Mike Enoch's TRS is a waste of time

Mike Enoch's TRS is a waste of time.

I'm currently listening to the last Strike and Mike and I just realised what a complete waste of time it is. Their "hot takes"? Shit takes. I'm literally gaining nothing from listening to this chatter.

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That's What you get for listening to a Jewish podcast

Bro, why so angry?

Ok maplenigger.

ok joomer

After Svens hysterical rant about Nick Fuentes I had enough and canceled my paywall membership. Fuck Sven, he's such an asshole.

>t. seething Jewish leaf.

Sven ruins TDS for me with his retarded yelling.

This is for you

took you long enough to figure that out

the psyop started with the 2+ hours long podcasts

Took you this long to realize this? It's called a friendship simulator for a reason.

Who wants to listen to Jewish e-celebs at all?

You just now realized this? Being an angry “white” dude is not the answer. God is the answer.

Haven't listened for over a year and I'm surprised i kept up with them that long, so boring hearing them brag about btfoing someone in Facebook comments arguments or repeat the same dozen and a half stories and arguments. Complete trash. I still like striker though.

t. non white

After a few dozen podcasts, you've already heard everything they have to say, multiple times. That would be okay if they weren't such annoying unlikable people. Imagine knowing these people IRL, having to work with them all day every day. Like being in hell.

the cloest apostles of jesus were jews, anons; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

Whiter than you, achmed.

Enoch had a jew wife, has jewish children, and lied about it for years while claiming to be a “counter-semite.”

what's wrong with ranting against mexican individuals? they shouldn't be in this country to begin with

Stop listening to e-celeb grifters

>jews follow jesus
okay joomer

Ok, so stop listening then fag. I get tons from listening to their pragmatic views. And compared to what exactly? Is there someone better to listen to?

Mile is a beady eyed Jew.

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Enoch is the only one on the network worth listening to, but even that is just how Jews are bad non-stop. Striker is barely listenable, his takes are mostly absurd. Strike and Mike is just these two guys talking past each other. Striker will say something silly / absurd and use it to support some retarded take, and then Mike will pick something in there to expound on another take which isn't absurd but is always the same thing: Jews run everything / Jews are bad.

The other TRS shows aren't worth listening at all, even as background noise for various reasons. Jazzhands and friends say too much dumb shit, Brozoi is an insufferable Assburgers autist, the guys in the Absolute State of Britain are ice cold boring, etc.

oh, i get it. you're sensitive because spic was taken off of youtube. well as i always say being pro-white is about work, even working anonymously as far as doing propaganda. being a disgusting and outspoken mexican while living in the united states, and ironically pretending to be a nationalist is the sort of paradox that simply can't last

there is no i in team, spic

>has jewish children
citashun needed

>the cultist thinks that he has something to say
you're taking the piss m8

>Mike "JimPACTed" Enoch is waste of time
This guy is married to a b'nai brith giga kike and has a nigglet brother. You're also a waste of time

>Striker will say something silly / absurd
>Striker is barely listenable, his takes are mostly absurd
Care to give an example

the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

>your answer to jews is worshiping the Jew
Kys kike

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the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

neo-dreyfus affair nigger, please go

Then don't listen nigger? Who forces you? They are knowledgeable and do have interesting takes.


russia looks just like the picture to the left

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zoomers are cancer

So you don't deny it then. This is the main motive behind your pretense of being some God fearing christian that just knows his religion to be superior to white nationalism. It's because you would be excluded because you are a shitskin good for nothing waste.

Okay (((ADL))) agent.

I enjoy TRS and subscribe to their content. It's not necessarily about whether they're always on their A game, or whether they're the best representative of our broader cause.
Jews hate them. Jews are gunning for every white man who names them and exposes what they do. They want them penniless, jobless, destitute, and broken. And we as white men need to make sure that our guys are not susceptible to jewish oppression.
If you don't support TRS, start your own podcast and do better. Until then, put your money behind those who stick their necks out for our people.
Jews make these threads by the way.


for once Sven acted like a man

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Cool story, bro.

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I'd almost take your seriously but than your capital looks like a poor Russian village

>Jewish podcast

Step one: create antijewish propaganda
Step two: ?
Step three: complete secret jewish plot to pretend to be antisemites

I know its either kikes or schizos that post these ideas. But can one of you explain how every WN is secretly a jew? Or which WN are not secret jews?

Is it just me or is Fuentes' head comically short?

Why does anybody listen to TRS after 2016?


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I don't understand the overlap of people subbed to TRS and not being apathetic, did people just sleep through the past ten years?
Nick is a caricature of a fox pundit with zero redeeming qualities shilling ripoff green frog memes to people who cosplay as Catholics.

>your capital looks like a poor Russian village
so Romania looks like the picture to the right?

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The recent TDS episode did a good job exposing how high-level kikes don't actually believe shit like Russiagate and feed it to goyim to keep them on the kosher plantation.

There was some kike (not Morance, but another one) who interviewed Mike and asked him how he and the TDS guys got enough money to make a living, and Mike said "Valdimir Putin pays me"; and the kike said "C'mon nobody believes that anymore", even though the kike was on record writing several "muh Russia" articles.


>I know its either kikes or schizos that post these ideas.

It's Jews and /leftypol/ false-flagging.

Not even mad anymore, god bless this hardworking man. Never takes a day off

>Strike says absurd things
For example last show, just a few minutes in he says that the only thing the US produces is oil even though that is completely absurd and wrong on its face. If you pay attention to things he says instead of just listening to it as background noise you'll realize he's constantly spewing crap like that.

Imagine being such a neurotic kike that you obsessively listen to some dumb GenXers podcast just so you can try to convince other people to not listen to it.
Is this why Jews have such high rates of mental illness?

They need more big panel shows thoses 1on1 suck

He is talking about geo strategic goods and not general industrial output.

FTN is good and gives a detailed explanation of current events/politics from a WN perspective. Jazzhands is more high-IQ than 90% of the posters on Yas Forums, as evidenced by your retarded take.

TDS is supposed to be chill and full of dank memes. Also I identify with Alex and Borzoi for their excellent taste in anime. Also "Merchant Minute" is one of the funniest rants about kikes ever.

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Nah fuck that grifter. He and his ilk are the latest iteration of kekistanis. Nick is a booger eating Mexican and thinks Stonetoss is a "pea brained wignat." He hangs out with fags and pretends to be trad. I'm white and he does not speak for me. I don't want any part of the big tent civ nat accommodating crap.

These guys are so irrelevant I didn’t even take time to listen to them attack nick. It’s like a mosquito to an elephant.

>I identify with Alex and Borzoi for their excellent taste in anime.
my body wasn't ready for this cringe

I stopped following TRS about a year ago. Their material got pretty stale. Also, the whole right stuff network is kind of a cult. A lot of young men have had their lives destroyed by falling down this rabbit hole.

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>mosquito to an elephant
nicks over-sized freakish spic head isn't that big

Borzoi tweets like he considers himself an epoch-defining intellectual but hearing him on stream he sounds like a deferential brainlet.

>complaining about anime
>on Yas Forums

So did you come here in 2016 or later?

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Mike and sven's pathetic attempts at ridiculing anime are coming to a close, too many anime posters on BANG.

>Also "Merchant Minute" is one of the funniest rants about kikes ever.
It was very funny at first, then it started getting weird and annoying.

If you consume anime you are subhuman.
Simple as.

>complaining about anime
I'm not defined by the shows I watch, fellow 4channer

The only reason why anybody bothers to listen to these guys anymore is A. they've been paypiggies for a long time now and it's just routine behavior for them at this point, and/or B. TRS is basically the only place on the internet still hosting any far-right radio shows/podcasts.

Food isn't a geo strategic good?