and I'm extremely pissed off I was never told any of this before. Pic related.
What. The. Fuck.
and I'm extremely pissed off I was never told any of this before. Pic related.
What. The. Fuck.
Yeah I finally took the time to go through this pasta as well. I'd like to see it refuted competently with some kind of sources equivalent to the ones the OP used...
I managed to find three of these threads in the archives, I skimmed through all of them and couldn't find anyone refuting the claims. At this point I would prefer to see it refuted, the alternative implies our medicine is so fucked I don't even want to consider it.
tfw nowhere to buy it
At this point I'm just going to consider it more likely true than not until someone can convince me otherwise. Like, in one of the previous threads someone said their girlfriend is a doctor and that the claims are ridiculous. If that's true, why did a panel of doctors and Shanghai come to the consensus that intravenous vitamin C is literally the best possible thing to use? What's different between doctors, other than their being open to trying it, and having an ongoing study with preliminary results, and us not? I don't understand the hubris of doctors who claim this couldn't possibly work with all this evidence right in front of them. If the closed-mindedness isn't motivated by greed then what exactly is a motivated by? Hubris? If it's legitimate medical concerns that point against it, where are the facts and studies that back them up? Is that too much to ask for?
bumping in case this isn't bs
Normal Vitamin C will work right? It doesn't have to be liposomal because that shit is expensive. Meanwhile 365x1000mg tablets are only like €20.00
Are you me? That's exactly how I see it.
From what I understand, you can demand intravenous vitamin C for a loved one if they go to the ICU. You can also find it in some health spas. But the main thing that you can do is start taking powdered vitamin C, and/or liposomal. Those are available pretty much everywhere.
Vitamin C is water soluble right?
So is there any danger in taking "too much"?
Normal powdered vitamin C dissolved into a liquid sipped over the course of a day is the best way to take regular vitamin C orally from what I've found. Your body will naturally tolerate much higher doses when you are fighting a virus than when you are healthy. So if you are healthy you will get diarrhea at lower doses, which is basically a colon cleanse and healthy anyways. But when you are sick, you can tolerate dozens of grams per day sipped over the course of a day and your body will not develop diarrhea because it uses them to fight the virus. That's one of the things I learned.
Damn checked and vitamincpilled
high vitamin C also cures polio but they never released the info
There's no danger in taking too much. The LD50 was based on force feeding rodents vitamin C until their stomach's mechanically exploded. It's literally easier to be poisoned from overdosing on water than vitamin C. Several medical doctors have stated that it is the least toxic substance we know of, and I haven't been able to find any evidence that they are wrong about that.
No danger
You can't get the type of Vitamin C he's talking about, you can buy online but it's not gonna ship in time
this is so fucking based anons you need to save it
Just a flu bro
I'm literally searching it up right now.
AA and SA are both reasonably priced and last up to 2 months in the fridge, which means it'll last the most intense period of the outbreak but not in case you get sick as well.
The liposomal truly is expensive and OP's image speaks of such specialized products I've found nothing perfectly matching it in the last 20 minutes. Taking Vitamin C supplements to boost our immune systems for us not in the vulnerable groups should suffice I think, but if I where a smoker/obese over the age of 40 it'd take more than that.
Probably going to get some C honestly, it's good for you regardless and taking it for the next 2 months will literally do nothing but good for you.
the pasta says regular ascorbic acid is fine
diarrhea is the worst you can expect
checked and diarrheapilled
well damn satan i guess i pretty much have to now.
Those digits.
Kek wants us to live, anons.
It's on that they only have a shelf life of 2 months. I have some ascorbic acid and the expiration date is late 2021. It's literally a 1 kg bag of ascorbic acid powder. I know of at least one brand that matches OP's description, that's to livon labs brand, but I think there are some others that also fit it. Dr mercola's brand maybe, honestly I haven't really looked at all of them. He did mention specifically avoiding ascorbyl palmitate and dry liposomes so I guess as long as you do that it's probably decent.
Digits confirm digits.
>It's not going to ship on time
Fuck you you vitamin C faggot bastard. It is all bullshit. If it worked all of the rich bastards would be super healthy and never get diseased or cancerous. Go eat shit.
Thank you bros
>John Rockefeller lived to be 97
>David Rockefeller lived to be 101
user I....
Is it not an option to just munch all day on a vegetable high in vitamin C? Red bell peppers have more vit C than an orange. I just don't wanna have to get some weird powders and stuff that could be mislabeled online or I could make a mistake.
Let's not forget Linus Pauling live to be 93. He eventually died of prostate cancer, which even the vitamin C proponents seem to believe is basically inevitable given enough time.
In the other thread some guy linked a study where it took a gigantic amount of vitamin C for rats to overdose - no where near the 20-25g recommended here.
Yeah just saw on Amazon powder is dog cheap, this will last me two months
I'm not really one for pseudoscience but that post is well cited and reasoned - and not like Vitamin C hasn't been known to bolster the immune system for decades. A small price to pay.
how does talking like you have tourette's syndrome work towards discrediting well thought out and sourced posts
If you take vitamin C, then cut back on your sugar intake because it competes with it being absorbed into the cells. Your cells will absorb the sugar before the vitamin C.
Just take what you can get and feel comfortable using. How could eating more veggies be bad?
Good luck, fren.
From our side, I haven't found C in powedered form in any greek e-shops so far and I'm not sure there is any available locally. Might have to do a thorough search in the city but I'm not that hard pressed for powder, just tablets or liquid will do for the amount of time needed anyways.
Still nothing on that specialized of a liposomal product though, which means there's probably nothing outside of special orders straight from Athens and that's practically out of the question.
Honestly I'm 25 and healthy, C and reasonable hygiene will do just fine. Parents are the real issue.
So longevity runs in their family you asshat. That was a moronic reply.
too much vitamin C makes your sweat acidic, corrodes any metal you wear
t.victim of vitamin-obsessed parenting
Good tip user will keep that in mind.
This too. Apparently the molecular structure of vitamin C and glucose are very similar. That's why, in most animals, glucose is literally transformed into vitamin C on demand. That's the biosynthesis mechanism that humans lack due to a genetic defect. That's also why, if a diabetic is on high doses of intravenous vitamin C in the ICU, and you suddenly pull the intravenous vitamin C, they can have an insulin crash. This seems to only be a risk with diabetics, and as long as basic precautions are taken it's not even a big deal. But I did notice that in the clinical trial in China that's using intravenous vitamin C against Coronavirus, one of the exclusionary criteria is diabetes iirc.
I used to get sick 1-2 times a year like clockwork. On a whim, I started taking 1g of vitamin C a day about 2 years ago. Haven't been sick since. Upped my dose to 2g a day recently.
>I'm not really one for pseudoscience
I mean, even if all the take-away you took from OP was just "take C it'll be good to help you fight and take even more in case you get sick" it's literally just as harmless as "hydrate plenty if you get the flu".
It's vitamin C.
Also, the TLDR says take 3g a day whereas the first post says that orthomolecular proponents recommend 5x of that study which is 250mg/kg - which is it
Can I get a quick enchilada version?
idk man, I'm a caregiver for a crazy 94 year old who made a fortune in spooky military tech development- having assloads of money and secluded property is pretty good for your health if you aren't fucking it up with bad lifestyle choices
no doubt there are genetic factors, but I've seen a lot more rich people make it to these ages
I heard pine needles have even more. Just putting that out there to look into yourself.
Quints confirm, buy the cheap shit and do a maintenance dose throughout the day
Does megadosing vitamin C cause problems similar to megadosing vitamin A?
tldr you should blindly destroy your organs by taking medical advice from an anonymous imageboard. call me a shill as well
The TLDR is assuming you're not in critical condition inside an ICU. The first post is referring to someone who is in critical condition battling acute sepsis. OP was saying that proponents of intravenous vitamin C would have liked to have seen that particular study done with even higher intravenous doses. But just for preventing infection of the coronavirus, taking 3 g a day is recommended unless you suspect that you are actually infected, then you up the dose per the instructions.
>just take vitamins bro
>the pandemic is scared of vitamins bro
Already am taking vitamins from stronger immune system but X to doubt it is not going to fuck me
I mean since you asked. Thanks shill!
No, why would it?
You see weird post like this in these threads without even an attempt at citing anything. If you look in the archives you'll find shills saying it causes kidney stones, then one day OP added huge studies that refute that claim. Now you just see these vague references to destroying organs and things that are totally without any evidence.
Good point. A 600 pack of 1000mg tabs at Costco was like $6. That's 2g a day for my wife and I for a year. I don't even care to work out how many fractions of a cent that is.
Everything you read/watch in the media is steaming bullshit. The media has degenerated into a crowd control mechanism for dumb goyim.
It’s BULLSHIT. Turn it off...or better yet watch it, but try to understand the reality of what it actually *is*... if you actually think the mass media is there to keep you informed... I’ve got some very bad news for you.
Nice link, thank you.
I increasingly see mass media as like a gigantic blog for billionaires. They monetize it the exact same way any blog is monetized: they use marketing funnels to promote products and services that they and their affiliates sell. All of the information on these "billionaire blogs" is designed with that singular purpose. It doesn't matter if it's the news or what it is. It is nothing more than a giant blog. The only difference is that a blog post is required to disclose relationships with products and services it promotes. Walter Cronkite was never required to disclose CBS's interests in military industrial companies when he signed off each night after promoting the war in Vietnam. The same is true for all the talking heads. That's a double standard, and if they were all required to disclose their connections like any other blog article on the internet does, the whole house of cards would fall apart in a day.
read this and ordered a 6 month supply of ascorbic acid and a 3 month supply of liposomal vit c. Thanks, OP!
So, what's the catch? Worst case is you piss it out and it does nothing.
Got any evidence?
>diarrhea is the worst you can expect
and simply pissing out the vitamin c if you take more than you body can absorb (guideline: 1g per hour is the max)
>consider it
.. a fact
ALL our western allopathic systems are optimized for profit NOT healing.
>take vitamin C you fucking virgin
>that's it
>that's the post
A pill is 250mg, the test says 250mg/kg. You will need to eat one pill per kg. Youll probably need a crate a day you fat fuck
>just diarrhea
If you have gastrointestinal problems already then you're just welcoming another infection which even on it's own sucks dick.
Personally, I'm not aware of any catch. If there were a catch, why do other mammals synthesize many times more than our paltry recommended daily allowance, without a catch? I guess you can get diarrhea and cleanse your colon. Does that count as a catch?
>I increasingly see mass media as like a gigantic blog for billionaires
i am gonna steal that quote.
i was literally about to buy this user, but it's made in China. no go for me. any other recs?
So I'm going to buy some 100% L-ascorbic acid since that's all they have on Amazon now. What dosage of powder should I take for 1g of Vitamin C?
I'm a NEET with no money. Should I just say fuck it and go steal some vit C from Walmart?
Liposomal gets absorbed at 80% rate by your intestines.
Normal VitC, 80% stays in your shit.
Yfw vitamin c could replace 75% of the Healthcare industry in America user?
I’ve never taken vitamin C supplements before but I’ve eaten at least one serving of citrusy fruit everyday since I was a teenager. Am I in the clear?
Greatly increased risk of kidney stones. Now think about this blatant snake oil these retards are peddling to you
How would vitamin C (which demonstrably protects against infections, and kills viruses and some bacteria on contact) flushing your colon do anything but help protect you from infection? If anything the putrification of undigested matter in your colon would make you much more susceptible to infection, and a vitamin C flush could dramatically help detox the gut. I'm not aware of any studies either way but I'm just applying a little common sense here.
Look for capsules
Damn man, you saying this will wreck my plate armor?
I found some stuff from a company that manufactures in Utah.
Literally from the OP pic
>I would now like to address a common myth that vitamin c leads to increased risk for kidney stones. This myth exists because there is a presumptive association between oxalate levels and kidney stone formation, and vitamin c has been shown to elevate oxalate levels in urine. This is a presumptive associative link only, and the largest population studies ever conducted on the matter (45,251 men; 85,557 women, respectively) have shown no statistical link between vitamin c intake and kidney stone formation whatsoever, even at very high levels of vitamin c consumption.
Now where are your studies refuting him?
>snake oil
>Vitamin C
How fucking retarded can one person actually get, oh wait.
You´re from reddit, right?
i WEIGH 170
You do tend to lose a lot of minerals when you have diarrhea, probably not the best thing when trying to fight off a virus. Not to mention chronic irritation of the gut could increase systemic inflammation.
looks like we found the cure reddit!
your common sense is muddying the waters. Vitamin C already has a mountain of evidence behind it proving its efficacy.
You only hurt the cause by making up shit about putrefied matter in your intestines. Just speak on the stuff that's proven and drop the fucking conjecture, please.