Christian virgins dying alone due to no Christian men left
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>tfw christian trad wife
Stay jelly fags
>roastie ramblings
Who cares?
>tfw christian trad wife
Like you have one or you are one?
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Virgins, or "born again virgins?" Big difference between the two.
>christianity is a feminine mental illness
toastie roastie
Original article:
Thank you I've been looking for it
>Two dads are better than one
Says the journalist raised by a single mom
The author is a virgin.
There never were any Christian men, they were all larping for pussy.
The author is Catholic so they don't do "born again"
Only retards fall for christianity.
Surely you don't think all men are secular?
>Pornography addiction is a scourge of epidemic proportions among men and even boys as young as 11. Put simply, the world is in a mess.
>Women most affected
oh shit this article is a doozy
Then how does this topic affect you in any way? It isn't addressed to you so you shouldn't care.
Men addicted to porn don't affect the women they're married to?
She's a Catholic virgin.
It does but it impacts the men more directly because IT'S LITERALLY HAPPENING TO THEM PERSONALLY
>Surely you don't think all men are secular?
they are
religiousity, especially christian religiousity is a feminine disorder
Based nuns
KYS kike, jews are women
Only kikes hate Christ, they HATE him
Same my guy
You're a fucking jewslim kike, burn in hell.
And you believe a girl you approach when she says she has a boyfriend?
Documentary about OP pic:
>32 year old
Lol just become a nun. Why did she wait so long. Was she getting a career? If you're a woman who can't find a man by 21 then you're a retarded feminist.
Spent less time typing more time eating well, walking, wearing a dress, sowing and being feminine
You're only proving the article's point and its also not addressed to irreligious mistress having French people who love Islam
No real catholic man will be going to an effeminate novus ordo sacrilege black mass. If those are her hunting grounds she needs to branch out into churches that offer Orthodox Catholic sacraments not novus ordo fakes.
No women singers or speaking. No women in pants. Women on left men on right. No uncovered hair. You better be confessing your sins before mass girl.
Ive noticed that yes there are a number of single, devoutly religious Christian women who are virgins. But, like all women, they have absurdly stupid expectations out of relationships.
It's not enough that I want my kids to be homeschooled and that I believe in traditional values and hold Christianity in high regard. It's not enough as a man to be a stable, kind, loving father figure and ample provider. These women want a "spiritual leader". So on top of having all of your shit together as a man, on top of the thousands of hours you must dedicate to learning a craft, networking, climbing through piles of shit to get to a stable position in life, these Christian virgin women, like all women, aren't happy to see you with a stable job, living on your own with zero baggage and ready to start a family. They want you to meet a stupid little specific criteria of what it means to be a "spiritual leader". Like I guess that just means Chad but he gives sermons or something
>Religious affiliation and church attendance, especially among youth and men in particular, has never been lower.
Because Christianity is a failed religion that could not protect its worshippers. Instead of being abandoned by the people, it was taken over, subverted, crushed, dominated, hijacked by globohomo. No sane white man would worship failure and the morality of modern Christianity.
>Pornography addiction is a scourge of epidemic proportions among men and even boys as young as 11.
Men turn to pornography because of a lack of options in real life. No male will choose jerking off to a screen over having sex with a female. The problem is that modern females are very ugly, fat, unattractive, with terrible personalities. In addition to that, even while the women are sub-par, modern males have no value unless they are in the top bracket of wealth/popularity/looks.
>Yet for someone like me – a 32-year-old single Catholic – the situation looks bleak indeed.
You are 32. Thirty-two. Your fertility is almost dead. Why would any male want to invest in you? Marriage and love and relationships are strictly for women 16-25. YOU have abandoned your chance by investing your time into religion/work instead of finding a good man (regardless of religion).
>When I wrote about men who were not “worldly-wise” or who were “socially awkward”, please allow me to clarify my meaning:
>What I DID mean:
>Men who have serious problems interacting socially (including those who are on the spectrum or have an intellectual disability)
>An inability to have a mature, intelligent, normal conversation
>Just plain weirdos
so basically all men who do not say exactly what she wants them to say, exactly when she wants them to say it
That's the easiest bit. Just means she wants you to boss her about and tell her what to do. Literally the best part of a relationship.
>the virgin quiet follower
>the chad spiritual leader
proof? It reads like a larp.
Youre wrong. You clearly havent interacted with these women. These types of picky Christian virgin women are exactly the opposite as you describe. They still shit test and walk all over men by default.
the only single christian women are unmarriable. in my church girls marry before 21. very few exceptions, usually closet lesbians who don't belong.
I was actually really cute and skinny as a teen in church but also socially awkward. All the attractive teen girls had nothing to do with me. I quit going, not going to find a gf or wife there. They're all post wall roastie now LMAO.
So once again it is men fault, yet there are more God fearing men than women.
>still shit test and walk over men
Thats called being a woman user. Every girl does that. Its because eves original sin was to dosobey her hubby and cuck him so every woman suffers from it.
The key is to be a man and dominate her. If she gives you any hint of attitude you spank her. If she disobeys you you spsnk her. If she questions you you spank her.
Women shit test weak men to make them fail. If you are a strong man that treats her like the retarded little girl she is and simply loves her then she will submit.
Catholic/Christian girls are boring as fuck, who cares
I just want to have a wife and kid guys.
true effeminacy is self-preservation and materialism, Catholicism is masculinity.
I will
>white women
I don't assume every woman who says she's a virgin is lying.
>Ive noticed that yes there are a number of single, devoutly religious Christian women who are virgins. But, like all women, they have absurdly stupid expectations out of relationships.
Happened to me; decent enough guy, active in church, decent reputation, dependable... wouldn't even give me a chance; hit with the "I feel like you don't even know me!" bullshit...
Will probably die alone.
>churches get taken over boomer women who shoo out all the men
>ugh men need to STEP UP and marry my 32 y/o fat, caked in makeup ass
Dumb fucking roasts.
is she really advocating for underage sex
>Catholicism is masculinity.
the delusion of christcucks is honestly funny
Into the burning pit of hell
Do you live in a cave? Women advocate for underage sex in terms of allowing young girls to do it if they want, though of course men are still pigs if they like a girl 1 day under 18.
>look at this in the news, where they report abnormal things. It's totally representative of the majority.
Your language also betrays your ignorance. Time to stop posting.
>where they report abnormal things
>The priest claimed the Catholic clergy was largely made up of intensely homophobic homosexuals.
Apprenez à prononcer
adjective: abnormal
deviating from what is normal or usual
Just shut up you stupid Canadian
You assume everyone who says they're a virgin is lying. It says more about you than the person.
I believe her. I really don't care if you do. Not every person is a secular heathen.
They're not in the cities or universities. Where are they?
Because Mexicans are so deep and interesting
Doubt it. There are plenty of guys looking for a decent woman, or any woman for that matter.
He's probably gonna regret it.
This is why I think we need to reverse gay marriage and make homosexuality illegal.
t. foreigner who doesn't have Puritan history