Attached: BreakingNewsAlert1-1000x600.jpg (1000x600, 76.43K)

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Also gold now above 1600.

>recovers 1200
ending the day green

none of this will save a single life

no threats from a fake virus
seethe more kike

wat is repo

Lol cryptocurrency virgins BTFO by the Chad FIAT currency.

It's all fake anyway why not just print 100 trillion? Or even a gazillion?

Like they've been doing since October? This will do fuck all for the market in any sort of actual timespan over a week

Dead cat bounce, nigga.

Attached: 5ABE7B33-DDA8-428E-A4DC-EDB02203EEBC.jpg (750x475, 83K)

How do they keep getting away with this?

>Like they've been doing since October? This will do fuck all for the market in any sort of actual timespan over a week
it's a good bit more than they've been doing

Attached: fedrepos.jpg (800x417, 54.98K)

uhh they made the virus you tool, that is why only they have been arrested so far because of it.

Fed Liquidity Rises to $283.1 Billion that means BYE BY 401k and or Housing market


if it exists, it is harmless to whites

Holy shit bros we possibly saved the economy for two weeks this time instead of one

Its a pump and dump, tomorrow is going to be a fucking mess

thank G-d
I cried today looking at my retirement plan
I'm happy Trump pulled Jerome aside and convinced him to do the right thing

Better be that housing market so I can buy one with my 401k

I was just about to post this

>Today, March 12, 2020, the Desk will offer $500 billion in a three-month repo operation at 1:30 pm ET that will settle on March 13, 2020.

Tomorrow, the Desk will further offer $500 billion in a three-month repo operation and $500 billion in a one-month repo operation for same day settlement.

Three-month and one-month repo operations for $500 billion will be offered on a weekly basis for the remainder of the monthly schedule.

The Desk will continue to offer at least $175 billion in daily overnight repo operations and at least $45 billion in two-week term repo operations twice per week over this period.

Attached: Annotation 2020-03-12 131702.jpg (788x127, 37.21K)

Housing has been needing to go under for real for 20 years


Attached: fed.jpg (976x509, 73.23K)

No one cares, repo market is reliant on collateral, if collateral collapses they could pump quadrillions and it would still crash. Typical human behaviour thinking that printing numbers in a computer eliminates economic realities

Don't fall for that shit

>Pumping punctured wheel of bankers with people´s money
Whatever is coming to them will be deserved.

lol tanking again

>using tax payers money to bail out failing businesses
Now when have we seen that before? Socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor

Ofc the jews plans to get rich of this distaster at the cost of everyone else.

Found thr jew.

>its a rigged game
no shit, but just be smart and make the right moves so you're not a poorfag

its crashing aagain

where is this money coming from? arent we in debt? are they just printing more money to make more inflation? what the fuck is going on?

Back down it goes

you fuckin bitch..

They can’t stop this shit, it’s going down and so many people will kill themselves.


>dude just be rich
Yeah that's the problem isn't it

more like dead cat rolling down a mountain

Pumping more blood into a zombie market. It won’t help in the long run and they know it.

wtf did everyone just become poorer in flash?
just like that?

>im found out
seethe kike

unfortunately until money is redesigned, always the issue in any -ism

It's fiat. It's not worth anything.

>money printer goes brrrrrrr

Attached: tumblr_mh1yybp16y1rlo1q2o1_500.jpg (500x281, 57.95K)

RIP. 1trilion did nothing

They just wasted a trillion dollars, it's crashing again. Wake me up when the Fed has a WuFlu vaccine, until they we're fucked.

It raises inflation world wide, when the fed prints more money, every other currency that uses dollars as reserve (which is everyone but north korea and iran) loses value.
This is a good video on the subject

those that want the market to crash are mad they don't have enough money to invest in the first place

Nothing to lose...

>money printer broke gonma go get some more ink

I know you're just playing dumb but yes, the Fed literally just wishes money (not value) into existence.

>it's foing down again
KEK, while the market is crashing Trump is twitting about "muh Obama".
I hate this moron and every single retard who endorses him.

dumb and impatientpilled
you really thought it would just go straight up for the next 3.5 hours?
it will still be green end of day, screencap this

You can only prolong the inevitable

Attached: repo rate.png (1950x898, 289.44K)

>RIP. 1trilion did nothing.
We need to throw 100 bajillion trillion dollars at it!!!

Attached: 385.jpg (317x267, 21.84K)


this is the plan.

new currency and global economy coming soon.
Agenda 21 my nigga.

This but unironically.
Fiat currency is for cucks, hence why the entire US uses it.

>Focused on money
>calls someone else a kike

Attached: 31iokp.jpg (569x539, 36.17K)

Is dollar basically done now?

Attached: Happening1.gif (310x760, 22.3K)


Attached: D115E220-A67E-4707-96DE-2504E938F9F2.jpg (1024x488, 103.64K)

Obama IS the one that started the trade war with China...so it IS kind of obamas fault.

just throw the whole fed building into it

money is hook-nosed nepotism, it is fabricated into existence by kike central banks and handed to their jewish mates to lend to the goyim at usurious rates of interest. the game is up, shlomo



what is the fed buying government securities going to do for stocks?

>yeeees more money printer noises
Please do
>aaaaaa the brrrrrrrr so soothing

Attached: ColorfulAdventurousGoldenmantledgroundsquirrel-size_restricted.gif (294x250, 89.59K)


how many trillions have they thrown at it already? this will do nothing but delay the inevitable

Who gives a fuck my stocks are at stake

Oy vey

Lol checked

Neither has communism, considering it's where the virus originated.

It took a single serving of batsoup to take down the entire world economoy

Let that sink in

>1200 points

it aint gonna be enough, there is nothing they can concievable do at this point

Its been coming for a long time

Communists aren't human. Those are not lives.


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not if you company you work for took obama stupid cash injections those companies will need to hand over $283.1 billion to the fed so they can give it to other companies.

Yey!!!! Welfare for Wall Street!! Jewish Christmas!!

Fuck off retard, no way I'm wasting any time with you.
I have way too much experience with your kind.

Haha money printer go brr

can someone explain this in brainlet terms

what is repo

what is fed

Attached: brainlet.png (211x239, 8.14K)

Lmao I was about to drop 30k on a home mortgage. Looks like im waiting about 4 months and buying a home with that 30 instead.

Attached: 1576688142871.jpg (1280x720, 199.21K)

So, more debt

that what the USSR said brr

Reading back your post it seems ironnical if so I apologize. Other wise fuck off.

Out of respect for what bomber Harris did to the Germans I'm going to hold my tongue but just know this young man, things are a lot more COMPLICATED than you think. Peoples pensions are on the line here, what was Trump supposed to do? Not take drastic measures? Allow the SPY to tank 2k a day? Wake up son....wake up and join the rest of us in the real world.

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