Why should anyone ever be a Libertarian?

Why should anyone ever be a Libertarian?

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Libertarians are rich kids who dont wanna share


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Shut the fuck up you International Nomadic Jew.

Someone who hates roads obviously

Forcing people to "share" is called "robbery."

A more important consideration is that Libertarians think everyone else is a squeamish sperg like them, dedicated to the principle of maximum autonomy and freedom. One of the consequences of this is--well, imagine a room full of Libertarians pointing at an open door, saying "In that room are the controls for society and whoever goes in there can rule as a dictator and enslave everyone else, but no one would ever do that because it would violate the NAP and we're all very principled--" and before they can even finish the sentence some filthy little Jew banker has run into the room and nailed the door shut from inside, and begun pulling levers and pressing buttons.

Libertarians do not think borders, language, culture, blood and soil matter nearly as much as getting their thirty silver shekels right here, right now, regardless if they have to turn the country into Brazil in order to do it. Libertarians object to the State because it is an obstacle between them and importing Third World child labor to work in their factories for pennies a day and dumping the resulting toxic waste, both societal and chemical, on the ground in the parking lot.

I do not object to the existence of wealthy men. I object to wealthy men who lack proper patriotism.

why is it my responsibility to make sure some fat ass who is literally so pathetic he can't stop eating mcdonalds has healthcare?

Why should I pay for a lifelong smokers chemo? Either everyone makes their own choices and they sink or swim on their own, or we are all tethered together and we deserve to have influence on everyone's decisions because the monetary burden is shared by all. I'd rather pick the option that maximizes personal freedom AND personal responsibility.

Its a weird and unsustainable ideology and would only be able to exist with a very strong but strangely distant and benevolent government. Ancaps are much worse though and are straight up retarded. Any ideology that doesn't take humans being humans into account is doomed to fail.

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Completely wrong
Most Libertarians are just average people who have a job and dont wanna pay taxes
In fact most statists are people that are wealthy and want to suck taxes out of the lower classes

>Why should anyone ever be a Libertarian?

When you're starving to death, you'll wish you were one.

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But I'd be starving in a Libertarian society.

>But I'd be starving in a Libertarian society.

Only because you're a parasite.

Libertarianism is for White People who are smart enough to take care of themselves. Asians like you need to be told what to do by the Government, because you have no internal dialogue and are therefore a robotic slave.

Not if you had White friends.

And that right there is why no one will ever want to live in a Libertarian society. Those who mean no harm and just want a happy life are told to fuck off if they want help to put food on the table.

When i was about 15, I was a libertard for like a month. Then an unironic AnCap for like a week. Then I realized how retarded they both are and was deeply ashamed of myself.

stop lying commie

The freer the market the freer the people

Not always true but true on average

>And that right there is why no one will ever want to live in a Libertarian society.

give one example where it isn't true

>And that right there is why no one will ever want to live in a Libertarian society. Those who mean no harm and just want a happy life are told to fuck off if they want help to put food on the table.

>libertarianism is literally based on not harming others

Be productive and be happy. Try to leech off of others and suffer. The only reason why you think it doesn't work is that you're a tick or a flea or some other blood sucker that is only happy when others suffer.

Good luck leeching off of a bunch of poorfags that can't afford to feed themselves.

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Nope. Could tell you how many times I'd browse libertard blogs and download images. I remember having an AnCap flag with a dollar sign in it as my background on my computer in the computer lab.

The shame thing was a joke though. It's really only now that I look back and go "what was I thinking?"

so are you the muh taxes libertarian or the pedo libertarian?

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And why should it be any other way?

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Libertarianism comes from the Celtic and Germanic Peoples of Europe. For 3,000 years these people were recorded as a "Free" and often "Nomadic" horseback people. The spirit of independence is what is noted most frequently. This form of lifestyle requires a people of High Intelligence. The United States was founded on these core principles and methods of life.

Other worldly forms of Government are more focused on controlling Low Intelligence populations. We see this in Asia where 10,000,000 people live in a single house and eat their own shit.

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Libertarianism is a form of anti social disorder. What sane person would want to turn the clock back to before the Bronze Age?

Well it's mostly true but it can be manipulated
The only reason the west doesn't have 100% taxes is because it wouldnt be productive
Corporatists keep the taxes as high as possible but only as much as they can tax without decreasing productivity
That's the real menace to Freedom, commies at least openly tax the shit out of everyone but then collapse very quickly
These corporatists act like theyre free market while in reality still keeping taxes high and destroying Liberties

The (((Federal Reserve))) is like 90% kikes. They use it to bail-out kike institutions.

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The thing you're best at is trying to sell to the rest of the world that you're the best thing since the invention of cocaine and that's about it.

Trump isn't stopping illegals lol
Keep voting as your nation becomes minority native

He said give one example not go on some autistic tangent.

go back to Yas Forums, subhuman

irrelevant country cope

Better Trump than to support the libertarian position of no border control.

Ireland was completely Anarchist and no government for 100's of years while keeping a historically good standard of living if not better than most places at the time

>some filthy little Jew banker
So maybe we can be libertarians only if..

Keep fanning your own balls retard, maybe you'll convince some of this morons. It's a numbers game.

Except that's not our position
Try another strawman neocon

>Why should anyone ever be a Libertarian?
because socialism

I can just move to The United States.

Ok fine China dumbass
0% taxes for the rich and 100% taxes for the poor
Why don't you try r*ddit if you want some 10 IQ conversation faggot


It's the position of the libertarian party.

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Not even just that. It's just another Jewish created branch of (((capitalism))).

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>It's a numbers game.
Whoa, that was deep. Paco

You realize that the smartest white person would simply undermine the system and install a monarchy or some form of government in which he has the power right? Smart does not mean they have the same absolute dedication to the ideals you do and libertarians are intrinsically about their own interests and freedom to do as they wish.

There is a reason you don't see libertarian governments. Because inevitably someone organizes a group of people who kill all the lone wolves and then they utilize the power of the group to do even more.

2nd related pic.

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That was an example of low taxes for some people and No freedom
Youre a literal retard
Libertarians don't believe in voting or parties
youre another dumbass

They are autistic liberals.

Wtf I love central banks now.

>Libertarians don't believe in voting or parties
>youre another dumbass
Says who? Are you the authority on what constitutes libertarianism?

You're the one projecting your need to be deep and sound interesting.

Yes I'm the president of Libertarians worldwide ask me anything
STFU stupid faggot

(((interest))) is a violation of the NAP

>Libertarians don't believe in voting or parties youre another dumbass
So are you an authoritarian or dome shit

>45% income tax if you make $100k

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>Corporatists keep the taxes as high as possible but only as much as they can tax without decreasing productivity
Good point, I hadn't thought of that

Reichsbank or die.

>Smart does not mean they have the same absolute dedication to the ideals you do
Smart is having the intelligence to remain independent while still understanding you belong to the tribe. This "understanding" doesn't need to be "explained" on "paper" to retards like you, who have no internal monologue. White people have something called "internal monologues". If you're not White then you can never understand how we understand ourselves and the societies we build. We really have no interest in "helping" you understand our lives, or, our societies. You see, what you do not understand is that we're giving you a 'WARNING' not a invitation.

Whether or not you accept Libertarian "WARNINGS" really doesn't matter much. It is your own choice. Again, for 3,000 years of record history the Celtic and Germanic Peoples have been cataloged and recorded is this way. Do you honestly believe some 20-year-old clueless hapa nitwit is going to undo the DNA and biological behavior of the Celtic and Germanic Peoples. Uhhh.... OK. Sure....... lol? whatever retard.

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To be fair I’d say it’s the most “idealistic” ideology, but our world is far from ideal when Jews, Niggers, and Spics exist (and have an agenda against you).
On the other hand too, it’s the weakest ideology since the N.A.P is typically the malignant moral threshold for most libertarians. It makes them passive to demographic subversion and unification, and leaves most of them complacent to their coming destruction because they still have “muh N.A.P” or “muh Individual Liberties” or “muh Constitution”.
>t. Former Ancap

are you a pedo liberal or a tax raising pedo?

My fellow liberty bros, why doesnt Yas Forums read Hoppe? Are they afraid?

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