Well Yas Forums? Based black man, if you ask me

Well Yas Forums? Based black man, if you ask me.

Attached: woke tweet.jpg (750x649, 67.96K)

>Can we just fuck everything up completely for 8 years and let disparate groups with different interests tear apart everything so I can get my gibs and then afterwards there will be nothing left and I will probably be dead because I am a dumb nigger and will not survive the riots

>lol can we just IDK try expanding the size, scope, reach and authority of the federal government 20 fold and then if we don't like the outcome just, ya know, ask them to give up their own power and authority?

Why don't they section off the west coast states and let the people with left wing views live amongst each other?
The rest would then build a wall to keep them out.

Yeah that's worked real well in every single instance niggers have implemented it.

Oh wait no. Every single time it resulted in an absolute shithole overflowing with feral niggers, violence, rape and general niggrishness.

Attached: oveyMDq_d(2).jpg (555x584, 48.55K)

Only if we can try National socialism as soon as it fails.

OK Groomer

You do realize us west coasters want that, right? We want no more part of this retarded country

OK Groomer

a black man who is smarter than racist rightwing nazi incels

>Well Yas Forums? Based black man, if you ask me.

>namefag tries again

>Let's just try socialism guise!


Attached: TrySocialism.jpg (4160x3120, 1.84M)

He is a retard, Belgium had "democratic socialism" for years, it doesn't fucking work.


oh no poor belgium, truly a hell on earth

Who cares what some random nigger says

You'll get kiked to death
See how it went for Sweden

we wouldn't last 8 months on socialism before going full venzuela, dumb nigger

>can we just try removing your organs and making you dependent on life support for 8 years and see how it works out, and if you don't like it we'll see if there's a way to reverse it? What's the big deal?

I'd try Democratic whatever, hipster, commie, faggot shit they want if it includes removing all "minorities" for that same time period.


>destroying the planet
We've unquestionably made the planet a much better place since the 70s. Air quality is better, water is cleaner, more trees are planted every year, the ozone layer is coming back, cars are cleaner and more fuel efficient, housing is more sustainable, farming is more environmentally friendly, industry is producing fewer emissions, coal use has significantly decreased, I can go on and on. Fuck this fear-mongering bullshit

your companies that wouldve collapsed long ago survive only cuz of socialism

>Supports the establishment
God Twitter "activists" are hilarious. Notice how their "AntiEstablishment" act goes away when the establishment attacks Trump. Bernie bros are nothing more than liberal sjw corporate bootlickers and I'm enjoying watching them suffer everyday

Attached: EstablismentBoot.jpg (584x559, 220.47K)

both cancer

Can we just go back to slavery so I don't have to see some niggers temper tantrum over being a lazy fucking nigger?

do you want to be the slave or the one that pays for the slaves room and board?

why dont we try removing all niggers first and if that doesnt work you could have 20 years if it was up to me

ironic how how minorities cry for implementing socialism the most but theyre the exact thing deterring us from doing it

Woman and niggers are NOT keeping the right to vote after the war.

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"Can we just"

Can you just leave the US, the one kinda-free country left in this world, THE FUCK ALONE?

You can try out all your bullshit faggotry ANYWHERE ELSE - gun control, (((Progressive))) taxes, (((universal))) WHATEVER THE FUCK, GTFO and TRY IT THERE instead of HERE.

After all, we're so racist compared to everywhere else, they should welcome visitors and immigrants with open arms, so just fucking GTFO

>it's a retard wants to completely undo society just because they dont want to work for a living thread

Can we just try it for 8 years? If it doesn’t work, we can just go back


Oh, it will work out just fine for the (((chosen))) people, and anything that doesn't work will be Trump's fault or whatever.



You fucks would be lining up to jump the border a week after we cut you off.

Why doesn't Britain just section off their country from the rest of the EU?
Coronavirus is going to kill the Boomers and then we'll be able to have sensible healthcare.


I'm not coddling his low-IQ ramblings, those are the thoughts of a child.


>Beg for more establishment
>I'm a nigger
>want gibs

(((37kAKGte))) 1PBTID

how is a nigger wanting free shit, new or based? nevermind its a shit thread from a tripfag

Attached: explosaoOleodutoNigeria.jpg (800x535, 142.64K)

>Anti establishment
>Shilling for a massive establishment

Attached: 1583165696677.jpg (828x1024, 120.59K)

How the fuck would you know what that means when you're just some fucking leftist from social media!?

Attached: NO NORMIES ALLOWED.jpg (468x494, 197.81K)

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CAn op answer that nigger NO for me pls

national socialism is at the bottom

Why not just start your own country

Ah, SeaFag, why haven't you killed yourself yet after (((Bernie)))'s loss?

Attached: Biden drive-by hydraulics.gif (800x600, 1.7M)

>can we just try something that fails
>don't worry we will just go back to destroying the world as usual

Even this person understands that it takes economic ruin to make it a good idea.



Can we just kill all niggers and if that doesn't work out we can go to business as usual?

The Soviets literally drained an entire fucking Sea for national profit and pumping up their grain numbers. No single action has ever come close to them turning a vast natural wealth of wildlife, water, and fishing into a barred saline desert littered with rusting hulks.

Meanwhile, in the same timespan, capitalist nations cleaned up the Great Lakes (which were so chemically polluted from the industrial revolution they used to regullarly catch fire.)

Attached: extent-Aral-Sea-lake-world-projects-shrinkage-1960.jpg (700x402, 40.99K)

Can you provide a source on that graph. I'd like to use it to make a point about how much money has been spent since "muh colonialism" trying to fix Africa.

>Liberia: 771%

Attached: sheeit nigger.jpg (1016x766, 147.45K)

what part of it makes it inherently socialist and makes it where the people cannot vote to change/remove the socialist aspect of the government? In other words to maintain it socialist definition liberty and rights will be taken away, so by what means is it still a democracy especially when anything counter to socialist theory cannot be voted for?

>anti establishment

Figures this idiot thinks that if you just destroy everything you can instantly go right back to where you started

As long as we can wall it off sounds good to me

No. We've been trying your crazy post-Enlightenment social experiments one after another for centuries. Enough is enough. Time to go back to what works.

When will they realize that they can do this right now in the town they live in? Hell, get aspirational and try it in an entire state. We will watch from the sidelines. If it works, great. If it doesn't, well...nice try faggots.

niggers cant even act civilized for 8 months

I'd rather all human life on earth end than democratic socialism.

Isn't that what we have in every country?

Enjoy your tariffs and lack of water when we dam up and redirect the rivers.

No. You already have gibsmedat, and your cousin from the jungle is getting free trips to join you in gibsmedat.
Fuck you.