Norway 714

> Norway 714
> Sweden 635
> Denmark 615

Now Denmark and Norway are on lockdowns, while sweden is doing nothing, what’s wrong with this country, Yas Forums?

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You'll join us tomorrow, Svante

The streets of Stockholm are empty, it's a ghost town. You have to queue for a quarter of an hour to be let inside grocery stores, and all bars are closed. We are sensible people who don't need the government to tell us what to do.

>We are sensible people who don't need the government to tell us what to do.


They literally think it's unfair if some people get to stay at home and others don't.

Fuck Sweden

We are, though.

>sweden is doing nothing
business as usual. Swedeposters, why is your government like this?? they never solve any fucking problem and watch like cucks

>votes to let rapefugees in en masse

>> Norway 714
Norway only tests you if you have recently been to a different country. Most likely in the thousands by now.

They are culling the elderly in order to be more effective in their inevitable upcoming race war.

The political spindoctors have fallen ill

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The problem is Libtardism.
Instead of worrying about how to best protect as many as possible from getting infected, they instead worry abouy:

- Loss of money in the short term
- That people will panic and buy up all food, medical suplies etc
- That the flu is not affecting the genders equaly
- That rich people (the middleclass) can work from home and avoid getting infected
- About rasism against people from Iran and China.
- That they will not have any options left later and that people will not get the impression of that they are doing something.

And so on.

People thought it was a good idea to put women in charge but women aren't leaders. More news at 11

Also, muh UN conventions.

Every country in the world should bomb Sweden until no living organism is left there.

No need for quarantine when there’s nothing there

I don't want to go to school

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Taking action requires taking responsibility and that's not something Swedish minded people can do.

From today, employees at OUS shall be tested if they got cold or flu symptoms. I expect quite a few there. I know that at least 4 patients have contracted the virus at Ullevål.

You'd just bomb Norway by mistake

swedes are immune due to the all nigger semen theyve already swallowed
fuckers knew about it before it happened

We are at 667, get your numbers right.
Also how the fuck does Finland only have 109 cases?
They had their first case well before us

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Please liberate us dear us.

Just go suck baby foreskins kikes

>You'll join us tomorrow, Svante
I don't think we'll lockdown, our politicians WANT us all dead.

*coof* *coof*

liberals should be gassed. dumbest people in existence now, everything is YOLO and for the $$$

don't, tell your prof to go fuck himself

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Maybe they are using their skyddsmask-90 despite the fact that its lacking a CE marking.

I hope they lock shit down so I have more time for my projects.

Don’t lock down til midnight tomorrow. For the love of god. I want to go home. Don’t trap me in Sweden!!!

And nothing of value would be lost.

They're intelligent enough to know it's a nothingburger slightly worse than flu

>köa för att komma in i matbutik
Vilken planet bor du på?


That's not what the government said doe

>while sweden is doing nothing, what’s wrong with this country
Because of Left forces in power.

We are doing better than Denmark and Norway. Swedes are smarter than our nordic cousins.

We realise that it's better to not panic over things, than going crazy like Denmark and Norway has.

That's why we have fewer Corona cases than Denmark and Norway

>what’s wrong with this country
What isn't wrong with it...

maybe its because we arent weak faggots and achually own an immune system

For you sake I hope thats the truth. But unfortunately that is not really how this works.

No corona for me lads, Im hermit-user

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No you have fewer cases cuz u guys cant afford to go on vacation

e int stockholm ganska myky en annan planet i sverige?sama som vi har hit i finland med helsinki.

Sweden has essentially stopped testing people who are not extremely sick.

Expect the real number to rise rapidly, but the number of reported cases will increase very slowly. There is a lack of testing capability and or willingness to test.

If the number does not go up, it is all good, right? Good for "sverigebilden".

This is all lies. Im at carmen right now enjoying a pint. Gammla stan was full of people the other day too

I wish... We've got 15 000 Swedes coming in from Italy.

Its probably going to increase soon nobody here even cares that a virus is spreading

> (OP)
>I don't want to go to school

O the poor boy afraid of getting bullyed by the muslim brotherwood?

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Nigga I live in Malmö and here nothing is different

Haha bra poäng. Jag har i och för sig inte varit utomhus sedan jag handlade vid lunchtid idag så det kanske har blivit värre nu på kvällen.

Its full of faggots?


I still like you bros

Dude that's their whole white population...

pr capita Norway is the 3rd most infected.
Denmark 6th
Sweden 9th

Peak comfy

You actually believe this? I mean I'm not surprised for a Swede to be naiive, who could have thought, but you will see a Italian scenario in Sweden in a few weeks time.

The health care system is already strained to it's limits in some places and it has barely begun.

tfw chinatier country

Be proud. You are the new swede.

How are you testing people in Denmark?

No, Sweden is a strong country financially. We are prepared for this. Our Health care is absolutely world class and I can assure you that the tipping point will come after 2000 cases.

yes please!

why do people hide their flags?

sandnigs will never isolate themselves, what good is surviving the apocalypse if you cant bang your sister

My stupid job is still making us come in to the office in Stockholm. How fucked am I?

ta det lugnt dit på andra sidan och hand om er själva.hoppas en stor del av skit folket som förstörd ert land skulle fa bort difrån under räddsla.

Don’t sweat yourself.
The healthcare in this country is garbage as far as wait times go.
That said, whenever the govt tells everyone to isolate they’ll probably start actually doing shit.

Vietnam is doing way better than Sweden, they had the first case after china, and still has rather few, but some stupid Vietnamese took the Italian corona here last week.

And I'm Swedish, I'd rather camp out in Vietnam than be in to the chaos that will be Sweden in the next months.

Chinatier? You WISH you were China tier right now.

They actually contained it.

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Don't worry guys, we are not testing anymore.
Because we are quarentineing now? Nope :3

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have you seen any indication that vietnam cambodia etc are lying about their numbers? Or do you believe the low counts in SEA?

medicucks and nordicucks are bros and always been, see vikings going to chill in constantinople and italians exploring the polar regions with norwegians

anglos on the other hand...

Sweden does not have enough test kits to reach 2000 cases. Limitation of the number will be the limitations of testing.
It is like Sweden is officially not looking into crimes done by immigrants, if they dont look they think they can claim they did not know, last time they looked was in 2005 and the results were horrible even then.

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>They actually contained it.

You will die soon :3

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You are lying, I went on the metro to and from work today and it was packed as usual.
No one was wearing any face mask and several people seemed to have a cold.
I have no choice but to use the metro for work, I will probably be infected soon but at least I have a bunch of rice at home.


>Vietnam is doing way better than Sweden
All thanks to their viral virus video

Hard to say. But usually you would have seen these results of a collapsed health care system which has not happened in Vietnam, they are actually tracking people here and testing everyone that came into contact with an infected person. They blocked China and Korea early and has blocked Sweden now, even before they blocked China, Chinese people were not accepted in restaurants/hotels etc.

Teacher here. Can confirm that shit is hitting the fan. Half the teachers are sick and the students are like 50% absent. We have less than 30 cases in the city ((officially)). Thanks government!

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Hopefully, those faggots at Illyands Posten or whatever they are called are caughing out their lungs right now.


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The pendletåg was noticeably emptier coming home today.

I know. Literally my back yard.

You can say you have a sore throat and you are not allowed to go.

Du kan använda cyckel.

We are still not testing people who has not been in Italy, Iran or China

take off your memeflag if u want to join the discussion

Danes were always the master race of the nords, norway stayed with them more time than sweden so you can expect less autism too.

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