I need a break from all this mess. what are the most based & high IQ newer shows
High IQ shows
Other urls found in this thread:
>hi iq
call 555-get-a-grip
wow you're a dumbass
some of the greatest works in human history have been works of fiction
>watching television
>"high IQ"
The state of Yas Forums in 2020.
>"What should someone who has a high IQ watch which will put their brain to sleep?"
Might as well ask what strain of pot increases your motivation, nigger.
i said i wanted a distraction from this day faggot
"Better call saul" is really good in my opinion.
New season just released
the wire was head above these show in terms of high iq
ty based user, the rest of these faggots act like they watch no tv shows, lmao these fake fucks
Vince Gilligan: 135 IQ likely
I couldn't make it past the 4th or 5th season, whichever one where nothing happens the whole time, I tired but it was so fucking boring.
I've never seen it although loved the sopranos and have heard so much about it.
does it hold up with time or has it aged a lot?
only 2d
came to post this.
with every view/click you are promoting (((their))) degenerate culture of consoomerism and idolisation
The Leftovers
Twin Peaks
The Sopranos
You're better off with movies desu.
Try "Primer."
Black Mirror is perfect for based doomers
ok so you only use the internet then?
0 movies ever, 0 tv shows ever....yeah calling bullshit LMAO
First couple of seasons are really good at least, seems like it peaks on those though.
based. you talking about the new twin peaks right?
also heard mindhunter is dope, fincher (fight club) directed the first few episodes I believe
seen it. based.
will check out thanks
Can I get recommendations of happy and comedic bluepilled shows? I'm tired of being angry (Jewish ones without overt anti-white or feminist promoting will also do)
Please do the needful
Thanks in advance,
normie faggots that don't only watch anime have invaded Yas Forums
silicon valley is pretty funny if you're looking for that sort of thing, mindless but funny
>0 movies ever, 0 tv shows ever....yeah calling bullshit LMAO
>retarded MAGApede cannot even imagine someone not watching (((television)))
haha that's this guy :
This is what I've been trying to tell you all along. YOU STAY WITH YOUR OWN PEOPLE.
yeah, you're right. it's much better to just stare at a screen much closer on the computer all day
Lol, what a fag.
Thanks I'll check it out
Battlestar Galactica
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Not gonna lie. Breaking Bad is fucking good. However, try watching the spinoff Better Call Saul. It's as good as BB. Set around five years before BB, you follow the events that created Saul Goodman. You will encounter familiar characters, Tuco, Mike, Crazy 8, Gus, Hank, Steve, and meet a few new ones.
I so fucking thoroughly despised Skylar White. As much as I hated Skylar, Saul's on and off again love interest in BCS, Kim Wexler, you will like. She's perfect. And a hottie. The way she is written is the exact opposite of Skylar. BCS also has snippets of what the future is like for Saul post BB, so you get a little of that too. It's an excellent show.
Jericho. Old and had a short run but completely based. Hence why the short run.
Anime only! No Jewish influence! Start by getting though these:
All those shows are normie tier mainstream shit done in a somber style so they can larp as patricians. They're all crap. Either read a book or look or search for (preferably) nom Hollywood films pre 1999.
Literal sub-80IQ can't understand that not everyone is a mindless consoomer drone like himself. Lmao
watched like 5 episodes of first season and just couldn't get into it. it lacked everything i loved about Breaking Bad, the gritty, raw, dark, crime element, and the feeling anything could happen.
and it was too semi-funny, I couldn't take it seriously.
Not necessarily high IQ, but in terms of entertainment
>Peaky Blinders
>Narcos Mexico
same with the original (Colombia) if you can deal with subtitles
only watched the second season, can't speak for the first
The Prisoner
Horatio Hornblower
I Claudius
Some Trek
Babylon 5
Drive to Survive
What? No. Funny, but nowhere near high IQ.
Better Call Saul isn't too bad for beig a kikeflix original
mine is over 145 but I'm not a self-righteous elitist prick like you are. your response was an ignominious failure
Evangelion and Berserk are the ONLY acceptable Japanese media. Oh- also Yukio Mishima novels
Fist of the North Star
o be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Trailer Park Boys, need 150+ IQ to understand.
>Asks for high Iq shows
>Finds The Wire boring
im watching “the morning show” very well made and it takes your mind of this catastrophe
There is only one show you need to see at this moment user. Thats Channel 4's Utopia. It doesn't get any more kino than that in 2020 for a show made in 2013.
Twin peaks for sure
The EPIX version of the War of the Worlds is very comfy.
Utopia is high IQ show fitting the current corona predicament
Based and they don't follow the ((agenda)).
I enjoyed criminal minds, good physco-analyzing
Agatha Cristies' Hercule poirot series, i reccomend the episodes death on the nile, the christmas episode, and peril at end house.
Gotta keep watching. Not gonna spoil it, but the show does get pretty dark at times. Ol' Mike is in a very, very bad place right now. You think he was working the quiet job as a ticket puncher for fun? And, when you find out exactly what is keeping Jimmy from progressing in his job? BCS is a bit lighter than BB, but in the current season you can see the cliff ahead. Oh, forgot, Saul meets his foul secretary and Huell in this show and employs them. Good fun.
>high iq
>meme world
>breaking meme
>mr robot
You got one right at least
watch fargo
Interspecies Reviewers
the wire is boring
no, the wire aged terribly. it was made by a jewish journalist. that's all you need to know
>Start by getting though these:
interspecies reviewer?
>I deprive myself of many forms of fun because fun is anti-intellectual.
Nice worldview zig hell
Season 1 is unmatched kino. The soundtrack and RB shooting up the school made it peak tv.
Deep Space 9.
Good themes. Lots of gray areas between the good guys and bad guys. Species stereotyping was also totally normal and acceptable.
If you can't laugh you're not high IQ. Hell, if you can watch western media then you're not high IQ. Also recommending for starters:
Kim is a hot as fuck MILF with just the right amount of clean and corruptibility. I always love her indignation at Saul's antics, and the grudging way she gives in to his schemes occasionally and then enjoys herself.
maybe have a high IQ first lol. pleb. go back to breaking bad and muh robo-man. i'm not about to waste a bunch of kino reccs on a simp. gj outting yourself saves me the trouble lol.
All those shows suck.
DARK is pretty fucking great and probably incomprehensible to brainlets.
It's very good, you should watch if you haven't.
Also THE STAND is on YouTube.
It will make living in a plague seem kinda fun.
no it wasn't. breaking bad jumped the shark when with the whole butterfly effect bullshit at the end of the second season. by the time gustavo came about the show was capeshit
Try The Young Pope. The opening episode is bait to attract anti-theists though.
You should be reading and not watching TV though. Or at least doing puzzle/strategy games.
That show went full on muh stronk wahmens in season 2, killing any interesting plot threads they had set up in favor of feminist bs
>thinking any TV is for high IQ individuals
You're retarded OP.
I think it is a TBS show. Maybe it is rebroadcast on netflix.
I also love the pointless and devastating ending, it's such a great fuck you to everyone in that movie (as in the entities/organizations/people depicted)
>Also we have to think about the environment, I don't want to sound like a twat, but we all got responsibility.
Black mirror is eurotrash twilight zone/outer limits ripoff that tries to tell woke stories about technology and dystopia. It’s viewers are about as big-brain and teenagers reading the communist manifesto.
OP is fucking underage.
>consuming anything near kikeflix
the second season is also pretty great, imho better but eh
also check out Loro by the same person
Those are all jewed beyond belief. Read a book, faggot. Go outside and do something practical. Use your hands to make something.
True Detective and Mr. Robot are about as low IQ as it gets. Read books user.
AMC show
Fuckin hot legs on her
Westworld lol. Low IQ NPC show
Can recommend.
Who is the most based character in the show? I think it’s Werner Ziegler. He’s like the Gale of the show.
Seen it. Dark is very good. One has to watch it in German audio though, and not dubbed. the acting is fantastic
Read a book
Rick & Morty is based.
heard first few seasons are good, maybe I'll get around to it.
westworld is actually about the npc meme and waking up
For me it's Cube
I read about 2-4 hours per day, depending on schedule
Thats some next level Corona shit. HBO is making a remake for the US. Pretty sure they'll screw it up.
No shows are high iq because they distract you. I admit that i still play lots of vidya because im depressed but yeah, if you wanna do something with your life quit watching shows and play vidja
One show i reccomend is kidding. It's different. It makes me feel human again. Some of the subject matter is quite deep. Highly recommend.
The fact you describe any TV shows as high iq shows you actually have a low iq. TV shows are made to appeal to the common denominator (dumb people) you sitting there all smug thinking something like
>mmm, I'm so smart cause I understand the extremely basic and easy to follow plots of these shows.
Shows us all that you are actually retarded.
I was completely unaware there were superheroes in BB. You sure about that? I mean, Walter was written to be a fucking genius, but I would not put him at Banner level, or Luthor, or even Mysterio. He was just smart and eventually, ruthless.
And, shit on it if you want, I thought the whole Jane death due to Walter inaction causing the later plane crash was pretty kino. No one knew where Jane's dad worked until a few minutes before the incident. We're talking Vince fucking "I want to believe" X Files Gilligan. Stretching believability to impossibility is his specialty.
>tv shows
>high iq
read a book you lazy nigger