Bernie Sanders is all but done

What went wrong?

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he nogged when he should have nigged.

Coronavirus may have changed it all if Kek wills it.

>in every way, other than the way in which the campaign will be decided, his campaign is done

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Like, Mr Mcgoo lost.
Why is he still trying?

Unironically he's too fucking weak. If I hear 'Joe is a good friend of mine' one more time I'm gonna puke.
Plus he's retarded for calling himself a socialist when he's not really one. It makes people think of the Soviet Union, not fucking Denmark.
People in Europe don't call themselves socialist. That probably shaves at least 10 points off his votes.

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Sanders doesn't want to win, Sanders is just there to make massive amounts of money, he's a multi-millionaire, his wife bankrupted a college and Sanders is living on easy street.

Sanders is smart enough to know that Socialism can't work in the USA, you CANNOT have Socialism "free stuff" and then have Open Borders at the same time.... because what you're saying is that all a person has to do is jump an imaginary line down in South Texas and they can get free stuff forever... the entirety of South America would be here within minutes, the colleges and hospitals would collapse within a year.

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His garbage supporters.
They wanted everyone else to vote for him, but they couldn’t be bothered to vote. A little over ten percent voted in the primary.
The ones that were cult like followers turned off his potential voters by strong arm tactics.

Boomer turn out was exceptionally high this time, he stays in because joes brain is turning into fondue and could have a stroke at anytime.

Reminds me of something...

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>DOW tanking
>implying this isn't the best time for a commie candidate to say that capitalism is crapitalism

The only thing stopping him is sanders own cuck nature.

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Tune in!

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Literally this

>50% of hillary's voters were youfs
>only 35% of voters in the 2020 primaries are youfs

If they just fucking VOTED they'd be winning.

Gotta keep sucking in that donation money flow.

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Warren/DNC fuckery
Also niggers

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Its finally over.. i got sick already of all the Bernie shills raiding my congolese shoe making site

He just won California tho

Commie kike should have offed himself.


I want to give boomers the corrona virus

I just hope the crazy old kike lives another 4 years so he can scam millions more from gullible idiots

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He was a fraud and a liar working for the establishment the entire time because - and pay attention everyone:


Except trump's rightwing, so he won easily by having the establishment at his back. If you're so concerned about Bernie winning, you fuckers had better pitch in pretty soon or you'll miss your chance.

He's anti-Israel, and he wanted to tax the corporate jews that run the media and wallstreet.

unironically this. you dont hear trump calling himself a wignat. you dont hear hillary calling herself an emperor. bernie should have just branded himself as an alternative to the establishment and an economic populist. you dont get anywhere in america calling yourself a socialist when all our enemies like cuba, venezuela, soviet russia, china, etc were socialist

This. He literally won't speak up, which is proof he's in on the game. NOBODY could be throwing the primary this fucking badly unless they were trying to. And Sanders is obviously trying to, which means he's the enemy.

This is why I want to grab you people and shake you like a child. The count is sanders (710) to Biden (864).
Sanders lost. Even if every single vote left went directly to Sanders, he’s not winning. Remember 2016? The super delegates aren’t voting for sanders.
When ten percent of his voting base are the only ones voting for him, he lost.
Just do a simple search on sanders super delegates. You’ll find numerous articles of their public statements about being anti sanders.
It’s over.

This is a lie. Boomers are turning out in record numbers to nuke their grandchildren.

Only Cuba is socialist on that list. I don't know if you realize it, but the USSR isn't around.

Aaah, tranny tears. Delicious.

Leftist fags will say it was DNC manipulation but really the moderates dropping out and coalescing around one politician was bound to happen. He didn't get screwed like in 2016. What cost him is he's a beta bitch who doesn't stand up for himself. He sucks DNC cock in the same sentence he denounces them. He lets protestors snatch his mic and dominate his rallies. Buttigieg didn't even play that shit. If a literal homo has more of a backbone what tf are you doing? Especially if you'd be running against a bully like Trump.

tugger carlson had a good segment on this

>boomers are voting. Their grandchildren aren’t

>didn't even attempt to campaign or build connections in black communities until election year
>flexible on 2A, which pisses off gun grabing neoliberals
>wants to abolish ICE/CBP, which alienates pretty much anyone who isn't a Jew, illegal immigrant, aspiring illegal immigrant, or a shabbos goy
>aligned himself with the Squad, who celebrate all the worst idpol memes unironically (trans rights, white peepo bad, etc)
I dunno, it doesn't seem like he was making a serious attempt.

The overwhelming majority of Americans don't like the whole "woke progressive LGBTQP" bullshit. It's just a small community of loud people on the internet. Bernie bros got too comfortable in their sheltered Twitter and Rèddit safe spaces and got hit with reality when they learned the real world is nothing like those heavily moderated places.
Blacks and most humans are literally voting for an actual senile racist who supported segregation and tough laws on minorities over the guy that marched with MLK and fought for civil rights his whole life. Let that sink in
Get woke go broke. No refunds Bernie Bros.

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No, you retard. Stop getting all your propaganda from the idiot box.

Tried to campaign in a white man's country.

Well it won't be for long because you won't stop voting for the capitalist vampire overlords who don't give a fucking shit what color you are, so long as you breed and work in their factories.

Denmark is nothing close to what Bernie wants. Only retards who don't do their research think his ideas are similar

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So did people claim for Trump, just like you're doing for Bernie now, and he's been doing the opposite. Funny how Zionists and Jews do that.

Nig’d when he should have nog’d.

Nothing went wrong. He did exactly what he set out to do.

No refunds.

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Look again. I'm the one who gets told that I shouldn't speak because I chose not to be a cuck and vote for the "lesser of two evils". If anything, I'd be the scout/assassin if an actual force existed to serve justice to these traitors and Jews.

Oh yeah. Instead of using scientific computation, I’ll believe somebody’s voodoo shit post on a image board for plumbing parts based out of West Virginia.
I trust the polling, far more than I trust you. You have your opinion. I have statistics.

because a socialist jew would totally fix that right?

Is one running?

He's too nice for politics.
There is.

Dithering old commie fuck obsessed with broken programs and an obsession with the rich

>all but done
So he's not done?

All but done?
That nigga was done in 2016 when he cucked to Hillary.

Sanders is a capitalist. That's why he's losing. He's paid to.

*coof* *coof* Come closer. I don't feel so good.

Black boomers of South Carolina started it and gave Biden that necesarry push to revitalize his ampaign, also poor white young people who would benefit from Sander's policies don't vote.

>implying anything was ever right
>implying anyone wants a stupid socialist as a president

This post needs some sage seasoning, it would taste better if it did.

I don't think anyone thought Trump was anti-Israel or anti-kike. If they did, they should have gone back and reviewed his past statements, or just looked at his family history and social circle. I think a lot of people did think Trump was going to do something about the beaner invasion, which is why he got elected. But Trump has always been a supporter of the jews and the blacks and gays.

Bernie has the jew genes, but he has been fairly consistent. However, his flip-flop on immigration was when he lost my support.

Sanders used to be anti open borders but then switched over hoping to get the support of the loud minority. Big mistake

nothing went wrong dummy OP

he thanks you for believing in him


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Easy. Media manufacturing dissent. The boomers wond Biden Super Tuesday and Michigan. Boomers only watch corporate television media. Media has been biased against Sanders since day 1 since they are all ultimately owned by corporate investors, including investors from surprise surprise the pharmaceutical industry. Biden had to do nothing. Even the most liberal msm outlets made it seem like Biden was the only one that could beat Trump even though exit polling shows 70% of voters support Sanders policies. Americans have been indoctrinated from birth by consumerist and corporate entities with far more power than they should have. Thanks Reagan.

Limp dick revolutionary. Trotsky would put a bullet in this half-ass fag.

This pic would be improved by adding a tax payer to Bernies left and lining up Bernies hand so its going into the taxpayers pocket.

>lots of people support sanders
You should of convinced those people to VOTE.

the game is rigged

Dude, you're ignorant. He has come out on many occasions claiming himself to be a socialist, and not the king Hitler was trying to usher in. He's praised fidel castro as well and Cuba is a shit hole. The guy isn't a capitalist either. He's never invented a service or product for the masses and somehow he's in the 1% literally from doing jack shit in government positions, outside his country at that, all on tax payer dime.

Naming a post office isn't a valuable service. So don't go there.
Trump's daughter is married to Kushner, a literal Jew, who happens to be Trump's senior adviser. All of Trump's speeches lack substance and is more of an act than anything.

A literal marxist Jew, a man who lies repeatedly to the public and is secretly a Zionist, and a man with mental disorders are your greatest chances for the next president. I hope they all catch corona virus and die.

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They did, dickhead. You should have convinced the DNC to stop changing people's votes. Fortunately,


It's done. Bernie's not even a challenge anymore.

>70% of exit polls showed people support his policies.
This is an obvious lie, because exit polls are done on people leaving their voting location. 70% of people didn’t vote for sanders, so 70% of people obviously don’t support his policies.

>What went wrong?

Delusional chapocels and leftypol trannies thought they spoke for the majority

Bernie should have fought back more. The media was and still is constantly bashing and biased against Trump but he can at least get the better of them and cause the population to not trust the media. Bernie just takes it.
Trump has strategies that make the media shoot themselves in the foot to the point. He leaks fake news stories about himself and when the media picks them up he makes them look stupid. Bernie should have at least done something like that but I think Bernie was just sent to collect donations from millennials and hand them over to the establishment

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It’s not a conspiracy. You’re just backing a candidate that nobody voted for. Odds makers are giving Hillary a better chance to win over Sanders. Hillary isn’t even running.

"my very good friend joe biden doesnt have a corrupt bone in his body" was RIP bernie bros

>muh establishment

on par with the "patriarchy" at this point.