If you're against abortion then shut up about replacement and becoming a minority.
Abortion helps prevent that.
I have to drive through baltimore for work and there is a part of town where the only building that isn't boarded up is an abortion clinic. They are doing God's work.
what is your stance regarding abortion?
There are two types of anti abortion people. Christians and political "Christians".
True Christians don't care about race while political Christians just go along with the Republican stance
If you are pro abortions you are pro Satan.
Based and Sangerpilled
>pro Satan
not that I'm religious or anything but you do know that in the bible fairy tale Satan is the most beautiful and most powerful angel who refused to bow down to humans because he considered them inferiors?
there's an easy solution to this whole fucking thing: Reparations.
>white people pay through the asa for abortions, because they're just the worst. 5k each time.
>niggers get free abortion, or even paid for it. like 100-200 bucks per picaninny wrecked.
this, lucifer did literally nothing wrong
Abortion is murder you can call it what you doesn't make a difference
>Abortion helps prevent that.
Non-Whites have a replacement birth rate even with abortion.
Whites don't have a replacement birth rate even without abortion.
Agreed. I think it’s a horrible practice but it’s also a necessary evil
>not that I'm religious or anything
That explains why you support the murder of unborn children...
>Abortion is murder
is it wrong to murder nigglets?
There was a time when the rate of black single mothers was lower than the current rate of white single mothers. If a black woman became pregnant, Jamal actually used to marry the niggress to support her.
The current situation is what the OPTION of birth control, abortion, and the welfare state created.
Use affirmative action and the oppression Olympics to make abortion cheap and available for minorities but hard for white roasties
>The current situation is what the OPTION of birth control, abortion, and the welfare state created.
It's almost like banning or legalizing abortion won't actually save whites from the darkie hordes and the whole issue is a distraction from what white people really need to do to save their race...
I'm against Abortion because they get no legal hurdles, no paperwork or anything to make it a pain in the ass
Meanwhile my gun owning ass has to fill out paperwork, pay to receive my gun because it can't be delivered to my house, get a CCW permit to even carry or bypass a background check and if I didn't have a CCW I would have to wait 3 days or more depending on the store and wait even more if I bought the gun on a goddamn friday
If you want abortion so fucking badly then make it as annoying as buying a gun or repeal the NFA, Brady and gun owner protection act to make it unlimited like abortion
Only soft, faggot christcucks are against abortion. Serious-minded men understand that it's an absolute necessity.
abortion and guns are two separate subjects.
Fuck you nigger
abortion kills 10x more children per year than any AR15 has done in 50
>abortion and guns are two separate subjects.
Firearms are an inherent right.
Abortion is murder.
do you believe in white replacement and becoming a minority?
>do you believe in white replacement and becoming a minority?
>do you believe in white replacement and becoming a minority?
I live in South Florida and one hour away from Miami
You will not make it in that city if you do not speak spanish
abortion helps you not being overrun and becoming a minority.
I would like ethnicity based forced abortions for non whites and death penalty for white abortions
>Refused to listen to God
>Will get smitted once God decides it’s time to end it
It doesn’t matter how you feel, you’re not God. IF you don’t follow the supreme being then you will get smited. He created and designed us, rebelling against God is the equivalency of a computer programming telling the programmer it knows a better way to run itself (or well, even worst because God created us out of love and his connection is far weaker to us than that of the programmer and his program)
Just cut public transportations, bring back high rises, and let cops do their job. It’s actually that simple. We don’t need to shed innocent blood
My Government being cleansed of team killing fucktards in Halo will do better in the long run
Based accountant
Based general
Machiavelli would be proud if killing nigs
the geezer was losing it. Lucifer was a good boy who did nothing wrong.
No, because the only nations on earth who are practicing it are Europeans.
Everyone else is still growing.
YOU HAVE NO INFLUENCE ON THE WORST OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION, they're breeding like rodents into your vacuum, you arrogant short-sighting fool.
Lucifer rebelled against God. His genius idea oddly enough allowed us to be enslaved to sin. Either you follow God or you follow sin. Oddly enough, following God sets you free and following Satan enslaves you to rebellion. It’s a rather ironic situation, Satan did everything wrong (yet oddly enough still does God’s will)
>abortion helps you not being overrun and becoming a minority.
No it doesn't. It murders White children at the expense of murdering more non-White children.
Whites will still be a minority and then cease to exist even if abortion was banned.
Abortion will not save the White race. You act as if it will to justify your complete lack of action to save the White race.
Abortion is murder, gun ownership is not. Abortions should be banned and recreation McNukes should be legalized
You're obviously not paying attention to the statistics and facts you dumb cunt. People in poverty or lower income wages produce more children than people who have wealth. Thats why you'll see Muhammad and his wife with 6 kids and holly the white roastie with 2 abortions and an Instagram account.
Immigrants will be the last to aborts. Just Because black Americans do it that doesn't apply to every group of people.
your black population would double without abortion
And tanks should be bought like cars
I love the way you think
Abortion violates Natsoc doctrine as it is another ethnic group lying and deceiving another to push them to degeneracy to destroy themselves. This is what the Jews do. The true solution is segregation because American blacks are their own deprecate ethnic group different from Africans
abortion is not the only solution.
coupled with homosexuality and contraception it can reduce their numbers even more.
Nope, Satan lost it. It was the program telling the programmer it can run itself better. God was ontop of it. He is all-knowing. Satan’s rebellion was an act of freewill and him being a “Good boy” caused humanity to be enslaved to sin. He is responsible for all this degeneracy
>abortion is not the only solution.
>coupled with homosexuality and contraception it can reduce their numbers even more.
You're ignoring the fact that only the White ethnostate can save the white race. you're ignoring it because you don't want to do anything to save the white race.
You're harping on abortion because you like to see child murders due to the fact that you're an edgy fedora tipper that thinks lucifer was a cool guy.
>Satan lost
he couldn't lose because he's invincible. at most it can be a tie.
>only the White ethnostate can save the white race.
good look trying to secede from the usa.
>fedora tipper that thinks lucifer was a cool guy
he doesn't exist so whatever.
>he's invincible
>be Satan
>rebel against God
>get your ass handed to you
>fuck with his creations because you're too much of a faggot to man up and try again
>try many generations later to fuck with God again while he is Jesus
>still fail
>Have Jews and Judas get Jesus killed
>Jesus rises up again 3 days later lmao
>all Satan can do is bitch and moan
Arguing this while not acknowledging that anti-abortion groups have worked to make abortion basically impossible in most states. Poor women effectively can not get an abortion.
>come back with this argument when there is a planned parenthood in every ghetto giving out free procedures.
Based. We need free tank Tuesday and half off Attack Helicopter Wednesday. Possibly a range equivalency of a happy hour.
Dibs on the genetically engineered catgirls btw
>he couldn't lose because he's invincible.
Are you shitposting or are you really this stupid?
>good look trying to secede from the usa.
not that you actually care about saving white people.
>he doesn't exist so whatever.
and yet you claim he's invincible and you heap praise upon him.
you're pretty fucked up. you know this, right?
You are the dumbest brainwashed head in ass narcissist. I want to catch you and put you on display.
>gun rights are far more protected than abortion rights. The NRA fights for gun rights very successfully. Planned parenthood has all but lost and row v wade is on life support.
satan doesn't lose. he's invincible.
if he kills jesus and jesus resurrects then that's a tie, no?
if the battle in heaven lucifer tactically retreats but after that he beats the shit out of the archangels somewhere in the middle east then the outcome at least favors satan, no?
>Satan is invincible
He’s immortal (just as humans are).
God can erase him from existence at any moment
He will be disposed of. See Revelations
Also see the other guys post. He explains it better
Explain what these policies hope to achieve.
>you claim he's invincible and you heap praise upon him
he's a character in some made up story. get over it.
>Arguing this while not acknowledging that anti-abortion groups have worked to make abortion basically impossible in most states.
but abortion groups have made it virtually impossible to ban abortion in most states.
Why is one bad but the other good?
>Poor women effectively can not get an abortion.
Women shouldn't be allowed to get an abortion regardless. It's murder.
>>come back with this argument when there is a planned parenthood in every ghetto giving out free procedures.
I don't think abortion should be legal for any race. I'm not so evil that I think abortion is good because it murders unborn children of color more. It's still murdering children.
I want all the races to survive and thrive. Segregated.
And they're tripling in Africa and the difference is being brought in by your softheaded or evil cousin.
Keep ghetto blacks from ruining the suburbs, putting them back in Baltimore high rises, and letting the cops handle the issues without the idiots that run it
>he's a character in some made up story. get over it.
You should really stop. All you're doing is proving that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
>gun rights are far more protected than abortion rights. The NRA fights for gun rights very successfully.
Nigger we have the NFA, Gun Control Act, Gun Owner protection act of 1986, Brady law, and a temporary AWB
We now have democrats in Virginia almost starting a civil war with their draconian laws and other states passing red flag laws that violate more than just the second amendment
Fuck you dude
Found the underage poster
Be gone Satanist
Post guns nigger
Yeah, whatever motherfucker. Enjoy being overrun by brown people.
>Ad Hominem
>Ignores the policy to keep the issues out
This is how I know I’ve won, you can’t rebuke my argument so you go straight to a personal attack.
Good job
Learn your own doctrine first
>but abortion groups have made it virtually impossible to ban abortion in most states.
>Why is one bad but the other good?
What are you saying? You make no sense. I’m saying it doesn’t matter if abortion is technically legal, it’s virtually impossible to gets procedure in many places in America.
should be illegal for whites
this thread is about abortion, not christcuckery, of which satan is part of.
At least the niggers born in the US after generations have expectations of a civlization. You faggots are breeding niggers who have no expectations of anything except violence. They get here, and they like it, sure, but in no way do they even begin to respect the culture that created it. Nogs in the US had, at least until the 70's, some respect for the advancements Europeans gave.
You dumb jews took your fear of being outsiders and your beanie-blocker inspired wisdom from a time without a prophet in the temple, and decided you needed to destroy the christians no matter what.
Well, you're about to see what you've earned.
one white baby dies is too many
literal woman-tier logic.
You do get that the US still have the most permissive gun laws in the world. It is by far easier to get a gun than it is to drive a car.
>it’s virtually impossible to gets procedure in many places in America.
That's a lie though. Because if that were true, liberals would riot.
Anyone can get a free abortion if they put a little research into it.