Blacks Will Survive Coronavirus

Black Men will survive the epidemic. They are the only race that still gets together in the masses and pillages cities taking what they want. When shit goes down blacks will be a majority in the streets looting all the food and supplies while any white person they see will be killed as they finally have a lawless society to do so. White soibois and unfit men don't have a chance to survive this pandemic when it really hits. They can barely run and will get floored in any moments of combat. Your guns are meaningless when Blacks will storm houses 10-15 at a time killing the men and raping the women, taking all the food and supplies you "stockpiled" pointlessly.

Also white people have extremely low body fat percentages on average. Blacks and Spics are built different. They have enough fat to live for a month or two without food. Meanwhile white people are used to staying nourished and will collapse very quickly without food after 3to5 days.

Admit it, if you are unable to pillage and siege your own city, you're not gonna make it.

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fuck off nigger

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Look at the Great NYC Power Outage of the 1970s

72 hours without power and niggers were to the point of eating each other.

People with IQ lower than 90 (niggers and Canadians) will not survive.

So once they loot the poo and loo stores where do they get their food? cities would be one mass grave after another.

whites don't live in cities, nigger

The blacks don't know how to farm.

Its the nigger fetish leaf again.

Do blacks even know how to start a fire? Both outside and inside Africa. I don't think it's ever happened


Only a Canadian faggot would say that. Those stupid mfs don't have a chance....

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Whites invented fasting

Blacks just know how to starve

>gets together in the masses
>spreads virus
dumb leaf is dumb

Nice gun...but you put a $20 optic on a $1200 gun. Faux pas!

Excuuuuuse me? That optic was 34.99 thank you very much lmfao

I beg to differ:

I fucking hate that you're in my country shit skin chink eye.

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>Black Men will survive the epidemic. They are the only race that still gets together in the masses

You're my favorite kind of stupid.

death rate 1% guys uhuh its just a flu lmao

I dont blame you for wanting to rake us desu sempai

Y'all got baited by a poojeet.
You should be ashamed of yourself - ignore the street shitter and may he'll neck himself.

They kill each other faster than the virus can

i want to ask a question but i'm not being mean so if you're a burger and feel like answering, please don't take offence

i think one of the greatest things about america is the right to bear arms, however i rarely see this in action as you'd hope
just a couple of days ago there was some teen girl jumped by a pack of niggers that keep coming out of nowhere in plain daylight and in the middle of the city, however no one did anything. don't you have guns? why not use them and mow them down? apart from the rare travyon/home.invaders i rarely see news about someone shooting feral niggers in self defense

have weapons and "cum git them" become the white man's flex? i haven't heard of any politicians shot, either, there was that guy who shot a mobster in his house but we all forgot about it really quickly

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Pretty sure that just makes it easier for police to hit a target.

Shut the fuck up no one cares dude. No one gives a flying fuck about my opinion or yours.

What a dumb nigger

nice, i got trips

That's not how it happens, they are inferior in everything, intelligence, virtue and courage

They will die withing the first days because they will assault KFC and Burger King while we take control of the weapons and light/heavy vehicles.

Nice demoralisation thread. It wouldn't be wise for niggers to purge the only demographic where most of their aid comes from.

I pray to god this happens so me and the boys can go coon hunting

Honestly, self defense is actually pretty cucked in the US. If the person is unarmed, they are almost ALWAYS protected by our cucked justice system. The respect for the human lives of aggressors/criminals is pathetic.

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so you mean, that blacks are literally built for the bbc?

OK, what prompted that robbery?
"Ooga booga, shiny. GIB"

America is HUGE and each state (and a lot of large cities) has their own gun laws (usually in violation of their own state constitution) so for every "home invader gets ventilated" you'll have "pack of ferals attacks man."

>They are the only race that still gets together
That is how you'd get infected. Stopped reading. Dilate.

>Your guns are meaningless

Not really. Blacks are animals. Drop one, the rest will scatter, like any aggressive scavenger. Was a story floating around from a south african farmer. Said in his youth, a horde of niggers rose to kill and raid the farm. His dad buttoned everyone up in the house, then got a bullhorn and shouted at the blacks:

"You can bust in here and kill us, but the first of you inside is a fucking dead man"

They yelled a lot, wrecked a tractor, and tried to burn the house down, but not one soul wanted to die for the rest to profit. Blacks frenzy easy, but it's thin and easy to break. Once they see a black head busted open, they bolt. I'm not sure what race riots the hardest, might be worth a study.

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He coulda just knocked him out the split second after his shit fell to the ground. Whites in videos like this don't want confrontation in the face of it.

The "teen girl" in question was also a nigger. Black lives don't matter. Let those animals kill each other, its not our problem.

I absolutely hate niggers. FUCK NIGGERS.

This is why you don't say the N word in front of a black chad


I'm sure the based mutt said "fucking niggers" at the end

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This is what Chinks and Niggers daydream about.

My gated community will be barbecuing any niggers and raiders on open fires for the rest of the shitskins outside to get their meal and leave us in peace.

Not wasting my lawyers time saving 1 dumb nigger from a pack of niggers?

That's great news! That means there will be plenty of BBC for my wife and her trans daughter after my weak wh*te genes die off.

Once the shit they steal runs out, their black asses will starve to death.

It's literally just the flu

Imagine being this dumb nigger.
Pic’s you OP!

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>nigger punches someone two dozen times as hard as he can
>the victim doesn't defend himself and is still perfectly fine

The video with the monkey beating the white kid half his weight is irritating. I would have given that nigger a bent finger eye punch and then I would have broken all of his ribs. They always pick on smaller, weaker marks.

Most of their nigger crime happens in leftist cities. Very few leftists like guns and even fewer carry them in cities. Also who cares if niggers attack one of their own? Nobody, that’s who. Not even liberals.

Have you ever seen what happens when white people seriously start killing niggers? It’s always a slaughter. Niggers can’t into tactics or aim and are just target practice for the white man. Niggers are big and aggressive, but whites are apex predators built from thousands of years of brutal war against each other.

Blacks live in high density areas, which is where viral infections thrive. Blacks have poor hygiene, which makes viral transmission easy. Unless it turns out they have some kind of natural immunity to coronavirus, they're the most likely to get infected.

Actually there is a problem started by social media that Blacks are immune.
The WHO are trying desperately to convince people in Africa and the US otherwise...


Black social influencers + low IQ = Muh blue tick!

WHO + statistics ÷ low IQ = Muh looting shoes on!

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>nigger fetish leaf

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