Forever a banana republic

Forever a banana republic.

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don't worry user; my graph looks the same, except its pretty fuckin hard to grow bananas here desu

ibov just reached -17%, its the worst fall in the world rn, we're pretty done at this point

forgot pic

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if I sent you 10 euro, can you buy a house for me in brazil?

brazil is a ticking timebomb atm
biggest main importer of their goods is china ( about 40%)

28%* but your point is right

Calm down, you monkey.

We are an exporter of commodities.

>What does this mean

The value of the dollar is determined FIRST by how many commodities we export, SECOND by how attractive having brazilian reais is. What makes owning brazilian reais attractive is having trustworthy and gratifying supply of treasure bonds, which we don't have in Guedes's reforms as we followed the bandwagon of near 0 interest rates and we still have absurd deficits despite the fiscal reforms.
Thus, the most important way with which we can control our exchange rates if by exporting commodities.

>How exporting commodities makes the dollar cheaper

Our law prohibits us from depositing dollars in our bank accounts, so when you sell onions to the gringo cucks or metal to the chinese, we pick the dollars they give us and deposit them in our bank account. The Central Bank proceeds to buy those dollars from the bank (giving them newly printed reais) and putting that money in the international reserves. The more money we have in our reserves, the cheaper the dollar becomes. The Central Bank could cheat this and offer cheap dollars (like Argentina often does to very rich and important people in their country), but that would mean we'd lose our reserves in a short time.

>What can we do, then?

Just wait until China starts importing again. Once they are back in business, we might get a 4 reais dollar once again. They will keep our international reserves supplied with dollars.

You just gotta calm down and wait.

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>real brasilerilerolioero
what a language

You think you are banana republic? :)
Russian ruble quotes
Think again
I'm russian btw

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Bem feito seus merdas p deixarem de ser uns retardados mentais e usarem o cérebro antes de elegerem um incompetente inútil q ficou 30 anos coçando o cu e falando merda

É mesmo, eu fecho com o Ciro, ele sim ia saber nos guiar com sua social-democracia

Yep, Lula and his cronies really fucked up the the country.

Cale sua boca seu absoluto retardado mental. Em vez de ser um contrário e ficar com o cú na sua mão reclamando fale quem teria sido melhor, seu absoluto mongoloide.
Aposto que você e seus dois neuronios teriam votado na merda do Haddad ou Ciro. Por favor, faça uma pequena getileza a sociedade brasileira e se remova da piscina genetica, seu literal gasto de espaço e entropia.

damn you have no chill son

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>elect right wing stooges
>surprised when the economy goes to shit

Favela niggers will literally never learn.

Boa macaco, agora, cite 3 outros candidatos como prova de que você possui acima de 50 pontos de QI e que não é um petista retardado.

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>leftwing faggs make a elaborate corruption sistem on all public services and buy all votes from the congressman.
Pretty sure that boloro fucked things up

You are small time

Pro tip: This is the "official" dollar, which you LITERALLY cant buy. It doesnt exist
The dollar that you can buy is called "blue" and it costs 30% more (because thats the tax the goverment puts on foreign currency)

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Isn't the ruble doing pretty okay right now?

A vá ser retardo na pqp qualquer um dos dois teria sido melhor q esse retardado q vcs evajengues elegeram só p confirmar a tese de vcs de q a terra é plana e ciência do capeta, vá p pqp irmão se tem alguém q precisa ser removido da piscina genética é vcs inúteis cuja a única contribuição p humanidade é atrasar o desenvolvimento do mundo, rebola bem a bunda p aguentar mais pica de milico dia 15 vagabundo

hahaha what a loser, your currency is dead lmao

Coup when?

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Foda-se irmão você quer passear na Disney todo ano seu merdinha

De fato um homem que insulta bem

tumbling down
tumbling down
tumbling down
tumbling down
tumbling down

the country of the future, and it always will be

Same here

The brapzillian ecoomnomy is entirely based on BIG BUNDAS

Eu não votei no bolsonaro, mas lhe pergunto como um coronel destemperado com um curral eleitoral e um ladrão de merenda escolar seria melhor. Pelo menos bosolnaro esta acabando com a politica de uma mão lava a outra.

kkkkkkk tomar no cu

I cant afford my onlyfans subscriptions anymore REEEEEE

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Getting rid of pic related was the final nail in the Brazilian coffin.

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>caring about jew cash
>not beheading traitors at our Congress/Senate
That's why everybody call people like you "monkey".

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If I sent 1 million Reais to Germany, can you buy a passage from Germany to USA?

I hate the replubic.

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same here
>the leftards are blaming our president

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Vai ficar tudo bem calma


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AVE IMPÉRIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We never had a chance didn't we ?

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>omg this only happens in brazil nevermind the fact that this is a global crisis
the actual definition of mutt complex in action

Camwhores will become 1% out of this

Who wouldn't hate it? You guys went from arguably one of the best rulers in history to being an irrelevant shithole with only shitposts and memes online to show for it. Deodoro da Fonseca singlehandedly murdered your country and should be reviled, yet you have a monument to him where he's buried.

-18% rn

the browner the country, the yellower the banana

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Proof that Bolsonaro is a fucking idiot.

I guess we really have more in common than I was willing to admit. Fuck this shitty continent.


>Who wouldn't hate it? You guys went from arguably one of the best rulers in history to being an irrelevant shithole with only shitposts and memes online to show for it. Deodoro da Fonseca singlehandedly murdered your country and should be reviled, yet you have a monument to him where he's buried.
The most shamefull moment of Brazil history

OH no not again plz if hues devaluate 10% we will devaluate 200%

Stop it mr Bobo plz

Corona-chan is in full swing fuucking the international scam market.

We had both Guedes but with public experience and an actual liberal running but this is what we got in the middle of a crisis. Hope they shove him up now, that is, if he doesn't get rekt by the virus before that.

It's so weird reading this shit in Portuguese.

First and last statist Brazil had, literally raised to the job since he was born, and we fucked it up before he could finish his work.

Just like swine flu and SARS, China is doing the same shit again to salvage their own economic problems and everybody is getting baited by it.

Thanks for this thread, OP. Shit like this really makes me proud of being Mexican and not Brazilian or Venezuelan. Life’s good. [Laughs in USMCA].

Man wuhan is empty, this is no bait, there is a 24h transmission in the city and is like a ghost town the traffic is almost inexistent.

>>Implying The commies would make anything other than fucking up the country for nearly 15 years like they just have done
>> Impliying the last demographic conservative share of the population is to blame and not lgbt niggers and nordestinos who get everything handed to them on a silver platter in exchange for votes for almost a century.
>> Implying there was any other candidate who wouldnt make our children turn into fags our daughters into whores and destroy the economy like dilma did
>> Implying Yas Forums is like reddit and people will just ignore reality in order to conform to all the mainstream PC propaganda that took all the international mainstream news outlets.
nigger did you even read haddad´s em defesa do socialismo ? where he openly brags about communism and rewrites das kapital with the seal of approval from Foro de São Paulo ?
Do you have any idea abou how stupid all your divise and zog aproved dialect even sounds to non npcs ? do you realise that its because of people like you that we became a third world shithole and when the last based people die off people like you will be turned into literal slaves for thei nternational jew ?

Is this post ironic?

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amigo o problema do Brasil é e sempre será racial, cuanto mais preto e subhumano mais burro e comunista eh, por isso o nordeste eh quartel do PT

He is mexican, dude. What do you expect of latrines?

Back when I was a kid, 1 UDS = 1 BRL

Brazilians are literally colorblind if u say anything that upsets a half nigger you are literally dead niggers destroyed my country and commies are now eating the corpse

The game was rigged from start....

>Disease breaks out in China
>All markets all time low


Wait, y’all monkeys don’t even have a floating exchange rate? Lmao, y’all truly are a banana republic!

The peso being at 21-22 is actually pretty decent, we did just fine at those levels 3 years ago when Trump was elected. Also, we have pretty decent reserves too and the gringos would never let us fall into a Venezuela-style depression. So, yeah we’re doing great, and by great I mean better than any of you South American thirdworlders.

>chinks coofing on everyone else
>saudis being butthurt little bitches
>congress fucking up as usual
Now we just need another war.

If you only knew how bad things really are...

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O problema do Brasil não são os pretos, são os misturados. Por carecerem da possibilidade de aliança étnica, combinam as piores características das raças que os compõem e, por consequência, são mais radicais em suas opiniões e ações.

arriba arriba andale andale
salta la fronteira mexicano arriba arriba

Esses comunistas zionistas conseguem transformar qualquer raça em animais como em qualquer lugar do mundo,desde brancos viados virtuosos e macacos africanos canibais.

>our currency is garbage but this is fine because we are used to garbage

Why you still there,bro?

>implying niggers have a genetic alliance

I hope you kill maduro.

¿De que habláis, mono de mierda?

¡La economia de México está basada en el narcotráfico y su moneda tiene menos valor que el papel que limpia mi culo!


where were you when brazil managed to destroy the world as we know it?