Be Yas Forums

>be Yas Forums
>Jews actually afraid of Chinks

So what are you guys gonna do now? side with jews? Can you autists make up your minds?

>inb4 "No, i hate them both"
ok NEET, but you can't fight them both; you could barely handle one (((enemy))) to begin with

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Other urls found in this thread:à_Paris

I'd side with the ching chongs over the hebrews any day. At least China is a cool dystopia


>So what are you guys gonna do now?

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>George Soros calls Xi Jinping the most dangerous enemy
>as he laughs all the way to the bank

the puppets have cut their strings

You can hate both the kikes and the chinks, that's just fine. Who said anything about fighting them? They will either tear eachother apart or fuck up the world and kill us all. One way or another, whatever.

So Xi Jinping is actually based and a good guy?

I mean if Satan himself calls him bad he must be an angel

I hate The EU, Soros, Jews and Chinks.
All the same shit.

He attacks Israel publically but he son funds Israel via his "NGO" J Street.
This is just his public face to distance himself from the SoroSARS virus he created and his Georgia Guidestones.
And his Wuhan Biolab.

> At least China is a cool dystopia

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Jew overloads are pussies feeding on interests and Americans whereas chinks provide cheap labors and supply the world

George Soros just fears another evil capable of rivalling himself.

chinks are jews of the east, do you ever wonder why every fucking country around china hate chinks?? because they are the lost tribe of israel

you misunderstand something. there is enough hatred in my heart for both.

George Soros is unironically based af

I can hate both.

need winnie the poo memes

Hate both, let them destroy each other.

People who know the jews and their tricks are educated patricians
People who hate the chinese are just mad murrimuts that they aren't as relevant anymore and because jews tell them to.
Jews hate china because they can't pull a "fellow chinese" there and because chinese are basically etho nationalists and aware of their scoundrelous ways

jews are still worse.

>the enemy of my enemy is my friend
lol no, you filthy yid
haven't you learned already, that your pilpul is powerless, here

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this is like World War II choosing between one autocrat and a shadowy dictatorship with no accountability.
this explains the Hong Kong protest George Soros want to commandeer the criminal slush fund for grifters know as HSBC.

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>but you can't fight them both
you can't fight either for all that matters lol

soros funded coronavirus


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Oh no east jews and west jews hate eachother

As a jew I can confirm I fear chinks more than any other race.

是的,但是在Yas Forums不是,上来看看洋人笑话就行了,别太认真

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I don't like any. But I am curious to see what a world ruled by the Chinks looks like.

Its more like the Eastern front where you have Autistic Germans on one side and Barbaric Russians on the other

>you could barely handle one (((enemy))) to begin with
Oh wow, imagine being this weak.

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Chinks as in the really fucking low in Chinese who would rather kill someone they hit or overload trucks that kill hundreds of people are shit people and I’m Chinese

But they’re just another form of parasite sometimes just like the judeo and for that I can hate both but one less than the other

Soros is based tbqh
He's promoting LGBTQ-friendly multiculturalism EVERYWHERE, INCLUDING China or Israel.
Thank you, Soros-san

Why not hate both?

Because jews have no power over the chinese

-t. chang
No. We need side with no one, faggot. You are weak. Fuck the eternal jew and fuck soulless animal torturers both.

This board is called "Politically Incorrect".
Why dont you use your politically correct channels?

>Soros never said objectively false bullshit to dupe the goym before
Eh, try somewhere else kike

I'll admit It's a pretty aesthetic kind of dystopian prison colony they've got over there.

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you cant win
הכל מכתוב


The enemy of my enemy is my friend, but if the enemy of my enemy is also my enemy, then we are not friends.

>most dangerous enemy
Enemy of whom and what?

Why are you enforcing this board's version of political correctness?

I’m on chink aide

Pathetic thread, and of course you've got that flag. EU flag posters are easily the worst on the entire board.

Germany took on and gave the entire fucking world a run for their money. Imagine what several European countries doing the same can accomplish.

We don't need chinks, and we sure as hell don't need you kikes. I suggest (((you))) start hoarding toilet paper. The second White people remember their ancient strength and are unafraid, you're fucking finished.

By that logic lot’s of Jews “hate” Trump, so does that mean Trump is anti-jew?

I don’t think so. Jewish subversion is literally 4d chess. China is controlled OP. Jews probably have made deals to start ww3 with China and ensure theat they win and all whites die. The Jews always play both sides of everything.

It’s like 1984, no matter who wins we lose

>so what you gonna do now?
Drone both and buy stock

Well peru you can go there and die for all i care

Jews are the enemy

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Asians have the potential to be honorary Aryans.
Just have to change their cuisine and drop the pseudo communism, as well as dropping islam when it comes to south asians
Although I am biased for asian poussey

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he’s not incorrect. jews are an annoyance; china is a legit threat.

Is that who they are pretending Soros is these days?
Im starting to believe the fucker died and theyre assuming his role as him to maintain economic domiance over their adversaries

OP is confusing you. He is a literal Jew.

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>soros says something
>idiot believes it

yes, they're both enemies

Jews don't like Charlie Chan b/c they haven't got a stranglehold on their banks and economy, like they do in the JEWSA.
And all that gold China has must be making (((someone))) drool at the thought of stealing it.

evil recognizes the evil
just because they are enemies doesnt mean either of them is good

It's not the Jews.
It's the globalists. It's always been the globalists. A handful of wealthy Jews are members of the globalist cabal, but are by no means the majority.

The globalists cut a deal with China in the 90s.
>we industrialize China
>China provides us with slave labor and weakens Western sovereignty
>congratulations China! keep serving us and you get a seat at the table?!
Only China has gone rogue.
That's it. The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

nah Soros messed with China and got btfo, all his activity is outlawed in China, they are literally enemies

>Jews don't like Charlie Chan b/c they haven't got a stranglehold on their banks and economy
Actually, user, Jews control China. They have for centuries.
As someone else said, this is just 4d chess, to throw the train of reality off its tracks.

There are so many ties between Pissrael and China, once you look beyond the flimsiest of cover-ups, it would make your head spin.

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chinks are literally deepwater jews

He basically turned China into what it is by trying to do the same thing he did to Russia to China.
China responded by buying up everything before Soros could control/crash the market.

He's clearly still butthurt about it.

if you are antisemitic you are the enemy. you are of the segnogog of satan. read your bible the enemy fo the jews will be destroyed. it says it in genesis and revalation. china is goog and iran is magoog. sadly most of the people on this site are ignorant of the bible and at the end of days they will burn in hell with all the other deamons like adolf shitler.

george soros is correct. we need to stop china they are evil and scum.à_Paris

Give source for the pic please.