George Orwell rolls in his grave

George Orwell rolls in his grave

Attached: doublethink.png (787x356, 186.23K)

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this sounds like a 3 year old wrote it.

>Masks do not work
>Masks work


Mask don't stop you from catching things, they stop you from spreading things, and only when worn properly. Health care providers regularly interact with those who have weakened immune systems, and therefore they need to protect them. Your ass is fine. Panic doesn't make your immune system weaker.


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The average mask user wears one in public, but then goes home and touches their face with their hands without disinfecting. They gain no benefit from the masks. Medical professionals are more careful in all areas.
Also, masks are important for more than just corona... The shortage is impacting surgeries and cases of other diseases as well.

If I'm in the doctor office I think it's a bit too late for him to "just wear a mask", infection risk is very high especially if I don't have one mask for myself.

Remind me again why does the mask prevent cross-contamination but also not prevent cross-contamination??

The mask isn’t to stop them from getting Coronavirus, it’s for the dozens of other shit they use them for in hospitals

Our Surgeon General is a gay nigger, unironically

Here's an idea. Produce more masks, you fucking faggot.

So you're making the "we're smart you're dumb" argument?

>impacting surgeons


I have a ton of masks.

I wondered what stops people taking them for free when I offer.

Now I know... I'm supposed to sell the cunts

Pic related mask is less effective than N95, but still reduces risk of infection. It is unconscionable that our government and MSM are lying about this. I guess once you start lying, it just gets easier and easier.

What's really mystifying is that so many people believe these lies. user, are you just stupid? Why do you believe that?

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So... They do work?

Theres more diseases than covid out there

He’s right now
China mask fags have always been wrong

Right tho**


Yes, but people are retards, including you.

Buying is one thing, but I heard about a recent thing where people stole the masks out of the morgue. That's not cool- they need that shit.

Why do you assume people don't disinfect their hands? If your whole argument really is based on this idiotic premise then just kys!


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They only work if you're already infected and you don't want to infect others. 99% of people who wear masks are not infected and just wear them because they think it'll prevent THEM for getting infected, which is wrong.

No one cares who we were until we put on the masks? If I take it off, will I die?

I thought the idea of double speak and double think was silly when I first read "1984". It is not possible I thought, but boy was I wrong. Twitter and MSM is a non stop source cognitive dissonance. It's crazy

Lmao, just wash your hands and don't touch your face. Literally will prevent you from getting infected.

the hospitals are probably getting the masks directly from the manufacture so i dont see how people buying them from walmart affects them in any way

I agree the general consoomer is that retarded, but then that is what should be stated, not "masks do not work".
Instead it should pointed out why masks do not help when you violate X, Y, Z precautions that also have to be taken.

>masks don't work for X
>therefore they must not work for anything

Typical lutefisk education

I feel exactly the same.

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das racist

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My mom who works as a nurse said that they have literally 1 mask per doctor. After you treat the patient you have to remove it and place it in a baggy to use later.

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>Retards ITT
Everyone post your IQ

Yes, they don't. The average person is a retarded pig.

Why do people keep posting images of nursing home nurses?

So do the masks work or not?

Why can't I just wrap a bandana or something around my face? Assuming I just want to protect nose and mouth, and that I disinfect my hands regularly, how is it less effective than an n95 which won't filter the microparticulate anyway?

Weren’t the masks pretty effective in both China and Korea? They just know there’s hardly any masks left and so are lying.

I bought 6 million masks and now I'm re-selling them at a 1000% markup. I'm making a killing here.

Then why do healthy doctors wear masks?

Doctor said masks aren’t effective at stopping you from breathing in virus. Only a truely sealed respirator will work. There’s always gaps In masks.

Didn't say that but okay.

Masks are a necessity against the Chinese Corona Flu.

Ive yet to see doctors stop wearing those masks when in contact with corona patients...


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Airways are a primary source for expelling disease, but disease can be absorbed from any number of routes. Think about it. If I'm a medical professional, I keep my body fairly sanitized, but I am still breathing shit out into the air. Putting on a mask helps stop that.

When you wear a mask in order to try and not catch a bug, you're only blocking off one of many routes of entry. Also, you're making sure that anything that gets in behind your mask will absolutely get into your system.

Your failure is assuming that infecting is mechanically similar to being infected

the masks works, the idiots behind it don't

They work. Doctors and hospitals didn’t store enough of them and are running out because they didn’t plan for shit. The government should have a giant warehouse full of supplies. I bet they did 40 years ago too. Now, everyone is incompetent.


Masks are the only effective way to massively reduce the spread, if everybody has one then they can't infect others.

>Ive yet to see doctors stop wearing those masks when in contact with corona patients...
Doctors wear those masks when dealing with any patients. They didn't just start using them this month you fucking autist.

N95 masks are

10 rolls of toilet paper OBO

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What is he talking about? Is he questioning capitalism?

This is the correct answer, masks are effective indeed. Surgical masks are designed so that the surgeon doesnt infect the patient, but this nigger is conveniently hiding that fact, and that N99 masks with proper measures pretty effective at prevention.

Because they don't, if they did there wouldn't even be epidemics.

I paste this shit every time I see this disinformation. Masks and respirators are effective

Respirators do work. This study on medical staff caring for coronavirus patients found that medical staff wearing masks had a 0% infection rate, compared to the 4.6% of no-mask staff.

These studies have found no discernible difference between the protective efficacy of N95 respirators and surgical masks with influenza

Until the WHO, Surgeon General or some other authority give a damn good reason alongside supporting evidence why masks are ineffective, then it goes against everything we know.

It’s airborne you daft motherfucker.

They wanted to stop the shortage of masks for hospitals, they don't give a shit about the general populace.

if every single one of the retards wear shitty surgical masks, it would drastically reduce airborne droplets from asymptomatic infecteds, directly reducing infection rate.

He's right. They're only really effective for keep those that already have the disease from spreading it to others. The masks aren't completely snug on the face, and you can still get it through your eyes, so having it over you mouth/nose really only protects you from the most odd of circumstances. If you want actual protection wear a full mask + respirator.

Because they're a fucking doctor, that's why.

Its true, a mask will not protect you from catching the virus.
What you need to do is put masks on EVERYONE ELSE, so when they cough, it is intercepted by mask and not put into the air. Only then are you safe.

Unfortunately capitalist countries are too inefficient to immediately increase mask production. Nothing is allowed to happen with out days of deals and negotiations and profits for everyone.

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Lol @ north-korean propagandists photoshop skills

the mask won't prevent the wearer from getting sick, which is the purpose people buy them; prevention. they do help people who are sick from spreading illness.

>Mask don't stop you from catching things, they stop you from spreading things
>They only work if you're already infected and you don't want to infect others.
>When you wear a mask in order to try and not catch a bug, you're only blocking off one of many routes of entry. Also, you're making sure that anything that gets in behind your mask will absolutely get into your system.
>He's right. They're only really effective for keep those that already have the disease from spreading it to others
>Its true, a mask will not protect you from catching the virus.

All verifiably incorrect. See:

>There are no different types of masks for different purposes
Is this the famous burger education? Or just propagandists working on getting those masks for health professionals, guess we'll never know.

Aspiration is the most likely form of infection. If you have a properly fitted N95 mask, you dramatically lower the opportunity for infection. Granted, a full face mask and hazmat suit is better, but also far less comfortable. An N95 mask combined with handwashing after being in public is a great way to mitigate pandemics.

Also, thanks for answering the question: you are just stupid and unable to think for yourself.

Source. Every single source I've read said it isn't.

They’re not effective against corona but they work for other shit. Joe public isn’t going to be performing surgery.

Stranger, you are wise beyond years.