We're all going to die Leafbros aren't we?

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Please have a source.
Dear Lord, don't let OP be fake and gay this one time. Amen.

russian deflection
trump is the one with corona

Canada is collapsing

Digits and King Nigger chokes to death

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Lord Jesus let this be true.
OP I can’t handle disappointment like this if not..


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>if you infect yourself, you win
rising food prices and now Trudeau is sick

oh no that sucks

>We're all going to die Leafbros aren't we?
The rest of Yas Forums sincerely hopes so.

It's true!!

He's toast.

Year of the Rake is here, the west will be free of Onterrible soon!

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This is the guy who allows people to flow into Canada with no controls. Fuck him. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE
Maybe there is a silver lining to all this shit.

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>it's real

Why not both?


Nominate guy in the back with glasses for a IYOKHBTA

All the hyper connected jet setting elites probably have it already. And they have probably spread it to their families as well.

Everybody has it or it's going to have it, chinks are saying they got it under control but is impossible it's just going to keep on spreading

Praise the lord.

Trudeau dying !? I'll live ...

Please God I dont ask for much but please just fucking liquify his lungs. Just fucking exterminate him please PLEASE

Damn leafs.

Conspiracy theory.
He doesn't have the virus. His wife doesn't have the virus. This is all a show because he's scared of it.
He's spinning him ducking his duties as being responsible by isolating himself.
For all we know, he might be joining the elites in some underground bunker somewhere completely isolated. How would we know if he was isolating at home or somewhere else?

Just think, with him gone we in the US can finally send you affordable steaks to cook.

On his tombstone, he can have the epitaph
"At least I wasn't a racist."


This is an excuse for Elite to self Isolate. They claim to be "infected" as an excuse to run to their compounds in warm, sunny environments and isolate as the population is culled.
Tom Hanks is a pedo, but he is a smart Pedo.
They see the writing on the wall.

most likely scenario

We're doomed. But at least we weren't bigots.

>If the virus kills you, it wins
top kek

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Hopefully he kills himself

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Day the rake soon leaf.

Let me guess, he's self-isolating in Fermont.

Thank fuck.

He’ll probably live though...

I don't know what to do

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We all dreamed of this moment. We hoped for it. But now its finally here.


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Gotta love following health experts' advice.

Why do you faggots always have to piss on our party?

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Turns out his wife just had a menstrual cramp.

I feel overjoyed yet I know there is a catch..


Doubt. He’s just playing dress up again. It’s what he does. Fire destroying your economy? Treadu will dress up like an African, and do nothing. India having a locust crisis? Treadu will dress up like a swami and do nothing.
He’s a drama teacher.

I just asked the wife if I should go get some beers to celebrate.

Loooool fuck Justin Castro

His wife probably just developed HIV from the bull

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>Justin Fludeau

I literally just said the same thing to my gf

This is a good day for Canada, and therefore it is a good day for the rest of the world.

I am physically erect. Absolutely fucking Based Corona Chan.


>inb4 Trudeau got a false negative, joined the elites in their bunker

Or they're all being rounded up and being taken to gitmo. That's just my wet dream though. Too many important people now are "infected". Anybody with half a brain can see that the virus is just a smokescreen.

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Today is a great day.

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I have no idea how the liberals have a minority government and a non confidence vote is not being called upon them. They consistently fail at everything.
>Secure borders is racist
>restricting flights is racist
>preparing is racist
>We can't afford to help the vets with housing
>We must ban long guns because of handgun crimes in the inner cities.
>We must give africa $20,000,000
>We must give Zimbabwe $16,000,000
>We must give Iran $30,000,000
>We must give $6,000,000 to media giants, but only the ones that paint Trudeau and liberals in a good light.
>We must increase taxes
>We must lower the age of consent for gay butt sex (who the fuck wakes up one day and decides thats a priority?)
>Calling a man that dresses as a woman a man is a crime
>75% of Canadians want the carbon tax
>Foreign owned businesses, farms and mines must be exempted from the carbon tax, but not the Canadian owned ones.
>Canada is the biggest polluter in the world of industrial countries (paid propaganda)
I could list so much more....
Fucking full retarded mode.

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I really appreciate your passion for his demise

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fuck yes

Replace pope with trudeau and now we got a chant:

Fucking finally

He probably got it on purpose to show solidarity with his chinkbug masters

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Because Diet Americans are sabotaging their country to make it easier to finally rid themselves of their inferiority complex by joining the US.

How can anyone say Swedes, Limeys, etc are the most cucked when it's Diet Americans who are?

Canadian economy full collapse in 3...2...

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I should rant about the railway blockades and the almost daily train derailments?
We where having shortages because of the blockades even before these idiots stormed our stores and bought up all the toilet paper.
Fail Fail Fail.

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Doing this before the general election is perfect timing. I don't see how this can be anything but "The Storm". The NBA? No fans for the NCAA? How the fuck is this not a precursor to Martial Law? The virus isn't that deadly. The next few months are going to be fun as hell.
The world will never be the same.

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probably faking it to get some free vacation

If this doesn’t change and change now. We’re done. Likely already are.
Shits getting crazy bros.

exactly, our countrymen are retarded cattle

My thoughts are that the Liberals and conservatives are setting us up for a UN bailout so that Canada is forced to join the globalist government.

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This is literally how you know its a fucking meme. Jesus christ whos next, Hillary?

Fuck wouldn’t this be neat


Just annex us already, we have oil.

t. Canadian with American heritage dating back to Jamestown.

Did you know that farms owned by China are exempt from the Carbon tax due to free trade agreement? Kinda makes it hard to compete eh?

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>the so called idiots now have more than enough tp while you don't

He won't have it. It's virtue signalling like Tom Hanks.

his quite young and fit though. so he'll pull through

If you kill all the pathogens they win.

It's wishful thinking but it would be amazing if all these busybodies died from corona virus since they're all in touch with each other.

Do you really think the elites would let this guy into their super secret club?

>please let me in
> s'il te plait laisse moi entrer


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Boris next?

If you fight the coof, the coof will win.

>He’s just playing dress up again.

It’s called “flooding the country with people from shithole countries and gerrymandering electoral ridings.”

Bring on WEXIT already.

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Its almost as if the elite fuckers are setting up a reason to disappear from public though something is coming.

corona is fake and gay so this is double fake and gay


serves you right for letting chinks in. how is seattle Chang?

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Trudo just skiving off lol. The lad wants some free down time. My boy smart.

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He unfortunately is in the more safe category age wise, his wife isn't cause she's what? 65?

Data has the coof.

Exactly. So on point. He’s just playing “sick” dress up.

it's crazy how little people are taking corona seriously in vancouver
all these kids are going to kill their parents/grandparents and they don't even care
we are fucked

I am placing my bet on compromised immune system.

Honestly you made this cuck your president you all deserve to die.

No. I did not know that.
Honestly, it’s so bad all I can do is laugh now. Way past the anger stage. Charge Canadian farmers, who are in reality a carbon sink and should be getting compensated for it in this system..
But let China off, a communist nation with 0 environmental protections.
I’m done bros.
Montana please annex Alberta.
I’d even go full Migatard if that’s what it took.

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Today I feel like a beaver riding the back of a loon.

Wished it was true. Has Q ever mentioned the virus?

That's Macrons wife.

most recent picture

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Same. Family immigrated to Idaho in the 1830s from Germany. My grandpa is a dual citizen.
Please let me in Ameribros. I have guns.

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no, it's because he is a pedo and they are using the coronavirus as a scheme to arrest them without panic

Implying that V*ncouverites are people.

bno is not fake news moron

No I fucking didn't I voted for bernier.

Why the fuck are they all self isolating without actually saying if they cought it or not?
To me that means they all have it

Nice Mini.

I may or may not have irons as well.

Our country is already dead.
Why not join it?

His AIDS will make it harded for his system to recover tho

I don't know. I thought Q was just a larper that became an echo chamber for boomers?
is it an actual person?

its air borne from just talking of course they all have it.

Yeah but OP could have shopped it. Many such cases.
That's why I provided another link after checking for other sources. It's how we roll new fag.

For the record. These are not my firearms. If I were to have any, I would prefer these types.
If you like the mini or want an unrestricted AR, look up Alberta Tactical rifles modern sporter.

I decided out of the goodness of my heart to rent out my guest room to an old friend at the beginning of this month, female, TP use tripled.
Then I showed up as a character reference to a druggie ex girlfriends court case where she was pleading guilty.
Jails around here are full (3 to a cell and people sleeping on tables in common areas) and everyone in the jails are sick (I was told this after the fact). The judge gives her 45 days house arrest in my house without even asking me.
My stress levels are through the roof this last week. Come into my house to find her smoking shit with 3 guys in my living room 3 days ago. Two days ago wake up at 3 am to find her with some dude smoking crack in a pop can and her with no pants on on my couch, yesterday come home to find her with another dude in my fuckign house. Constantly eating my food, smoking my cigarettes crying for dope complaining "I'm dope sick".
Do you think the jails would be full right now if the liberals were not keeping our borders open and inviting 1,100,000 people in a year for the last 3 years?
i swear if I don't get a good nights sleep I'm going to fucking snap big time.

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It's one of the laws of physics that almost every pic related of substance has one.


Then why not just say they have it instead of this shit?

well they need to be tested first and shit.


Anyone who garggles chinese ballsacks gets the Wuflu.
No exceptions.