How did the CDC fail so badly... they only have 1 job as an organization, to stop Mass Pandemics from spreading throughout the USA....
- the CDC didn't have a Master Plan on how to deal with pandemics - the CDC doesn't have even a fraction of enough test kits - the CDC had no plans for how to respond to a Cruise Ship with 3000 people on board, many of them sick. Do you keep the Cruise Ship in the open waters, or let the ship dock, do you let the vacationers return to their home states ???.... how could the CDC have never imagined that people would get sick on a cruise ship ?? - the CDC had no Master Plan on how to advise College Campuses or Sports Leagues on how to respond to a virus - the CDC had no Master Plan on how to respond to a sudden run on Hand Sanitizers, Bleach, Toilet Paper....
The CDC has been in operation since the 1940s... how the hell could they not have a simple plan book on how to Respond to viruses spreading quickly throughout the population ??? what the hell have they been doing for the past 70 years ???
Their budget was gutted, so blame Trump. Also no testing kit existed a few months ago so its not like they could have been stocking up.
Charles Powell
Ive been saying this for years. Their annual budget is around $12 billion of which about $400 million is granted out to outbreak preparation. What do we have to show for it????
Ian Lopez
>Their budget was gutted
You don't need any Budget to have a Master Plan book, with detailed instructions on how to respond to a major Cruise Ship, with 3000 people on board, if it's 20 miles away from Land and there are a few dozen people on board the ship who are sick.
You don't need any Budget to have a Master Plan on how to respond to a Nursing Home if dozens of people living in the nursing home all get infected by a visitor to the Nursing Home.
It seems that the CDC has no Plan Book on how to respond to anything... why didn't they advise the NBA and NHL to suspend their sports leagues 2 or 3 weeks ago... why wait until now ??
David Cooper
Hurr Durr TDS victim here.
Chase Powell
The cdc has had multiple high profile suicides. They are just another false institution to put your faith in. They cant protect you, in fact they work to destroy your bloodline
Nicholas Phillips
While it's true that the gov't didn't do nearly enough to slow down the spread of coronavirus into our country, you also have to understand that the nature of this infection makes it basically impossible to stop anyway. It's highly infectious, has a long-ass incubation period, and can be transmitted from person to person long before symptoms start to appear. Something with those characteristics is bound to spread anyway. There's a reason it's quickly gone global regardless of what individual nations are or are not doing.
Robert Hughes
The problem isn't so much federal as it is your local municipalities. My city literally told me to email the CDC and wait.
Brandon Butler
>The CDC can stop all diseases >The CDC can stop traveling >The CDC can predict every random disease and see into the future how fast it will spread
You're a fag. They're only human, not psychic scientists with over-riding federal authority.
Dylan Bailey
>How did the CDC fail so badly Trump fired everyone Obama appointed and gutted their budget.
gg next map
Owen Scott
If it costs 8 bil to build a website it most likely costs 3-4 bil for a 200 page book on what to do if a cruise ship has infected on board.
Juan Garcia
Rip timothy cunningham
Robert Diaz
The CDC is just a money sink. They dont ACTUALLY do anything.
The failure of the government is that the goal of every branch, organization and committee within it is not to serve the people or even the original reason the offices were created.
The goal is now to protect the position of those in office and allow them to build their career so they can get higher positions of power.
None of the seats actually matter and you could grab any asshole and make him Chair of the CDC with the same results we have now. The people in positions of power are political climbers first and foremost not people who know what they are doing.
Jordan Jackson
Trump fired the pandemic response team back in 2018, and tried to cut the cdc's budget in february in the middle of the fucking outbreak. Truth is his handling of the crisis has been a disaster and only his supporters are too retarded to see it.
Andrew Morgan
The CDC has never stopped a communicable disease from spreading cause it’s Impossible. They spread to all corners of the globe before anyone realizes its a problem. Corona was already in the States before China announced it was a problem.
Henry Brown
It's literally all women running it and they give a lot of the lower "professional" jobs to niggers that barely passed highschool. There aren't enough white men to keep things functioning.
We always knew this was a problem. Not everyone can be a diversity deputy, inclusion specialist, or public health communicator. At least 60% of the jobs are total bullshit. If something isn't "Data Scienctis, Software Developer, MD, PMP, Manager, Epidemiologist, Radiologist, Lab Technician, Human Factors Engineer, Usability, Developer, " or something else that required math, then you are dead weight.
Their contractors even rate down performance for not being part of Gay, Women, or African Work groups. It's extra hours stuff to talk about issues for just those groups. Working 10 hour days actually doing work? You get a 2/5 performance while gays talking about "being themselves" at work for 3 hours and leaving at 4:30 get a 3/5 or up just for participating in leadership skills and being involved.
No one with a brain could watch this clown show and think it would keep working forever. We've known for years that the first time the system is really tested, that it would fail because this place barely does any work now.
A lot of the people that actually get things done are white men, but that group also includes some blacks and Hispanics, and some women. It's not all a race thing. But look through their leadership, every group with a female lead pretty much depends entirely on contractors to get anything done. They could lay off half the female teams and no one would ever notice.
The Atlanta lab that fucked up the tests? 78% black. Is anyone really surprised?
Ryder Lewis
My guess is that the CDC has spent too many years being kind of academic (no super big plagues in recent history) and got ideologically subverted. It's probably where Commies go to avoid doing work and focus on their BS. Of course they still do disease research and mitigation stuff, but maybe a bit too much of their focus was on nonsensical transgender and other woke issues. My guess is that FEMA is better prepared and more laser-focused on real world problems because they're constantly preparing and being used for big events.
Lucas Nelson
Imagine thinking a government institution could react to anything in a timely and efficient manner lmao
Isaac Sanders
The devil is in the details. It's often hiding in plain sight. The name of the organization is the center for disease control; a neutral term in relation to diseases. It's not the center for disease eradication. This organization is not in the business of curing people. It is in the business of controlling diseases. Punto e basta.
The budget was not gutted. Trump proposed a lower growth rate thats it. Congress said no and he signed their bill.
Liam Young
Trump cut funding and classified results
Luke Scott
This. As an Atlanta fag, I can confirm that only women and nogs work at the CDC
Ethan Ross
>How did the CDC fail so badly.. The usual suspects. Obama kike holdovers hiding the virus to take out Trump. Pissed because he TRIED (the DEMS refused to pass it) to cut their budget because they are as corrupt as WHO and were spending too much money on expensive junkets.
KIKES RUN THE CDC. And look who her brother is.
Anyone that does not get this--the CDC KIKES have purposefully fucked the USA to hurt a 10/10 retard.
You might look at the overall leadership and say it looks like there's a lot of white guys, but no, look at the division leadership.
CDC is agency. They all manage. Center level is like OADC or NCCDHPH or National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Within a center, look at the leadership groups for divisions.
The division level is like 30 people leadership teams, all female, then one gay white male.
There are tons of divisions and work goes to a Division or even a sub branch before anything actually gets done. That's where the problem is. Division leadership is a bunch of idiot senile cat-ladies and they discriminate against white men a lot.
A lower growth way is just a polite way of saying “gutted”
Owen Adams
He proposed a lower budget for the cdc not a lower growth rate: >The fiscal 2021 budget proposal did call for a $693.3 million reduction to the CDC’s funding compared with what was enacted for fiscal 2020, according to this CDC budget document. That would be a 9% reduction in the CDC’s budget.
FUck you you goy fags wanted open borders from day one. You cheered when they let the gates open. Trump was yelling and screaming don;t let them in they have AIDS SARS etc, and you faggots screamed how rayciss it was. Well you get what you deserve. Trump cut the budget since no agreement on a border wall was made for just 5 billion it could have been done, but HURR DURR MUH CDC FUNDING. Fuck you cityfags hope you choke on lung butter.
Landon Mitchell
They received more funding in certain areas while gutting their budget for nice hotel rooms and first class flights. Trump did nothing wrong
Oliver Butler
>budget gutted source this or stop repeating it
Tyler King
>government agency with no accountability and has never had to actually do shit before.
The better question is how could it not fail so badly.
Anthony Bailey
The cdc does have plans for lots of different infections and scenarios. It’s just hard to plan for something novel. And part of the plan is accepting that while people may become sick and some will die, most will survive, this virus was underestimated initially because it has a relatively low mortality among otherwise healthy people. And even now it is a bit overestimated. You act like there is a single best way to respond to every unique situation which is simply untrue. There is a framework for guidance but circumstantial plans should be tailored for each situation. The cdc told schools to close! It was superintendents who refused, citing their role as gibs distributors. Their advice from the beginning has been to WASH YOUR HANDS rather than relying on alcohols but that doesn’t stop people from doubting the efficacy, although it is certainly sufficient when done properly. Bleach is not scarce at all and toilet paper is a massive meme no one saw coming and makes no sense.
Henry Moore
>how did the govt fuck up? Really user?
Aaron Young
Because if you would need an organization with the kind of absolute authority that gets me excited to do something like this and no liberal society will let that happen.
Imagine being able to simply nuke all your port cities to contain the spread. Glorious
Ian Roberts
>same idiots who refused to believe what was happening in china >same idiots who think its just the flu >same idiots who think the government will fix things your fate is sealed
We need more 98IQ whiteish Amerimutts to save the world
Isaac Wright
"Racism" and globohomo stopped our govt from doing their job. Just like it stops them from protecting out southern border and our economy.
Kevin Stewart
>tfw batchad dabs on you and your whole city
Alexander Fisher
The SWAMP is bigger than you think, user.
David Sullivan
The master plan will have to be support local agencies with information, with supplies, and with verbal support. It's really always been this way. We have to start ordering, with penalties for breaking it, quarantine for likely infected (even if they test negative the first time).
We need to shame people who are breaking quarantine publicly, and people who are forcing people to work while ill, and people who are choosing to work while ill.
We need to instruct on how to spray your shoes and take them off before you enter the rest of your home.
We need to talk about how to isolate a family member who is sick, so the rest of the family doesn't get sick, and how to treat your home if someone is sick in it.
We need to help public facilities get more Ozone machines, and you'll have to tick up your replacement schedule because ozone and bleach will both break down materials sooner.
Brandon Adams
This is also why so few people talk about the problem here, there are so few of us white men at CDC contracted or otherwise, that it's dangerous to talk about. The smallest detail could accidentally reveal who I am. There's often only one of us in an entire building so If i said I knew someone personally and that they fucked this up because they are incompetent, I would almost certainly be retaliated against.
Lincoln Gomez
They have a half facetious plan for a zombie apocalypse. You’re just not looking, you expect people to push a button and make the bad men go away.
Alexander Martinez
Fuck making excuses for these faggots now that they're complaining about viral outbreaks. A simple FUCKING WALL was all Trump Supporters asked for. Not some fucking pie-in-the-sky CDC "plan" to fix a unknown unknown outbreak protocol. You faggots had years to let the House vote a wall in a buttfucked a fake impeachment. Libs deserve nothing but coofs for eternity.
Wyatt Howard
It would literally be easier to weld the entire population in their houses for a few weeks than to try and get elective cooperation among certain subsets of the population
Michael Torres
Imagine being so stuck in your own head you think I’m a fucking liberal.
Nolan Clark
If they had been honest about the asymptomatic period I think people would have been taking precautions sooner re public behavior. BUT they decided to lie and focus on "symptoms" and testing (most of which were false negatives) giving people false sense of security. I just wrote a scathing response to my "hospital sponsored" health plex that STILL has the steam rooms open, still has the hot tubs open..and told people not to come if they have any symptoms--completely ignoring the fact that ONE coof in the steam room by 1 asymptomatic person will infect everyone in the steam room. It's not hot enough to kill the virus and the circulating steam carries any droplets etc right to the next person.
Our "medical system" is 100% retarded. Why did I even have to tell these people about false negative tests and asymptomatic spread?
Because they are leaving that shit OUT of all public announcements.
Wyatt Nguyen
Yup, a simple wall, no more immigration, anyone legally entering must present papers and pass basic screening for weapons, drugs, and contagions. Even then we didn't want a lot of people coming in, mostly tourism and trade and business.
The "extreme" right wing plan would have brought back manufacturing and it would have prevented any outbreak from being a problem.
Lucas Williams
>a wall that won’t work is better than a cure for a virus
I don't care wtf you say by your level of sheer cope and panic I'd say you're around the west coast or mountain region where all the libs are running scared to so fuck off coofer. You could have voted for a wall but got a half assed response plan instead. Oh, and no raycissm of course :)
Ryder Garcia
Nancy the Obama KIKE holdover..the CDC hid this on purpose.
its the same shit with all government agencies, bro
i used to work for a certain branch of the military that will remain nameless AND fema
about 80% of my colleagues were idiots who were just there to collect paychecks, and the other 20% were ascended idiots who were in charge of planning shit that they knew nothing about
why is the government like this?
affirmative action hiring coupled with the inability to fire for cause
shitbags KNOW that they can get cushy government jobs with tons of benefits if they just bluff their way through the hiring process, so that's what they do
and when they get on the payroll, they know that doing a shitty job won't get them fired, so they immediately slack and cop shitty attitudes because they're shitbags
it's like this in all government agencies
fema is incompetent, the cdc is incompetent, they're all incompetent
whenever you wonder if the government is coming to save you, just remember my post
Luis Campbell
CDC and WHO are NGO cash scammers Couple that with diversity bullshit placements, and you have absolute incompetence >In 2017, the World Bank designed a new way to raise money: Pandemic Emergency Financing bonds. Over $425 million worth of such bonds, which bet against a global outbreak of infectious diseases and will default if WHO declares the coronavirus a pandemic, were sold by the World Bank in its first-ever issuance of catastrophe bonds. In the event of no pandemic, investors would be paid a healthy annualized return.
Jack Ward
They only failed if you think their role was to prevent this.
Josiah Davis
>You might look at the overall leadership and say They are all JEWS. That's the only thing anyone needs to know. ALL OF THEM ARE JEWS.
Jaxon Barnes
THIS is what they did the first time he tried to close the border.
Im in the east, you’re retarded and aren’t reading my posts Stop replying to others vicariously through me
Liam Walker
A deep state CDC administrator named William Walters intentionally sabotaged the initial containment efforts, because fuck Trump.
Liam Gray
They would have had to shut the borders in january to stop the spread.
Ryan Barnes
Seriously high quality post right here. These leeches assume they need money to do shit. Like some Hollywood movie. Not realizing doing what Trump is doing, is overall far more effective. That is, working together with industry leaders to combat the Virus.
Blake Powell
>We need to shame people who are breaking quarantine I like Best Korea's reaction to quarantine breakers. 1 shot to the head.
Owen Morgan
Yup building a wall would have been the cheap way and response to the virus could have been focused at the borders and more controlled. But fucking cope faggots from plebbit here being slick with the "CDC plans failed" shill slide threads make the butterflies appear on my pampers if you get my fucking drift.
If they quarantined everyone the infected would be isolated. After two weeks all sick could be taken to camps and then everyone else could return to business as usual