think it's the media over hyping it to just fuck over Trump.

Panic is never the right response, even when its the appropriate response.

I work in the concert/touring business and right now we're completely fucked. Everything is getting cancelled or postponed and everyone is out of work. This is the busiest season of the year for concerts and it's gonna bankrupt everyone.

crossposters from Yas Forums, not true Yas Forumsiticians

Economics is just the management of production and consumption for a society. The Market is a decentralized management system.

We have traded robustness for efficiency, and we have equivocated efficiency of production for efficiency of exploitation and corruption.

The economic failure is not a question of COVID-19, but of an economic system that rewards the bad management of an overextended, and fragile supply chain and consumption demand. .

Real countries started to take it seriously and are actually shutting down shit which scared investors.
Let's it crash and burn.


Everything is surviving on thin margins, everything’s desperately trying to compete

There’s no room for any big catastrophic changes because no one cares about the long term future of society overall

i want to suck her dick

>Spend 50 years increasingly outsourcing manufacturing, tech, medicine, materials and services to China
>China cranks out yet ANOTHER fucked up animal to human virus pandemic
>Production halts
>Rest of the world is fucked until the start the machines back up and wonders why
Its time to make things in our own countries again

This but unironically. By all means please get your vaccine, you worthless MAGApede.

fragile economy, new virus so no immune defense, so free exponential pandemic and unprepared health care system, even though viral pandemics are a known possible threat. but ventilators are expensive i guess. back to fragile economy.

It's all bullshit lads. (((they))) don't want whites to congregate in large numbers and want to price gouge you with (((masks))) and (((hand sanitizers))). This shit makes you softer and weaker over time.

>being a sodomite
hell is destructive !

What is she signaling here?

Relying on Chinese slave labor has it's pitfalls

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Gee what gave that away? Was it the fact that when he tries to travel ban China weeks ago and they said it was raycist? No? How about the fact they ALL were saying it was JUST A FLU until Trump went on TV and said the same thing

because globalism means everyone is tied to everyone else so some retarded chink eating bat soup every night means I can't buy any fucking toilet paper and the dollar might crash

seething cultist

Its a meme you dip.

Aryan immune systems don't need j*wish drugs.

Everything is a meme.

Built for big alien tentacles

Cuz we were holding on by a thread already. We just pretended otherwise.

sculpted for southern specimen

The flue doesn't close countrys retard

Jew media whipping people into a frenzy.
A few more people will die then by April it'll have run its course and a fuckton of idiots will have 600 rolls of asswipe

Apparently the world is full of cowards

chicks with dicks make my pp hard

What was the name of the vaccine?

Severe cases need to stay in hospital for much longer than usual pneumonia (8-9 days against 3-4 days), plus no vaccine. Most countries are not prepared for all this bedridden unconscious patients


You can bing that yourself

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China causing the biggest lockdown in world history spooked rich people.

Boomer world. Boomers got scared.

All of that, the backpedaling, goal-post moving is always a sign. They'd rather watch the world burn just to make Trump look bad and responsible. Nothing he says satisfies them.