Trump was caught saying 'oh fuck' into a hot mic moments before he began his televised speech

C-SPAN caught Trump in the moments before he delivered the speech.

"Oh fuck" Trump said with a sigh while his microphone was on before delivering the speech. "Uh-oh, I've got a pen mark."

He then asked his staff for "any white stuff."

The moment was posted online by several Twitter use
C-SPAN also caught the moments after Trump delivered his speech as the cameras were still rolling.

"OK," Trump said with a sigh as he began to remove his mic from his lapel. The cameras continued rolling for another 10 seconds before the stream cut out

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So. You ever heard the Nixon tapes?


Trump is a goddamn incompetent moron who surrounds himself with goddamn incompetent morons

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who cares?

Well, if he was smart, maybe he'd have smart people hanging around him.

Never knew DTS was a life long illness. Yall need some help, cope harder faggot

>Trump is a human being projecting confidence when he has to be a leader
big if true



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Yes, he's an American.

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>you have any white stuff

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… and?

Trump is the "border security" president yet he has allowed the pandemic to cross the US border and infect the US population

Holy shit this is ACTUALLY the end of the Trump administration.

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My president said a bad word?

Hell yeah, gimme dat white!

and thats a good problematic thing!

Wow, how controversial. The guy who said you can grab women by the pussy and still won also says fuck.

>says the bernout who voted for the candidate that said he would open the borders and give illegals free college and healthcare to fight the coronavirus. Called Trump a xenophobe for stopping travel from China.

>Anyone got any white stuff?
This is funnier than the fuck. The President of the United States can't even identify a basic office item. I'm looking forward to watching this guy flush the whole country down the toilet.

The level of media opposition and snark against President Trump is simply so ridiculous at this point there’s a desperation to it. So let us consider…

From the outset of Donald Trump’s entry into the world of politics he espoused a series of key tenets around what he called his “America-First” objectives:

The U.S. needed to have control over our borders, and a greater ability to control who was migrating to the United States. A shift toward stopping ‘illegal’ migration.
The U.S. needed to stop the manufacture of goods overseas and return critical manufacturing back to the United States. A return to economic independence.
The U.S. needed to decouple from an over-reliance on Chinese industrial and consumer products. China viewed as a geopolitical and economic risk.

What’s that, Lassie? Timmy is stuck in the tool shed? In all seriousness, this post is cancer and all because of gayness.

Drumpf BTFO! He said fuck! Told you! Literally Hitler!


haha cum!

JUST IN, RETARD IN CHIEF WAS CAUGHT IN A SECRET RECORDING SAYING "Uh yeah, can I have some fries with that? No sauce please. And a large coke."

better than obama telling Putin he'll be able to do more once re-elected

I really enjoyed this video. He's such a ordinary guy. Someday when my own shit hits the fan, I hope that I can stay as collected. (and hopefully a little less narcissistic)

Trump has said fuck during his campaign rallys

looking forward to seeing your cheeks become flush with a nice shade of red as you dangle from a lamp post.

We need to impeach Trump immediately, Presidents should not be saying swear words.


checked & kek'd

> demoshits literally believe this is relevant news
i can't even handle your fucked up politics, Ameriburgers

we've got some really clear audio in the video of his breathing

tbqh, I don't hear any fluid at all rattling in his lungs or throat

>media opposition and snark against President Trump
No shit you goddamn moron. Trump is the president not the "Is the media happy with my action" guy. Trump has allowed political opposition and media to control his actions. The reason that has been so effective is because Trump and those he surrounds himself with are goddam incompetent morons

Let us have a moment for all the jet setting faggots blowing their daddy's money for being told for the first time in their lives that they aren't allowed to just show the fuck up when and wherever they feel like.

With 20+ million illegals still in the US and hundreds of thousands to millions of illegals crossing the borders it is joke to claim Trump has done anything about open borders. Not to mention Trump and Republicans love for H1B cheap labor

Trump is a goddamn moron who loves to be labeled negatively by the media but whose policies are still just as cancerous as the nigger before him

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He was asking for a bleach pen you stupid mommy washing clothie commie


Cspan edits tapes... after trump’s inauguration cspan cut the comments of a camera man. At end when Obama flew off in the helicopter, the camera man commented that “oh well, I guess it’s not going down today”.... a week or so later cspan snipped the end of tape

Calm down faggot

>he marked his hand with pen ink by accident
surely this is the end for him, now

WOW! big news, a journalist should maybe write a 3000 word article about this.

Checked holy digits

Lol millions are not crossing the border you dumb nigger


Grow up

Surely this will be the end for drumpf.
He can't keep getting away with this.

This is the same as the Nixon tapes.

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Wrong and you are goddamn stupid

Since Trump has became president millions of illegals have entered the US. In just 2019 alone the number arrested which does not include the number that were never apprehended was over 1 million. The US released 375,000 illegals into the US in 2019 alone. The numbers for 2017 and 2018 are nearly as bad. Millions of illegals have crossed the border while Trump is president

"Nearly 1 million migrants arrested along Mexico border in fiscal 2019, most since 2007"

"US released 375,000 illegal immigrants who entered with family members"

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>Calm down faggot
lol the derangement is real.

Is that Sheldon Adelson?
Wow, the MIGA memes were true.

Of course that is hyper kike Sheldon Adelson

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what an unsettling photo. Wtf is this

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Who gives a fucking shit, what a dead topic

gonna back trace it
gotta plug those leaks

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pol is full of schizo morons
Go back to /x/

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>More arrests is bad

> trump says f word
oh noes!! end of the fucking world.
vote democrat nao!!

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America is minority white already if you're under 18, and will become completely minority white in 2040.

I would support Trump over Biden, but even after the flop on immigration Bernie is still the most anti-jew candidate.

ofc you're a zionist lolberg t_d user so you need to get gassed either way

Trump confirmed cocaine sniffer

>Sheldon is a moron
Interesting take, retard.

>Trump asks for white-out, removes pen mark, says naughty word

I like him even more, thanks user

Why does European tv get to cuss but we don't

Trump has been fighting congress and the supreme court for 3 years over the wall you stupid self righteous cock sucker.

He'd have had the wall done already if they gave him the funds he asked for in the first place without having to take it to the SC