Trolls are Psychopaths

They conducted two online studies with over 1,200 people, giving personality tests to each subject along with a survey about their Internet commenting behavior. They were looking for evidence that linked trolling with the "Dark Tetrad" of personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and sadism.

They found that Dark Tetrad scores were highest among people who said trolling was their favorite Internet activity. To get an idea of how much more prevalent these traits were among Internet trolls, one can refer to tables from the paper showing low Dark Tetrad scores for everyone in the study . . . except the trolls. Their scores for all four traits soar on the chart. The relationship between trolling and the Dark Tetrad is so significant that the authors write in their paper:

"... the associations between sadism and GAIT (Global Assessment of Internet Trolling) scores were so strong that it might be said that online trolls are prototypical everyday sadists." [emphasis added]

Trolls truly enjoy making you feel bad. To quote the authors once more (because this is a truly quotable article): "Both trolls and sadists feel sadistic glee at the distress of others. Sadists just want to have fun. . . and the Internet is their playground!"

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I don’t think it’s fun, I think it’s funny. Isn’t there a difference?

Yas Forums is full of Dark Triad Persons.

>Nigger flag
Opinion discarded

> nigger
> psychopath
in other news water is wet

Yes, that means you are not a psychopath.

I am not black.

Spreading redpills or humor isn’t trolling under the psychological definition. You’re not doing it for the purpose of hurting others, you’re doing it for either lols or ideological reasons.

anyone who has frequented pol knows this. the shills are profoundly unwell people.

By troll do you mean an actual troll that trick people for the lulz. Or do they just mean anybody that disagrees with globohomo online?

My best friend calls me "an emotional vampire" because when people around me are angry or sad I get happy, and it's the only time I really leave neutral. I don't actively try to make them angry or sad myself usually though so idk. I just enjoy it when people are having a hard time.

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Psychopathy is misunderstood. I have ASPD. Its nuanced.

>My best friend calls me "an emotional vampire"
why is your best friend a woman

Disagreeing with someone that you know will hurt their feelings is trolling.

>The Dark Tetrad

*steps out of the shadows*

"Nothing personal, kid."

▲ ▲

You are edgy, you dont have ASPD.

>They found that Dark Tetrad scores were highest among people who said trolling was their favorite Internet activity.
Only actual autists would answer that.

No girl likes emotional vampires.

No it isnt.

Autists have high dark Traid traits

youre a troll, so fuck you kike. Kikeopath schizo.

Silence nigger

I am no troll, dont compare me those sick fucks.

He's not, but it does sound like a term a woman would use. He doesn't mean it as an insult, he thinks it's funny.

I do ok. Like I said I'm not the one causing the problems, at least not on purpose.

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Show tits

What if I only enjoy trolling assholes and refuse to troll nice people?

to say negative or confrontational comments to someone in order to upset people

you're normal

Then you are Dexter.

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But the intent is not to upset them but to debate and educate them.

You do what?

Yeah they like stoic ones like Angel or the twilight guy.

Intent does not matter if the consequences are the same, upsetting people. You can troll without knowing you are trolling.


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So you think disagreeing with people online makes somebody a psychopath?

No shit, you're a chink, it's well known.

LOL now this is a troll.

You are doing the same things a psychopath does. Remember I said if you know that by debating them they will get feelings hurts, then you are a psychopath. Its normal for psychopaths not to recognize this.

I do ok with women.

No you dont, you will not be here in Yas Forums.


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I dont understand.

Do you actually believe that. Or are you a real troll?

>Dark tetrad
Oh, look, someone unable to understand social interaction outside of pure theory.

Going down the fast way

I dont believe you are a psychopath. But trolling is saying something that you know will hurt the feelings of others.

Psycho killers kill human evolution development it’s only the method used which some are not interested in. Serial killers.


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Then why do you wear their flag?

>Doing someone another group of people does makes you the same as that group of people

That is like saying Catholics are the same as Protestants because they pray to the same God, or Neo Cons are the same as Fascists because they are both opposed to higher immigration. This line of thinking is known as the Ecological Fallacy.

"Psychopath" is a term used by the same people who use words like "NWO" or "illuminati". That is, 60+ year old boomers

Its a meaningless boomerism

No it isnt. Trolling is when you are deliberately upset people for whatever reason. Disagreeing with people because you think are wrong regardless if how it may make them feel is not trolling.

I don't understand why white people even complain about everything , they clearly have better lives than the rest of us

But if you troll unintentionally or intentionally, what is the difference between that and a troll? Faking or unintentionally being a psychopath is equal to being a psychopath.

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I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>Trolling is when you are deliberately upset people for whatever reason.
If you upset people for the reason of whether who is right or wrong, does that consist as being labeled as trolling?
You and I are agreeing on the exact same definition of trolling.

He was psychotic, not psychopathic.

I cant behave like a decent person online, but irl im pretty normal and cool to hang around with so fuck your study

tone down on those crunches, it's way to stress full for your pelvic area and may cause problems in the future, Practice planking instead . It's much more effective

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I cant believe you actually took the bait, he is a troll, my son. That is from the movie American Psycho.

No. The intent makes all the difference. The media likes to delude itself into thinking anybody that dosnt agree with them is a "troll" and therefore just doing it to be edgy and not because they may legitimately disagree.

You're a psychopath, and a retard. Flaggot.

I only troll the truth or to make people question the surrounding narratives. I troll for the betterment of all mankind, yet I am somehow labeled as a psychopath?

Im machiavellian but everyone with a brain is.

I am not saying that disagreeing is trolling. What I am saying is that if you disagree with someone, knowing that it will hurt their feelings, but you still do it, that is trolling. Its like calling a transgender a man, when she believes she is a women. If you say that knowing that she will get mad, then you are a troll or doing the same thing.

Or maybe trannies are just mentally ill and were trying to help them to see their delusions and get the help they need. Refusing to feed into people's delusions is not trolling.

Psychopathy is like autism.
Once was a 0.1% now is 25%.
100% of people have at least autism, psychopathy or any kind of disorder according to psychologists, besides I can tell you that most edgetards here will answer for the questions as edgy as possible, while in reality they are just basement dwellers.

So what, faggot OP memeflag?

Post gore

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Did a licensed psychologist labeled you that, or do you did it so you sound cool?

>What I am saying is that if you disagree with someone, knowing that it will hurt their feelings, but you still do it, that is trolling
No it isnt.
> Its like calling a transgender a man, when she believes she is a women. If you say that knowing that she will get mad, then you are a troll or doing the same thing.
I dont care if he gets mad i would tell him because its the truth. That isnt trolling.

No, that's telling the truth. If someone is so mentally deranged that the truth gets them upset then they are thin skinned.

i do have fun destroying drumpf supports and other low iq nazis on this subreddit, definitely makes me smile seeing low iq rednecks and incel nazis seethe

Smells like a liberal NPC wrote this.

Why would someone pretend to be a psychopath? What a losers, lol

Sounds like their study got trolled

OP is a Faggot

it sounds cool and edgy.
to get laid and to seem cool.

I'm not a psychopath, however we have to understand that all of the people in power are and we need to learn their ways so we can adapt and destroy them. The reality is that we are on the opposite end of the spectrum from psychopathy. We are anti-psychopaths.

Why would someone be a flaggot?
what a loser.

> Psychopathy is misunderstood. I have ASPD. Its nuanced.
I have NSDAP. It's what happens when your ASPD metastasizes into full blown AIDS.

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That’s not trolling. That’s having a different opinion.

Now if i told him i thought he was pretty and i couldnt even tell he was trans. That would be trolling.

>I dont care if he gets mad i would tell him because its the truth. That isnt trolling.
So you dont care that transgenders get mad, causing them to commit suicide? Thats low emapthy right there. Sonetimes telling the truth is trolling. For example, if your gf asks you if she looks fat in those jeans, and you say yes, which is the truth, but you know she will get mad, that is trolling.

fucking kek

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(((psychology))) is just "how do we mentally disarm the goyim men so we can sex traffick their kids"

as we see in what happens irl with the grooming gangs in UK and epstein/weinstein/kikeywood in US

kill pedophiles
kill faggots
kill leftists

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Yeah but this dosen't apply to the honourable passtime of shitposting. Shitposting is not trolling.

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Trannies commit suicide because they are mentally ill and society collectively feeds into their delusions until the time comes when those delusions fall apart and they kill themselves. You cannot blame people who call out their delusions for their suicide. That falls squarely on the society that encouraged their mental illness.

No it would not because she did not get upset. Trolling is saying something knowing the person will get upset, and come on bro, she is a she, its 2020.