Another normie documentary about Yas Forums

And a message to pic related: OK retard we know you're on here right now, show yourself.

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Americans are completely cucked and demoralized. Every other race tha leeches off them laughs at them, so sad.

I'm the producer. Any questions?

The chad chink vs the virgin shut in

This is just pathetic. I've seen Yas Forumsizens more buff than this faggot small dicked chink.

were you lurking here just waiting for someone to make this thread lol? why did you cut JF's part so short?

Hitler is fun!

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I'm the ceo. Do YOU have any questions?

>You're not allowed to have the wrong opinion

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His accent interrupted the flow of the documentary. He will have a longer part in the full length 2 hour documentary


Oy vey, anudah Shoah

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death to america

>when exposed to an arena of completely free speech and thought, everyone becomes a Nazi
I really like the lesson your video is teaching here.

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Not even 4 minutes in and they've already scored countless points on my bingo chart. I have a clear picture of the brain storming for this shit...
>we need an incel
>we need somebody who is unemployed, lives with his parents, who is a loser
>show hacker Yas Forums

This was all propaganda to justify changing the youtube algorithms to pro-leftist bias?

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Why do you bully us so much?! Isn't that fascist?

We will redpill the world. No hate, just nationalistic love.

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>we know you're on here right now, show yourself
He really isn't, people like this that have nothing to lose get breadcrumbs and still accept being auditioned for shows like this. And if he really is, you bet he's on an NDA protected by kike weasel lawyers that will strong-arm him all the way to jail at the first opportunity. Never negotiate with terrorists.

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It really doesn't matter how they portray Yas Forums.

Yas Forums's gimmick is not its image, its that we have free speech and anonymity and that is what it has always been. So long as those tenants remain intact the media can paint Yas Forums however the fuck they want and people are not going to leave.

DLed for later watching, how muh ebil is!


I'm not invested in this. What these people do not realise is that those kind of attempted character assasinations do not work with the majority, it only reinforces the believe system of the left. It won't change minds of the "alt-right" or the normies, even worse, normies could become curious and enter the rabbit hole.

>even worse, normies could become curious and enter the rabbit hole
I don't see how this is a bad thing.

QRD on video?

Apart from the Asian Chad, what is it with every ones fucking nose?

>I'm the producer. Any questions?
I'm the architect and so's my wife, so you can fuck off"

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You fags aren't redpilling anyone and never have been

We need to come up with a plan to deal with all of these outcasts.

>10 seconds in
That's my post niggas!

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Well, worse from their point of view of course.
In the meantime I almost finished watching it and it is entertaining. I've even seen Chinese muslim camps linked to the "alt-right". Journalists being journalists.

>first guy
>24 years old
>claims to be a wizard
This shit is so full of disinformation it's laughable.

Wtf is this?

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Of course the Yas Forumsack they feature is latino.

Dude amazing video

Best comedy of the year

Were you expecting a white person?

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2012? Dude's a fucking newfag.
2006 here, get on my level.

I like how they filmed deliberatelymore than enough information to easily dox the guy.

so this hispanic mutt got triggered by the 56% memes and is now trying to expose the hacker Yas Forums to CBS
kinda pathetic to be honest

I honestly feel like 75% of American posters on Yas Forums are latino, black, or asian.

>unironically citing the ADL

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this website's gone fucking mad anyway do whatever you want
i miss just talking about anime

id fug the boomer mom desu

great, now they're portraying everyone as Yas Forumstards. im not even a poltard and so aren't many others on different boards. fuck you conservicucks

I'm the manager, how can I help you?

you'd be surprised
and all it took was doubt, and the few articulated arguments in the middle of countless shitposts

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Imagine Ben Shapiro watches this vid and pauses on this frame when the mutt is browsing Yas Forums

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A true normie is far too indoctrinated to get redpilled. That's why "outcasts" are drawn to national socialism, because they want some sort of belonging.


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are you counting "it's okay to be white" as white supremacist content in your 120% statistic?

Dude has a fucking hook nose. Likely kikey.

>all of those wojaks
>this rich ass motherfucker hunched over on his laptop
>"there are 34 cases- 34 matches of people saying the word nigger"
thank you, producer user. 5 Minutes in and this is the funniest shit I've seen in a long time.

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>Yas Forums just talking about anime
That was literally never. Go home retard

He's a spic. All American posters are.

one of those hands is a black hand

lol is this the thing the JF agreed to? and Nick refused? LMAO JF RETARDED EXTREMIST

The little evidence we have points to this very conclusion.

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Why would you produce the best propaganda the Alt-Right could ask for?

The only remedy here is to let the movement die in irrelevance, not repeatedly thrust it into the spotlight.

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Spic jew mutt. Also notice how they picked a retarded looser to feature in their docu.

Molymeme with the "scientific racism"

i admit the habbo raids are what drew me in since those were funny as fuck and i wanted to see what kind of shenanigans were going on here. but i realized the site wasn't just raids and provocative shit.
Yas Forums in 2007 is a very different creature to Yas Forums in 2020, just go on the fucking catalog and all you see is tits. i know Yas Forums has always been filled with perverts but that's a development only in the last couple of years, it unironically looks like the catalog of /e/.
while Yas Forums (and /jp/) have been mostly unaffected by the shit you fuckers do, 2016 was the beginning of a marked decline in post quality site-wide because the election drew in a bunch of retards that significantly brought down the quality of conversation (which was already diminishing, mind you).
hell i'm only in this thread because i was sent the link to it.
basically you don't know what you're talking about, cumbrain.

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Most people here are retarded losers. I would be surprised if more than 1% of the people here have Gf's.

I was dead laughing when he said he doesn't give a shit

Because they need enemies to justify their budgets and social status. There always needs to be a boogie man for them to go after, if they can't find one they'll make one.

how come it's just sweaty retards on documentaries like this, kek.
turbo autism and fuck optics tier.

I have a girl you leaf nigger


Did that biatch, openly just threat us, that she "monitoring" us and she will "intervene" if , according to her opinion, we become radicals?

Whats the name of that biatch?

Sure you do.

>dark eerie music plays
>names like lauren southern, PJW, Candace Ownes scroll bye
It's a comedy.

that interviewer is setting asian men forward 50 years. what a handsome lad.

Lmao whatever makes you sleep at night

Liberal thinktanks can't do shit here. Only the Alt-Right can police the Alt-Right.

This dude clearly is not white

I know this site.

Definition of extremist-
Anybody that doesn't want the entire country to turn into Detroit 2.0?

>2016 was the beginning of a marked decline
You're about 2 years too late on that one buckaroo buddy. The diaspora that came during gamergate left this place a wasteland. No one that had spent any real time here could stand staying. The people filtering in during 2015 and 2016 were just occupying those spaces left over.

! L O L !

What is that (((alt-right))) you glowies have been talking about recently?

>I think hes a nigger jew puppet

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You know what I mean FSB.

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Well idk maybe I'm just one of 1% you were talking about... Or maybe most people here are normal human beings with lifes and just a couple here are actually "losers"

>gamers and other hate groups

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To be fair, a lot of Yas Forumsacks do live similar lives to him. 20+ year old NEET virgins who live at home spending their days watching youtubers.
Not all of us are like that, but definitely a good portion.

"Looking back I think Obama was a Jewish puppet"
HAHAHA holy shit I don't actually think I can keep watching
I might have scared my neighbors with the fucking howling laughter I just let out.
This motherfucker is pure comedy gold, producer user.

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>goes to a random thread on Yas Forums
>34 matches of nigger
>image of black getting lynched
>"equality is a myth" right under image
you can't make this shit up lmao

wtf I hate hate groups now

You and I both know that isn't true. Why deny it? Trying to prove Yas Forums isn't full of losers is a losing battle.