He's right you know
He's right you know
>billionaires just sit on tons of money
Based retard
>Only money can be considered wealth
>Being this retarded
Wait till you find out what confession disproportionately shows up among those very same people.
Money envy money envy
Nothing stopping you from making your own wealth
If you're upset about some people being rich then wait till you hear how many people have died under communism
Of course, a fucking onions boy. These people just fuck around Twitter thinking they now shit about economics.
lets pump the breaks on the antisemitism
Even more reason to get rid of the system they used to gain so much power, then
By exploiting other people's labor
More people have died under capitalism due to lack of food/housing/healthcare than have died under communism
No, they sit on tons of money, homes, property, assets, stocks, material goods, expensive cars, yachts, jets, etc.
Fun little fact here for you; the ONLY people to benefit from this virus is the rich.
Stock markets crash so the poor suffer, meanwhile the millionaire is fine and can buy even cheaper stocks making him even richer while the average American is about to get Furloughed and lose weeks of money, probably even lose their house and car to the bank, who in turn is going to sell them at a profit.
The rich always win and the poor always lose.
Seriously, the rich should be destroyed. The rich manufactured this crisis on purpose to centralise power and wealth. They're psychopathic and evil enemies of humanity, with a lot of goons and henchmen betraying their own species.
>me lazy
>me no want 2 work
>gib me monies fo free
are communists the real niggers?
I'll get right on board when these guys start naming the Jew. Otherwise it's just another Jewish scheme to keep Jews in power.
Why is it losers always focus on the winners?
>More people have died under capitalism due to lack of food/housing/healthcare than have died under communism
Fake news
What did communists use before candles?
Go on, Jason, who is doing it?
This is just from hunger. To this you can add the number of people that die from preventable diseases, etc.
Bill Gates probably does more to stop the spread of disease than most communist countries though to be honest
>look the jews are hoarding all the money
>please support my bolchevik ideology invented by jews
>Notice me Bill Gates senpai!
Dude, stop.
It's not only Jews that are hoarding the money. They didn't create this fucked up system, they just profited from it and managed to take over it.
I think we should dismantle it altogether, but sure, keep just waiting around doing nothing, that'll solve the problem.
>notice me George Soros
Dude atop.
ah yes, the 'world's wealth'. because it doesn't belong to you, but you think you can convince enough people to take it from others
for every rational commie who wants to free workers, there are 10 more who just want to hurt the rich because of envy
you can make more than you would ever need without buying stocks, property, or employing another person. all that without going into how your argument that employing others is akin to mistreating them
Fine so what has communism done that the free market hasn't done better?
And most of them are members of a various religious group?
Like Jesus...
No one likes greed...
Also I’m proud of TP hoarders. We should always be ready.
These faggots have cried eat the rich for how many centuries?
What have they done?
Fuck them
no one likes greed, but yet you lot sit around greedy as can be, convinced you give a shit about other people. stupid cunts
he's right, and Gates isn't in a position of power so your homoerotic boot memes are irrelevant at best, and indicative of a degenerate fetish at worst.
The simple fact, laid bare for the world to see, is that arguably the best iteration of
a communist country to date can't provide even basic nutrition to its citizens, causing them to eat literal flying rats. This, spurred on the abysmal public health conditions only an under equipped central authority would allow, caused yet ANOTHER mystery virus to plague its people. Now, because the Party cant be seen as weak or ineffectual, the spread of this new disease occured for 2 whole months before the global alarm was sounded. The current state of the world, in a pandemic frenzy, and be laid squarely on the altar of "Real Communism Hasn't Been Tried Yet". Change your flag to the homo one, I never thought Id say it, but its less of a joke than your current choice.
>haha they totally aren’t Jew tho!
Karl Marx was a virulent racist and an antisemite btw
this is a statistic for the entire world
what else you got?
>The rich always win and the poor always lose.
with communism yeah
What a bunch of whiny bullshit.
hang on wasn't marx a jew himself though?
How many socialist nations are there compared to capitalist ones?
The failure is that people think that poor countries are not capitalistic because they're poor, but that's not the case. The US is as Capitalistic as Nigeria and Sri Lanka.
Wtf I hate rich people now
Fuck off, kike.
toilet paper is real tho
nice argument retard
>wealth isn't real
>Gates isn't in a position of power
>having more wealth doesn't equal more power
Jews are the majority of billionaires
Jews are the
>as Capitalistic as Nigeria and Sri Lanka.
you can't just make things up
*stupid folk
who are you quoting?
Wait until you hear how much of the real estate market in the west Chinks own
it's not real, they all have to sit on it for it to maintain any sense of value, should a fraction of it be spent, taxed or redistributed inflation would wipe out its supposed value before you could spend it on anything
Capitalism is when privates can own businesses.
Of course capitalism sounds great when capitalists tell you that only successful countries are capitalist, and all the ones that failed using the exact same model are something else.
If they aren't capitalist, then what economic model do they have? Enlighten me.
Bezos hoarded Amazon stock by founding the company and holding on to his shares.
Sometimes it fails is still a lot better than it fails everytime.
Most of the wealth billionaires have isn't liquid capital like cash they can just easily use. It's stocks, bonds, real estate, businesses etc etc. All their money in banks is being loaned out to "regular folk" constantly. They aren't harmed by it, they benefit from it.
If you boil it down like that sure it's capitalist, therefore its as capitalist as any other capitalist place, but nigeria and sri lanka, had you any concept of their societies, you'd notice very socialistic and collective practices in business.
I’m not rich. I saved some money cause I don’t have a peasant mindset. I’m buying the dip and making money. Checkmate.
Outrageous antisemitism on display here, Jason.
>people kill people with guns so let's get rid of guns
You are stupid.
Most of their "wealth" is stock. That's it. They don't have a giant money bin with billions of dollars in it like Scrooge Fucking McDuck. Do they want billionaires to give poor people the stocks? The poor people would just sell it off and cheaply enough that what money the billionaires have left would probably be able to buy it all back.
usa meets 6 out of 10 of karl marx's own 10 tenants of communism from his own communist manifesto so shut the fuck up you know nothing faggots
Hoarding toilet paper is fun
Absolutely, it's time we do something about the Jewish problem
kikes get the rope
feds get the rope
The real argument should be about distribution of income. Its more real than "wealth". Tho wealth is also important is should be a separate category.
>if you're upset about white people stockpiling toilet paper, wait until you hear how many guns they are buying
Oy vey! Fucking German antisemite!
What a bullshit. Without a large population property prices would drop and salaries would rise. The rich in no way benefit from a genocidal pandemic, not to mention the virus infects them as well.
Toilet paper and rubbing alcohol are the bitcoin of 2020. This faggot's just mad he didn't get on before the train left the station.
Why must every SJW who has never lived outside of a major city now use this now?