Brown people are still enslaving each other around the globe, but white people are still somehow the topic of discussion when slavery comes up even though we ended it between 1833 and 1865. What we should've done is just shipped all these fuckers back to Africa so they could enjoy all the child slavery, mosquitoes, tribal wars, AIDS, dirt cookies, and poverty to their heart's content.
Brown Power music video promoting white replacement featuring Ilhan Omar
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Anyone here wake up but still have their eyes closed and then suddenly do what gif hardy is doing? Just so you can see if you can switch timelines
>shipped all these niggers back to africa
>Were slaves themselves at several points in history
>Participated in the slave trade for the least amount of time compared to Africans and Arabic Muslims
>Did not castrate their slaves, and allowed them to marry & have families
>Were the most efficient slavers/conquerors, and typically the most merciful and least totalitarian
>Were responsible for ultimately tearing down the worldwide slave economy
>Continue to financially and agriculturally support African and other 3rd World nations
How could we allow such an evil race to exist?
What is so hard about spamming the bitchute link to Mr Bond- Fascist music video?
Goddamn bunch of fucking newfags who dont know how to fight fire with fire.
Spam it (other Mr Bond songs) everywhere someone posts about this anti-white song.
brown power
Do the niggers accept the poo in loos into their midst?
You're just as bad as they are just in the other direction. Kill yourself.
Tried to ship the blacks back to Liberia, some stayed in the US though that is why there are high crime rates still there, But Libya turned into a shit hole where cannibal war lords killed each other, almost every single black country is in pieces or going down the drain, and it is not racist saying that, Africans are not good with 1st world tech or administration.
someone should have locked the damn doors with those monkeys in there and then lit the fucking place on fire. would have made for a much better webm.
Cope. A simple music video isn't white genocide, get over yourself schizo faggot, people can be proud of who they are. It doesn't work when white people do it because white people have no history to be proud of, I mean really, what is what pride? How can you be proud of raping and pillaging the whole world?
>What we should've done is just shipped all these fuckers back to Africa so they could enjoy all the child slavery, mosquitoes, tribal wars, AIDS, dirt cookies, and poverty to their heart's content.
Cope, blacks can't just "go back" to the country they know nothing about, this is like telling wh*tes to go back to germany, ukraine, France, Denmark, etc at random... the list goes in for you faggots and your background countries.. blacks built this country more then you ever could. Your ancestors are most likely white immigrants while blacks have an extremely established history in America, although they were held down and kept poor.
This is especially true if you're a poor white, if you're white and poor then you are just an immigrant.
Do your part, lads
Are we awake yet?
Nope, the person that made that video is still breathing.
>Brown Power - Zyklon B
Uhh hello, based department?
Imagine feeling this inferior to whites.
You can stand up for yourself and your race without being a racist faggot.
Would impregnate her 10/10.
Kill niggers in the street. Set traps with cartons of Newports and malt liquor.
niggers didn't build the country, you insufferable faggot. you seriously think the niggers boated over here were skilled tradesmen? how fucking stupid are you? or is it that you're just blinded by your homo-erotic fantasies of niggers? disgusting fuck.
Imagine the smell
brown people aka niggers, have NO problem screaming in our faces that we stole land from the indians yet have no problems wanting to steal the land from whites.
So would her brother
Virus goes overload, this bitch is getting hunted down and skinned alive first here
She's definitely made a lot of enemies and being part of this video doesn't help her.
Yeah I reported it too watch how nothing happens.
Not "racist" you little pansie, "racism" is a concept invented by jewish marxist Leon Trotsky.
Stop following their false dichotomies, stop being scared, stand up for yourself and have pride in yourself and your race, everyone else does.
Shut the fuck up, racist.
Imagine being somebody with a distinct racial history, ancient culture, and existent homeland and instead unironically identifying as "brown" while you steal the homeland from White people. These fecal hominids don't even pretend to be "diverse" or "vibrant" anymore. They SELF-IDENTITY as an undifferentiated mass of garbage.
How are you handling the BLACKED shutdown, lanklet cuck?
4/10 bait leaf, you can do better
you will forget about this in 1 week max. same with the SAS ad. shame
Imagine thinking Americas are white people's homeland
jesus they are just trying so fucking hard to start another civil war. Some niglet is going to watch this and go out and stab some innocent whitey.
chinky, chinky, did a thinky!
jealous of the whitey’s winky!
We built it, it's ours
You forgot to change your meme flag schlomo
no. when whites say "white power" they are branded as evil terrorists and have their lives ruined by twitter sjw's. when brown people say "brown power" they're spreading a beautiful message of unity. tell me what's wrong with this picture?
It is, we just had to kick the injun squatters off our rightful clay.
They will always support the extinction of our populations, and they don´t hide it anymore.
Tell me about that Somalian whore!
Why does she wear the diaper in the head!?
Fucking niggers
>featuring Ilhan Omar
why do americans always boast about muh goonz but never actually use them against who deserves it? this sheboon ought to have been put a bullet in her skull since years, yet nobody did anything
Remember kids, the great replacement is a neo-nazi conspiracy theory.
At most this video can provoke another white to go on a nonwhite killing spree.
>Whites have nothing to be proud of.
Except for creating the greatest civilization the world has known, the greatest artworks and music, modern technology, and ruling the entire world then giving it back because we were tired of niggers and shitskins.
>Blacks should be proud, they built this country.
Blacks were only productive when enslaved and used as farm equipment like animals. Once freed they became lazy porch monkeys who failed at subsistence farming even with government assistance. They've since given up even trying and now just live off gibs and kill each other. Niggers have nothing to be proud of other than mudhuts, being slaves, and laziness.
It is. We are the true natives of America. Brown people are invaders.
Ilhan is based. Fuck the white subhuman squatters.
There's nothing wrong with that.
>Brown people
You mean niggers?
I can't wait for the Nazis to come back.
Nazis only killed white people though...
The time is drawing near boys.
The global economy is in turmoil. Race relations are collapsing. White people are waking up to racial politics of brown people.
She's right. America is not going to be a country just for white people.
lmao any time now, snow rat.
>dat ratio
i hope we get more racial hate crimes because of this. poke the bear some more niggers
We white men killed our own to save blacks from the slavery of Jews.
Kek will give me digits to spread this truth far and wide
This is exactly how 80% off all incels look.
Because that's how it is, these two movements aren't equivalent and stand for different things. I've never seen brown power people advocating against racemixing between blacks and non-blacks, for throwing non-black subhumans out of the country to create black ethnostate and so on.