The numbers in Italy confirm: black people are immune to Covid-19

This is the moment we immigrants in Italy have been waiting for. While Italians are locked in their homes we should go out and take possession of the streets: shops, uninhabited houses and resources left abandoned in the territory must become ours. We are immune to the Coronavirus while the Italians are dying so let us all come together, let us all form a great popular uprising for the good of refugees across Europe and let us defeat racism.

>An appeal to all immigrants in Italy: let us gather together closely in the squares of Milan, Bologna and Rome and no one will be able to stop us. Avoid wearing masks, we don't need them and you would only scare our brothers and sisters by reducing their participation in this manifestation of refugee pride!

What do you think about this Yas Forums? Does it frighten you that virus immune immigrants can take over your cities?

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Other urls found in this thread:

niggers are going to starve in mass droves onces the italian economy shits the bed

I want all of you to drop dead

A lot of old people will die in Italy and free up houses

Pleasant bait but no salsa on migrants being immune considering they're being hit too. The reality of the situation is this hurts them long term because Italians will be less interested in the endless gibs game they've been steadily losing interest in over the last few months.

>dies to the flu while COOOOOFING

Lol eat shit whitey. I'll make sure to swipe all your shit while you are choking on your own phlegm. You would have survived, but having a functioning healthcare system is "retarded" so enjoy!

>immune immigrants
there's no such thing, no one is "immune"
we already had a few cases of immigrants affected by COVID-19
also, we don't really test any of the immigrants in the centers, tehy are already in quarantine

OP is right tho

>My nigs, let us continue niggling as we always have.

>we don't really test any of the immigrants in the centers
Why would you? They're immune.

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The nigger from the NBA has it.

>we already had a few cases of immigrants affected by COVID-19
Fascist fake news!

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About niggers being niggers and stealing?


niggers haven't been tested because no one in italy care about you

you will be dropping dead soon enough

>we immune y'all!
>not immune, nba cancelled.

He has a high credit rating which is like being honorary white.
Doesn't count.


Thus confirming once and for all that niggers are not human.

Low IQ Reply
Hi IQ Poster


I agree muttposter, in fact to prove a point you should expose yourself as much as possible to the virus just to show those whites how immune you are. And live stream the process too

It's a funny meme to spread to black people they are immune from a disease.

One problem with your analysis
>niggers aren’t people

>The nigger from the NBA has it.
he's not a real african, his immune system is weakened by western genes

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>Does it frighten you that virus immune immigrants can take over your cities?
Nah, would be kind of cool, the Virus has a super low death rate, especially among fighting age men, so this would just finally give us a great excuse to clean house.

They need whitey or else it's Zimbabwe all over again.

Tu scherzi ma io spero non ironicamente in rivolte civili così posso andare in giro ad accoltellare negri senza ripercussioni

Black nigger ball nba players have it. Confirmed positives.

this is a subversive post intended to both confuse low iq immigrants into catching coronavirus and encourage the spread of this idea to them by confused pol radicals really bad

The burden is not immune to bullets.

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You won't be able to maintain it ... ur. A . Nigger.

Guess this proves it. Mods, don't hide posts like youtube niggers, if you want to ban me just be a full faggot about it and do it.


>immigrants in italy
>browsing Yas Forums



>muh no true nigger fallacy

> whitey is sick
> quick lets be a niggerly as we can
> that’ll show whitey the error of their racism

All niggers must fucking hang.

>All niggers must fucking hang.
You won't be so funny when the whites around you end up in cold storage. I saw with my own eyes, even old black men don't suffer from the virus!


>accoltellare negri senza ripercussioni
you're wrong, dear unfaithful friend. You will never have the courage to face black people in revolt, you are too afraid

>One problem with your analysis
>>niggers aren’t people
not even a dead white man

It's because of the white admixture of amerimutts, purebred african BVLLS remain unaffected

You can't get aids twice

its meant to increase likelihood pol retards spread this idea and likely run by a fascist discord

Yeah right. Those monkeys would start making commercials for US television and then our empathetic/retarded whites would be like "aw shit please not the niggers starving, how can I help them. Please I'll do anything :((((" then vote to ship them here. Then get raped and robbed by them.

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No. They're not user. It can affect everyone equally. God's acre.

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>white admixture
this canadian bro is right
u're doing a great job welcoming refugee, thank you

What are you getting a handful of retards. Good luck with that.

yup immune

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for him (us) it will only be a flu

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Mi immagino in Africa mentre guido il mio plotone: la nostra missione è fermare l'avanzata delle scimmie n*Gre; uccidiamo i n*Gri a decine ma continuano ad avanzare, allora estraggo la mia spada e con quella comincio a falciare come steli d'erba le scimmie n*Gre , e li stermino a decine siccome i n*Gri sono di gran lunga fisicamente inferiori a me

Attached: 9.-Guerra-dEtiopia.jpg (400x282, 39.84K)

But they are. Africa would be a smoking ruin now if they weren't.

I fucked your women for 5 euros

Per this meme gaining traction:

Pros: nigs will go out and get infected at a higher rate.
Cons: they will break into my house and I'll have to waste ammo and clean-up biowaste.

I will allow it.

Why dont you just let whites take care of you? Do you WANT to turn Italy into the shithole you fled from?

Excellent, also it's not enough to just not wear masks, you should be sure to embrace each other and kiss cheeks with everyone in greeting to celebrate your solidarity in immunity.

blacks are not immune, dickhead

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based Italy
No hand shakes

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>We are immune to the Coronavirus
Niggers confirmed not only a different race but also a different species