Corona shit is hitting the fan literally everywhere in the world. EU - US Travel BANNED. Schools, shops and pools CLOSED. Stock market in free fall. But china strong, china in recovery, peak is over.
And everyone fucking believes them? Am I losing my fucking mind Yas Forums? Did the yellow people put something in their water supplies?
Why are the fucking chinks immune against this shit now?
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Unless you know some Chinese, don't bother "translating" Chinese numbers for the international audience. Those people are liars through and through.
The virus doesn't exist
>believing chinese numbers
Why would they lie, though? What's the point?
They stop counting new infections
I would understand it if only the chinese very saying "EVERYTHING FINE, NOTHING HERE"
But even independed third parties are claiming chinaman ain't lying.
They might be under stating the numbers but only a retard would believe they haven't radically reduced the spread
I don't get it. When the Chinese infection rates dropped I thought it would be over soon. Now Merkel speaks of 70% will be infected in Germany?
They are Chinese. It's just their culture to lie and cheat. They are Jews with slanty eyes.
>why would the communist central planners make up numbers
Why is wuhan still deserted?
That's the next fucking thing. China reaches its peak at under 100k people, but germany thinks we will get 50+ mil infected? How the fuck does that add up? Draconic measures my fucking asshole, big parts of china are still 3rd world level.
You cant beat Chinese supremacy.
Germans should know what Authoritarianism is capable of.
But instead, you chose degeneracy.
>CCP makes it illegal for local municipalities and provinces to report new cases
>Almost no new cases reported since
>Holy shit guise they're immune now!!!1!
Do you understand how viruses work? in china, by now, there are enough immune people that the virus can't spread freely under the current conditions. In the west, there aren't.
China already managed to contain it with martial law (not different than daily law for them desu)
They are even producing 100 million masks a day for export now.
This is a country with a population of 1,3 billion you retard. They dont even have 100k infections.
Tell that to Xi Jinping who actually went to Wuhan last day.
China made it.
Sure, you can dispute the number of deaths, but never the number of new infected. Xi would have never gone to the epicenter if it wasnt safe for him. If you think otherwise, you dont understand Communism.
Wuhan is still under lockdown. They released the lockdown for everywhere BUT Wuhan/Hubei.
I simply don't trust the numbers from China OR Korea.
nice try shill
that article is referring to taiwan, who have banned chinks
Well, you kind of do need a reason to lie. It doesn't make sense to just lie about all numbers. Would the Chinese lie about what day it is? About the boiling temperature of water? I don't think so. If we assume that the Chinese lie about the number of infected, I think it'd make sense to first come up with an explanation about why they'd bother to lie about it.
Then read it yourself. Taiwan can do jackshit and they have banned exports of masks and medical goods right from the start, like the selfish little shits they are.
They probably doctored their numbers HEAVILY, but it's also not unlikely they actually contained it. The welded people into their apartments and put entire megacities in quarantine ffs
Dunno, user. Why would they lie about the number of cases and deaths from a flu. Surely they haven't done that before.
Ever hear of "The Art of War" by legendary Chink Sun Tzu? It never occurred to you that this is the angle they could be taking to prevent companies from pulling out manufacturing or from being invaded while weak?
To try to calm down the panic. They have an economy too you know.
>The ccp might lie too:
make there people believe in the strength of the CCP
so people don't realize whats going on and panic.
keep the chinese stock market from completely imploding
keep the rest of the world buying chinese goods
maintain the "china strong" mythos they have been building
yeah its not like we are the european branch office of the american golem or anything
They are all dead look at the live feeds of china there is not 7 million china manz anywhere.
It looks to me like Korea isn’t lying, but rather had more cases than they could deal with and not enough tests. So they set strict criteria for a person to be tested.
Actions speak louder than words.
If China is facing a crisis, why are they relaxing the containment in a lot of provinces now and are even sending tons of medical goods, as well as veteran doctors to Italy and Iran to help.
Do you fucking low iq morons get your understanding of Authoritarianism from american super hero movies?
Ofc enabling draconic measure combined with very strong executive authority makes it more easy to contain the spread.
Unlike progressive liberal europe.
>Chinese infection rates dropped
They wanted to get people back to work and even put a law into place making it super fucking illegal to talk about or share information about the virus. The reason the hospitals are shutting down is because they just gave up on containing it and sent people home so they could head back to work.
How the fuck do people keep forgetting this?
>This man in a mask at a location that could be Wuhan or a mockup and may or may not be Xi or a close enough look alike that doctoring photos is easier
Because they care far more about global perception of China than they about the actual Chinese. The CCP would gladly let 100,000 Chinese die if it meant a slight propaganda boost for the regime worldwide.
The testing COULD have been done, for economic reasons there was flat refusal to do it.
This literally breaks my mind. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?!
If the disease is really lethal, panic is what you'd want. The less people are in contact with each other, the less likely the disease is to spread. And if the disease is not particuarly worrisome, there's no reason to lie. So I can easily think a reason why you'd want to inflate the numbers, but what reason is there to deflate them? I'm not an expert on economy, but I doubt some sickness would too badly hurt China's position. The industry is still there, and it's probably not going anywhere.
I don't think it's very easy to pull out the industry from China. There's a reason why it ended up going there in the first place. We'd need large tariffs to pull it back. You'd probably need literally hundreds of millions dead to affect it via disease.
And who is going to invade them? Mongols? You? I doubt it.
And this You fucking boomer retard
Maybe it's a Chinese bio-weapon targeting whites. The dead Chinks just happened to have some white DNA.
Yeah but the draconian measures seem to mainly effect Wuhan, yet the other providences of China seem to have almost no significant outbreaks. While cases may be decreasing its probable that the CCP is intentionally fudging numbers to gain a massive propaganda victory.
>Why would they lie?
Um.. Have you seen what honesty has done to the markets in the west? Maybe lying wasn't such a bad idea.
Well they designed the virus so I imagine they know how to contain it properly.
By law, if they reach 90k infections, the whole country goes in to a full quarantine. No import, no exports. Surprise, surprise, they stop counting at 80k
>Why are the fucking chinks immune against this shit now?
Because Chinese are supermen
The draconian measures in the west are very similar to those in China. Things like quarantines, closing schools, house arrest etc are very similar. Yet despite a much more dense population and far less sanitation, China’s numbers decline while others grow. That doesn’t make any sense.
They're desperate to ship their product before the demand craters in the US and elsewhere due to our outbreaks; they are heavily and existentially incentivized to minimize the problem.
To protect their economy they have pushed the media into pretending its business as usual.
Another bites the grass
>Have you seen what honesty has done to the markets in the west?
Can't say that I have.
Why would this even be such a big problem? Would they starve, if that were to happen? Or would all the transactions just be pushed into the future by a month or two? I guess some economist would be able to come up with all sorts of interesting numbers and measures and show how they've changed, but what would the actual effects be? If China did not export anything for a month, what would the long-term effects of this be?
Ching chong!
lol you are a massive fucking retard. korea has done more than 200k tests. those suspected cases were ALL tested you fucking moron.
This is a normal gaussian epi curve.
>By law, if they reach 90k infections, the whole country goes in to a full quarantine. No import, no exports. Surprise, surprise, they stop counting at 80k
To save face. I've been saying this for ages but add a zero or two to anything China reports for new stats,more accurate that way.
It is a fucking doppelganger just like Stalin.
They have only slowed it down, the current numbers are fake. Only a retard cannot comprehend this.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
jesus, you people are retard or been fooled by jews too long and lost the ability to think. They lie, like any commie nation they lie. why do think there is vrius outbreak in the first place, because the chink gov lied to cover thier ass. what make you think they won't lie again??
Something that also seems wrong is China’s low death rate. In china it is only around a 3% death rate, while in Italy it is about 6%. The problem is this virus primarily effects people with poor lungs. China has absolutely terrible air pollution and naturally the average chink is probably far less healthy than the average Italian. I believe that it is almost certain that China intentionally downplays infection and death rates to try to save their economy
Wait until they all start going to back to work.
It doesn't add up. China is a country with 1.3 billion people. A couple Chinese tourists and workers managed to spread it since maybe november in countries everywhere and that was enough to throw all of these countries into a crisis. But China itself has a bigger population than the EU, it's as big as multiple countries. It should have experienced outbreakes in more than one place. Even more so since the initial outbreak was, according to media, ignored and kept under wraps. But apparently only one province was shut down and it didn't spread to anywhere else. That's as absurd as treating the EU as one country, saying Italy is the hotspot and then shutting it down and it never appears anywhere else.
im file blocked so heres the number of tests by country
i bet you feel like a massive fucking retard now. koreas done more tests than the rest of the world outside china COMBINeD
Imagine being so dumb you believe your own propaganda.
There was a article posted here not long ago how the majority of deaths in china were minorities.
Bioweapon is the most likely explanation.
they really weren't.
They've slowed the spread but only a dumbfuck wouldn't expect them to be lying.
Funny how Taiwan barely has any cases, despite being right next to mainland China...
Because they are reliant on trade. If they give away their actusl numbers a lot of companies would fuck off from there.
korea has done 30 thousand tests in the last two days alone, for a total of 230,000 tests
look at testing volume
lmfao what a fucking moron
look at how small the numbers are around the world. These type of flu usually fly under everyone's radars
The same country that reports 144 deaths from the flu when every other country has thousands annually. Locks down 760 million people, burns bodies, erects emergency hospitals.
You’re right. Only 3100 people died in China from this. Think, dude.
>They dont even have 100k infections
Believing official Chinese numbers....
italy by contrast has only done 70,000 tests but has more cases, indicating they have a fuck ton of undiscovered cases
How would they do that? If you have industry in China, it'd be pretty hard to just instaly move it somewhere else. And once the disease is done with, why wouldn't you immediately want to go back? You went there for a reason to begin with. How would this disease change the reason?
Sources are saying that is an error -- he is under observation and his test result will come back tomorrow.
Because they already had it. Herd immunity. I’ve been trying to tell you for months this is the only way out of this hole. You can’t hide forever. Stop being a lil bitch and start contributing
>independent third parties
Like the EU and WHO?
china has the cure and is sharing it only to the countries bending the knee
Economy & internal politics.
They have quite a lot of motivations to simulate the illness getting under control ASAP. Whether it is or not actually the case in each province will be very hard to tell.
cause its a psyop retard
china isnt lying you fucking moron. they've had to cooperate with WHO since this this thing blew up and now with outbreaks in other countries. they cant lie
I read about it, they already acted as early as January 5. Meassured body temp at all inbound flights from Wuhan, tracked down everybody who visited infected areas 14 days prior and quarantined them. People were also tracked via mobile phone.
Also Taiwan is an island so monitoring entry points is easy.
Saving face.
They're currently trying to pin the virus' origin on Italy.
Never trust a chink.
Because 2 milion dead are cheaper tham 3 months of lost productivity.
China is fake as fuck