You're laughing. Millions of boomers are going to die and you're laughing

You're laughing. Millions of boomers are going to die and you're laughing.

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Literally to downside to the elderly dying, its what they're supposed to do

You get what you fucking deserve

I'm laughing, nothing is fucking happening and people fell for a larp and I'm laughing

nooo not my parents

Good riddance

>’they couldn’t carrying a flu to save their lives’

You're awful Yas Forums...

Spoken like a true replacement class immigrant. Fucking die in flame

No, you're awful jannie. Deleting my threads, pruning my posts. You just wanted to silence me

>Millions of boomers are going to die

yes. now eat shit

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Yeah but a lot of 20 somethings are going to get pneumonia and will need to have gunge syphoned out of their lungs every hour. It will be like they are constantly drowning. Most will survive, but it will be like bed-ridden toboggan ride into hell and back.

Who the fuck knows what the statistics for lifelong lung damage are going to be.

Don't be a fucking moron thinking you're invulnerable to it. STAY AT HOME.

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The virus infects nervous system, and is with you for life like Herpes, aids, etc. There is no recovery, only remission. Each time it flares up, you will get weaker, and lose lung function. As of right now, it is a death sentence for ANYONE that catches it, only a matter of when.This is why governments are freaking out, it isn't just a flu. Old people are getting off easy.

Why do these people panic? What are they scared of?

you're just like the rest of (((them)))

>bed-ridden toboggan ride into hell and back.

Sheesh, top marks for that.

nooo not my boomerinos


the most at risk ones are born before or during WW2 - not boomers.

So you are admitting it is a bioweapon. Who made it, the Chinese, or someone in league with the Chinese?

They get what they fucking deserve.

pneumonia isnt even that bad. i think you misunderstand something here. i don't fear death. i barely even fear mutilation. this flesh is nothing, this is a meatsuit. my cutoff is 15%. if it's less than a 15% chance of death or serious harm, i don't give a single fuck about it.

boomers dying en masse, now. that is something i very much want. i want bodies to hit the floor, i want millions and tens of millions to die. if i have to suffer a small risk so boomers can get wiped out with this, so be it. i understand that there is a price to everything gained.
idgaf. just 3 generations ago TB was everywhere and people were coughing blood and dropping dead at age 35. even they lived for 5, 10 years after the first bloody coof. and mere pneumonia is nowhere near as bad as TB.
i've already dehumanized myself and face to bloodshed. mortality is a fact of life, only a fool fears reality. only a boomer.
you're upset because I'm not a coward. if i die, so be it. i'm not going to sit here and piss myself about it. boomers forced me to grow up in literal hell. this is the outcome.

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ok boomer

you're a junkie
I wonder what kind of drug caused your state.
is it heroin?


Gee, I don't know why anyone would resent the fags who enabled globalization and ensured the entire world would get infected because of it

But if the boomers die, who knows how all this shit works?

Have sex incel

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never abused drugs in my life. i don't give a fuck about anything because hell is right here and i live it every day. if only you knew how bad things really are.

i simply don't give a fuck. if it kills me, oh well, at least it also kills tens of millions of boomer scum. you're all going to die and i am going to laugh.

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I think it's middle school

spoken like a true kike gotta kill of the old people so we have more room for niggers


If that was my body on the street you'd step right over it!

I literally have the virus. You're exaggerating. I've been coughing up some phlem and my throat hurts a bit, but it's been so tolerable that I've been continuing to work my food service job and coughing on boomer food. If you're reading this and live in the Cleveland area don't eat out.

guess what else is a death sentence, faggot.

being born.

ummmm, hello? FBI?

ok boomer
its the boomers that need replacement class immigrants to support their inflated pensions and medicare, that otherwise couldnt be provided with modern white birthrates and the amount of white working age people. The reason why we have immigrants and have to work as hard while getting nothing out of our jobs is because we have to provide for deadbeat boomers who payed for their own pensions" some 40 years ago and seem to be unable to understand that those investment ammount to nothing, and its just the taxpayers that pay for their shit.

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Yep. Just got a new job and saving up for a house. I cant wait till the majority of boomers die or lose all their money in the stock market so I can buy their house for cheap.

dirty nigger to fuck with food under any circumstance. saying you're doing it now for shock value is immaterial.

This. Fucking schaudenfreude is dumb. A lot of people are going to suffer literally from this. They wouldn't be shooting the world down just for 70 year olds.

Besides, a lot of those old people are over 73, they're not even fucking boomers but actually silent generation.

what to antivaxx people say to this thing anyways?

I’m not laughing.
If millions die it will spark another generation of Baby Boomers except this one will be all niggers.

Get a job.

>boomers dying
Free Real Estate

Eat shit boomer.

Old people die.


Btw, markets are going to rebound once everyone realises that no actual productivity has been lost because only retirees are dying

We told you months ago this was going to happen, and we were called schizo virign basement dwelling forever alone alarmists. Well those of us who prepped are laughing because this was totally forseeable and not only did the experts and leaders fail to protect anybody but if they were actually trying that makes it worse. That means use scgizo virgin basement dwelling forever alone alarmists have more predictive power than all the worlds experts in WHO and other organisations.

We laugh because it is absolutely clownish and could have been prevented, you only had to listen user.....

Boomers called millennials entitled and lazy despite being so indebt we literally can't afford not to work our asses off. Im going to put them in their grave while I eat my avacados toast unable to pay off my student loans I got jewed into. No sympathy from me.

Kek, its all reverse mortgaged and the banks will let homes sit empty before they drop the prices

>You're laughing. Millions of boomers are going to die and you're laughing.

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Mother Nature decided so, boomers should go

>mother nature

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Lol faggot ass zoomers think everyone born before 1996 is the same.

I hope the next super virus the chinks design is meant to kill people in their teens and early 20s

Holy based.

I can and currently am working from home, dickhead.

Take your meds schizo

>Getting v& on purpose

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idgaf about boomer v whatever. fucking with food is a dirty nigger move. grow some balls.

Got nothing to live for anymore so why not hope the rest of the world gets fucked too, y'know?

Way ahead of you fren

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based and coofpilled. light the bitch up.
fuck them too, they're the ones who raised boomers to be what they are.
based. i work twice as hard for half as much and get called lazy. i'm going to go to a small community library and cough on everything so all the boomers using the computers there and checking out dan brown novels will be assured to die.

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I already told you dad get the fuck off my board

This. They will now reap the fruits of their selfishness. I can't afford to *coof* go get tested but *coof**coof* I won't die anyways. I'm just gonna carry on *coof* with life as normal.


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Hurry up and get sick.

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Based and Corona Chan pilled

Yeah you're right. It might just be plain old stupidity.

They will die the way they lived, screaming at young people trying to help them, scared, angry, and belligerent. Hardly a tear will be shed for each of their passings. And they will all surely burn in hell for eternity for what they did to the people around them.

didn't read lol

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Yep. Amazing how this virus spares innocent children. Truly God's wrath.

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>officially a pandemic, dumbass nigger

i love my board. world is a fuck, kill all boomers, 600 gorillion dead boomers and kikes

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it is still quite possible for anyone under 40 to become critically ill from C-chan, it only has to get into your lungs, (anybody's.).. When you need hospital care, but it is totally unavailable your "Youth" will not save you from an early grave. sorry. 10/10

>i love my board

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does this mean i should stop smoking weed?

this is an anime imageboard REEEEEE

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Millions of Millennials suddenly realizing who's gonna pay the bills.

This is Yas Forums in a damn nutshell. But replace weeb with pedo.

>Yeah but a lot of 20 somethings are going to get pneumonia and will need to have gunge syphoned out of their lungs every hour.
just dry fast and fluids cant fill your lungs
