Miss me yet?

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Nope. Never missed you, nigger.



how was a nigger a better president then trump

Faggot did a terrible job

Yeah I miss Pakistani children being droned 24/7......

this nigger literally and unironically would've done a much worse job in dealing with the current situation



Hillary would have already caused a recession and her total inability to do anything (even Trump couldn't do much but at least he got an early travel ban in while leftists screeched RACISM) would mean Republican supermajorities in 2020 instead of what we'll get now. Truly God values the submissive more than anyone, which is why Jacob gained his favor over Esau. Time to bend the knee, boys, if you value your eternal soul.

not even for a moment.
I'm sad obama isnt in jail though.

Dude, I didn't know trailer parks got internet service. And no, Obama is consistently rated as one of the better presidents by historians

until he's in fuckin gitmo, brainlet. he's a goddam traitor and jews have a long history of trying to rewrite it.


I'm sorry about your schizophrenia

Fuck no.

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe

I'm sorry you dont accept facts like big mike's dong and the faggot not being born in the usa

he could have read off a teleprompter better than trump yesterday but that's about all he was ever good for. was basically america's "look we're not racist" lawn ornament.

>bot responses
just kys

Hey Yas Forums this is the definition of a slide thread...

*dies of open borders corona*


Dow would be 3000 if this fuck was still in.

Your Economy is crashing.

Eh, whatever. Probably wasn’t any of it his fault, y‘know?


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He has corona and will be dead within a month.

yes, trump is as retarded as is his followers

kek literally who?

>and the faggot not being born in the usa
What is it with conservatives always starting conspiracy theories over people they dont like? Is it like you guy's coping mechanism, is it for the memes and you're just being ironic ? Serious question

>Imagine missing a nigger
Fucking kek

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If Obongo was still in charge the US wouldnt have even closed the borders yet.

Hey, I resent that, sir! Trump doesn't fuck his sister like his followers. He just grabs her by the pussy

Slide thread, 1 post by this ID, etc.


No, in fact since you left even the normies have been realising just how shit you were.

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I dont even have a dog in that fight but after looking at the results of the Italian forensics company report on what Obongo claims to be his birth certificate im convinced there is something funny going on.

>conservatives always starting conspiracy theories over people they dont like
Bruh have you been paying attention to what liberals have been doing for the last 3.5 years?

lol nope

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No faggot can’t even wear a jacket, imagine how he’d fuck up a virus response unlike Trump our Yasss Queen

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Like investigating a criminal?

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Fuck off nigger

True, but in our defense we were told by our entire intelligence community (and several private companies) that trump was shilled by the Russians. That amount of consensus isn't unsignifciant.

Let's be honest: George Washington was the only good president. If people had just listened to his farewell address about the evils of political parties and entangling alliances, this all could've been avoided.

>tfw Americans finally come to terms with this.

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As an accelerationist and an all round doomer, yes. If this fuckwit was still in office things would be a good deal worse.


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So you're assuming that the most likely idea is that Obama is a foreigner and the entire government kept shut about it?

>choose hope... choose hope... choose hope... CHOOSE HOPE...
Reading off a teleprompter evidently was not his strong suit.

Absolutely not and fuck your dementia brained boomer of a VP running for Pres

Bank bootlicking cocksuckers

NO, you left us with TRUMP, thank you

america isn't supposed to be simple and easy

it takes more great minds to fuel the machine


Literally who?


I wish we had Bernie though

Nope. This was part of his plan.



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Yeah I'm sure King Nigger would’ve saved the world from Covid-19.

fuck no

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Too bad that coked-up joke reality show celebrity cumskin would come along and sink the country back into even deeper disaster than Dubya managed to do. Well at least you neonazis got what you wanted most of all: less melanin.

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Realising Obama would be more than capable and competent to handle a nationwide disaster like this with consequent pre-emptive measures based on the reccomendations from a staff of competent fuggers.

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>america isn't supposed to be simple and easy

Washington literally foretold of the shit that is currently tearing the country apart. Had we listened to him, we could've avoided it, or at least be more prepared to deal with it. Simple and easy? So you're all for America getting involved in shit it has no real need to?

>it takes more great minds to fuel the machine

Imagine how many great minds we've lost to fuel the globalist machine.