Tonight in order to supposedly "fight the Coronavirus pandemic" he will use the Article 16 of the Constitution and get...

Tonight in order to supposedly "fight the Coronavirus pandemic" he will use the Article 16 of the Constitution and get full powers.

I won't accept this. This means civil war.

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You are to much of a pussy nation to do anything, about anything, you just like the aesthetics of your retarded revolution.
You are just a slave farm.

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What doesn it say art.16? Can Macron now fuck anybody he want in the ass?

Dude the French riot if they don't have baguettes

I wish Macron was new united European furher. He, with Putin could make Europe great and solve Eternal Anglo problem once and for all, tbqh.

Based Jvpiter.

>hasn't taken any counter-measures whatsoever
>virus supposed to kill boomers


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i want franco-russian alliance on top of the cold bodies of germania en angla(kek)land.

Not franco-russian fusion. Let's keep that globalist bullshit out of here.

The national right had the opportunity for a legitimate uprising during the yellow vest crisis. What did they do ?

Cry and cry until they saw the movement taken down by "leftist". So much for racial war enhusiasts.

>he will use the Article 16 of the Constitution and get full powers.
Could he invade Spain too?

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it basically means no votes needed for anything that isn't changing the current system (but who cares if the system allow this ti begin with)

It's too late he's already dead.


c'est quoi l'article 16?

he must want his wife to die

He is fulfilling his destiny

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Assembly doesn't need votes anymore

Full power Macron

Et pourquoi est-ce que c'est mauvais? Peut-etre va-t-il utiliser sa puissance pour plus efficacement combattre le coronavirus.

Il va surtout en profiter pour faire passer toutes les réformes liberales présentes dans les tiroirs depuis plus de trente ans.

Eh, c'est pas un enculé pour rien.

covid-19 was released to scare people and end three major protests that were ongoing:
1. yellow jackets in france, and spreading to other EU countries, also spreading among firefighters
2. HK protests against their chink-friendly president
3. lebanon, to a lesser extent, would threaten israel and spill over into their countries

by now you should understand the bat soup narrative was a complete fake news hoax. you might wonder, why are italy and s. korea also hardest hit...collateral damage. those were not intended targets but it spread there anyway perhaps as a distraction to make the pandemic appear global. both italy and s. korea are quite large trading hubs too. note their countries both have lots of sea and air access. italy was the point of spread to hit EU and korea to hit SEasia, japan, usa. it's 9/11 all over again but this time with luxury cruise ships and sneezing chinks/gooks/nips.

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Bah il serait temps

>Civil War

Good thing my side has all the guns I guess.

Euh, je ne pense pas qu'il devenira un moyen pour passer ces reformes dont tu parles. Au contraire, je dirais qu'il est au plupart un conservateur, tenant aussi en compte ses declarations philomonarchiques

Macron in Russia would be in a gulag.

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hello police or macron loyalist military fag. you will get btfo by angry french farmers on tractors, wine makers who turn their bottles into molotovs. if french descends into civil war it will all out chaos. the muslims will of course be on their own side. it will be a free for all. cops with guns already got overwhelmed by civilians with rocks.

Macron? son gouvernement n'a aucune idée de comment gérer la cries, ce n'est pas un problème de vots, ils n'en on rien à battre des paysants qui meurent.

his eyes are seriously wrong

>je ne pense pas qu'il devenira un moyen pour passer ces reformes
tu sais lire? "plein pouvoir sans vote". C'est un status utilisé en période de guerre pour pouvoir faire tourner le pays même si le parlement à pris une bombe en plein vote.

Coronavirus is NOT what it seems. This isn't a bat soup mishap. Something big is afoot.

ok, connard, "je ne pense pas qu'il passera ces reformes". Voila.

C'est en enculé car il se prend des bites de nègres dans le cul.

It all depends on what the rules of engagement are.
If this is a prelude to the apocalypse then anything goes.

The Russians and Chinese are starting to see this as a US bioweapon

Good. Let the farce of democracy die already.

je dois admettre, cependant, que je n'ai pas beaucoup de connaissances en ce qui concerne le gouvernement de macron. Dirais-tu que le manque d'actions au part du gouvernement est, vraiment, car ils ne sachent pas comment agir a une periode de crise, ou car ils ont des autres interets?

At this point it really isn't the US vs whoever, its psychopathic globalists vs everyone.

Hoenstly the timing of the disease was way too convenient, as well as the context, and the two hardest hit countries befor Italy were China and Iran.
Italy had always been the testing ground for political shit storm in Europe.

Yellow vests did more than you

FrenchAnon, I trully wish you good luck and Godspeed against this satan’s servant.
If you manage to get rid of him through yellow vests movement, please hang him in public (I don’t like guilotines and hanging is painful).

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Based and Napoleon-pilled

It doesn't mean anything. He has the majority and can already pass any law he want without voting (it's call the 49.3 article). So it's just to cut all bullshit, stop the play, he will just tell everyone what to do like he's already doing. But french are hypocrite, they need to lie and fake everything in order to accept it.

French people are not hypocrites they are dumb as rocks and have a slave mentality.

Yes it’s very convinient.
Czech and Slovak prime ministers are also very defensive and declared a state of emergency.
As if they know something is about to happen and they are trying to keep their position of power.

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This is Macron's spokeswoman. Became french just before joining the gvt. Does it answer your question ? Do you think he knows what he's doing ?

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she looks like she sucks soros’s cock on a regular basis

Putain, j'aurais du le savoir

Too much school. But they are hypocrites, they can never tell you face to face what they really think. It drive me crazy something, especially when dealing with niggers and shitskins who can't understand why the white man is lying to them.

with what guns? it's over frog's over

France does this all the time

but they allow the Islamification to their so-called country without much uproar.

If you could hear her speaking... She sound like someone straight from the ghetto who benefit from the "Rivkin project" (USA funding shitskins and niggers in France to do entryism into french gvt).

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french are good at riot

they are not good at war


Macron should've gotten the guillotine years ago.

>Plus de creche
>Plus de college
>Plus d'ecole
>Plus d'université.



you would know

boomers at homes kek

Your guns are basically props.
Your police is basically the military.
And you're actually not white as a country with the most degenerate culture since perhaps the Wiemar republic.

Just call them normies, you could describe much of the Finnish or Swedish or British population that way


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Heil Macron desu

Je dois passer un concours en avril

Je suis baisé ou pas ?

Tu ne peux pas dire ça alors que des députés homosexuels sont déjà en train de mourir du corona. Quand on attaque les vaches sacrées de la république, elle riposte.


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Bernie Sanders' electibility is gone

Si ça dure plus d'un mois, oui.

>I won't accept this. This means civil war.

sit down Ahmed of shariah.
>french people
>something my children will read about in books

Inb4 those inbred fuckmonkeys and assorted horses of niggers refuse to stay home and spread this shit.

Still they are going to provide some kindergarten service. In other words, they close schools but put the children all together in another place. I'm sure it do wonders.

>be me, hired two month ago in a professional training center, still on trial
Well, I guess I'm fucked.

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Ah ah... ah ah ah en avril, passer des concours sera le dernier de tes soucis.
Ah ah ah ah ah

Robbed of the feeling of a hot thigh teen, and the excitement of stealing 2nd, so an ancient whore could get her rocks off.
Poor bastard.

wouldnt be the first time an angry french manlet decides that he knows what is best

>they are not good at war

This right here
Get fucked frenchie faggot

What the fuck ? Source about that project ? Is it the same that created Force Ouvriere?


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