China is laughing at you, America. You going to take that?

China is laughing at you, America. You going to take that?

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Kek, maybe we should allw Japan to rape them again

these chinks live in a country supported by so much debt it makes the american economy blush. God damn I'm tired of this retarded world
>the chinese government is thinking about the people
the current state of chinkland. whatever happened to the hong kong protests? did the corona nothingburger conveniently end it all?

It is all going down in the shitter
And that makes me smile

This is what will happen.
The late chinese emperors before collapses were always arrogant cunts that played dumbshit games of intrigue like this.

The only thing they are number 1 at is being conquered.

Chinks have no self awareness nor compassion for others, even those of their own race. They are more like animals than humans

Kek, Serbia is so irrelevant that you're reveling in chink shitposts about America

Nuke the chinks and throw Chinese in America into prison

someone tell the limp dicked chinks they live in a communist hellhole with nearly 2 billion other equally valueless shitstains.

This is why I hate non-Whites. Because though they may not say it openly, in private they absolutely hate White people and want to see us suffer. I've never hated another race of people that much nor has anyone in my family, but they all hate Whites that much. It's fucked up and they need to go back.

This. Nearly nuke time? I'd go with the solid punch.

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America is over but please nuke china on the way out

I’m going to laugh when we make it through this fine, and are able to prove the virus was created in wuhan. When that happens, nobody will ever do business with China again. Those insect faggots will all starve to death, and we will laugh

They have to say these things or else their social credit score tanks and if they are a non-drinker, non-smoker under the age of 30, it is time to lose a kidney.

Why would I be angry?

I am not a bug eyed chink cursed to roam the earth as a disgusting yellow human. I can go to anywhere in the world, and just from my skin tone be welcomed.

Seriously need that fact in the normie arena.

They are not totally wrong about the chink government . As someone who live in China the CCP is pretty much the bitch of the Chinese. As long as there is growth and security their legitimacy is OK. The chink governement can be corrupt (and they are) as long as they provide the basic services. They don't bitch about immigration or other bs because they know they would loose popular support.

Does the lion care about the opinion of the termite? No. Fuck off bugman.

Also remember: chinks have been on the verge of collapse for a while now. And they have lost a ton of standing in the world just from the fact that this virus spread out from their shithole country. If it is proven the virus was created there, they are completely and utterly fucked

He might if he's covered in them and they're burrowing into his brain and eating him from the inside out.

And Trump/Pence will still speak of the poor oppressed Chinese who thirst for American freedom and democracy.
The Chinese love their nation and are probably among the most Nationalist countries on the face of the earth.
But this MUH freedom propaganda was anyways only made for retarded boomers.

these chinks get a better credit score for posting this propaganda

You are descendants of the Chinese people, all of your culture is. So why hate them so much?

There is a huge amount of jealousy with chinks. They think their time as come and always bitch about the accomplishment of China.
Yet in reality they are quite conscious of the superiority of western countries (even if some hardcore patriot think China is already better).

We’ll see how long that patriotism lasts when China gets frozen out on the world stage and chinks start starving to death, chang

No, they love their own country. Anyone who's ever been to China knows this.

too much dead weight, whereas china is one ethnicty and one identity, we're going to lose to them eventually, it may not be now but way until whites only make up 30-40% of the population

chinks will die too when they will have no markets to sell shitton of their shitty iphones.

LOL you mong, they've been starved many times and nothing could touch them.


There is quite a number of cucked chinese altough I have a feeling it's becoming less prevalent. They have a big problem with feminism especially.
Chinese women are absolute whore, they abuse the fact that the sex ratio is to their advantage and Chinese men are huge cucks.

They kicked out the US and UK ambassador.

He would if he was in a wooden cage hanging over a lake full of crocodiles

Someone should let those dumb changs know that when the world is on lock down and no one is doing business, that China can't make any money and there economy will go under.

A coup d'etat by the commies

Most Chinese hate Hong Kong because of the protests. If you are a chink and don't support China you are a race traitor. They are way more based that you can imagine. The average Chinese would see no problem with firing live rounds on the protesters. The only reason why the government don't do that is because of international position, there would be absolutely no backlash in China.

I can guarantee that 99% of the population of China wants nothing more than to live here.

NBA cancelled its season cause they don't have shoes now.

Are you fucking retarded? China has never been completely and utterly isolated from the world the way they would be if it comes out they created this disease in a lab in Wuhan. We’re not talking about a little hunger Chang. We are talking about mass die offs. And you will likely be slaughtered by actual Serbs. Chinks like you will be slaughtered in every single country. People will riot against chinks for releasing this disease on the world.

Everyone has a problem with the feminism mind virus, only a good whipping with the belt can heal this grave condition.
Sadly this is outlawed today in many countries. But yea, I heard that females in Chinese culture have usually more power than in the West, but it might just be some Jewish propaganda they served us here, who knows.

>Thinking this kills America
>Thinking America dying is good for China
Nobody in Earth consooms like Americans. If we're dead, China is coming with us.

China decided of its own accord to self isolate a few centuries ago, so what are you talking about.
And there cannot be isolation just like there can't be isolation for Russia.
You are in phantasy land my friend.

Well nuke China on the way out for releasing this shit on the world. And China will deserve every bit of it



Chinese women are dumb. They treat their boyfriend like shit (literally like slaves). And the boyfriend accept that. But after getting married they get beat because the chink already obtained what he wants and the divorce laws are not as cucked as in the west.

Face it, you nation serves Satan, it was destined to fall. Satan cannot prevail. Deal with it by rejecting Satan and all his works instead of doubling down on being evil.

You don’t get it. Not one country is gonna be willing to trade with China. China doesn’t have the good to support its citizens. We can withhold food and aid and just sit back and watch China starve. China is too reliant on the rest of the world. Meanwhile, chinks like you are gonna be slaughtered in the streets in western countries. Sorry chang but that’s probably what’s gonna happen

Let's be honest though, America is falling apart lmao. As a country, your response to this crisis has been laughable.

Looks like you're on your own burgerbros. Your government and OrangeMan:tm: has failed you bigly.

How does an entire country not realize they are just cheap slave labor for international corporations? At least there are a lot of americans who know that we are just mindless consumer cattle for international corporations. But there doesn't seem to be anyone in China that understands.

Chang, the devil rules in China as much as in my country. China chose willingly to follow satan. My country had to be tricked into it over decades of intense propaganda and brainwashing

China will disolve into an orgy of it's own blood fueled by the bursting of it's overripe bulging hubris

99% of these are ccp shills are people forced into ccp shilling, can’t take them seriously. If they say anything off the party line they get exported to a camp for reprogramming

>A nation whose claim to fame is a movie about fucking newborns and corpses lecturing America
Don't you have a wife to kidnap or something?

You are delusional. So you are going to starve China when you produce almost anything but usury and paper while China produces everything the world consumes and borders on Russia, which is an ally and the largest wheat exporter in the world?
You couldn't bring down Russia which is weaker, you couldn't bring down Syria and you can't even bring down Venezuela. This is a new age for mankind.

Reminder that this is the last chance for globalism to end

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Give exampru

The entire world might just team up and declare war on the chinks if it is proven they are behind this virus

Sure, the movie is my culture, not the product of some Westernised liberal who is a heroin addict and takes Soros money.

Imagine if those faggots were still allowed to post here. They'd have an even bigger Napoleon complex agter being called insects 1000x over

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Either that or put massive fucking sanctions on the country.

Of course nothing could touch them, a lot of them were already well on their way through the digestive systems of other chinese

Get through this, prove they created the virus, then sanction them into destitution while moving manufacturing home. We also need to stop accepting so many chinks into o ur universities

How so? We were the first to tell Chinese travel to fuck off. Had the world done the same immediately we might not even be talking about this anymore. You're mad we're not testing everyone I'm assuming?

To be fair, we've been dunking on them for the past two months

wtf i wanna fuck all the bugwomen chinks though can we not hall of cost them

The economy is down because all the chinks are dead.

You don’t know anything about America if you aren’t away of our agricultural capacity. China meanwhile doesn’t have enough arable land to feed its people. China also just had to slaughter its pigs due to swine flu, and poultry from avian flu. Locusts are also now in China fucking things up further. China doesn’t have the capacity to feed its 1 billion + people on its own even during normal times. Now? With everything going on? China will experience mass die-offs from starvation if the world freezes them out. I hope your mom and dad back home in China enjoy what’s coming user. It’s gonna be bad

it looks like Chinese stock market should begin to crash tonight

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Look at every dynasty that ruled China.

You know what I don't see them ever calling you: Insect or any other type of animal.
They are calling you weak and sick, which is a very appropriate term.
And your culture is actually in itself weakening and sickening, it is like a virus that infects other nations and leads to their deaths.

Yeah man, we must seize the means of bugwomen reproduction!

If they released a bioweapon, I don’t think sanctions are anywhere near enough punishment. Our policy is to use nukes on countries that release bio weapons. I don’t think we’ll go that far, but a worldwide coalition to go to war with them? Maybe

I don't feel like speculating anymore on how good you are at committing genocide and what techniques you could try.
A healthy mind can only take so much of this sickness at a time.

If everything goes to shit and people start looting and rioting chinks will form a cohesive militia and kill anyone who isn't a chink. They have no empathy, they have no mercy. We are fucked unless we stop that from happening right now.

What are you even talking about? The chinks almost lost their country because they couldn't stop smoking opium. Guess what pancake face, you and your people are a joke. China is a 4th world country pretending to be 1st world, but can't do anything without help from the west.

To be fair, if they could freely post here, just imagine the bants and shitposting

Remember folks if you don't go to China then when they need those organs they will just take them from their own people, just like they have for the past 4+ decades.

>accepting into our universities
They buy their way in, because (((they))) own the universities.

Are you actually this dumb and evil or are you some guy with dual loyalties playing a game here to discredit normal Americans?

They should laugh.

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>read OP's screencap
>angry and jealous

Where's that bit about how these chinks can't win wars? What's there to be jealous about? They've basically been everyone's bitch for centuries lol

No need to slaughter in the streets they already segregated themselves off in most areas, so walls will probably be built (AKA quarantine zones).

If you read the bible you would know that Satan will start in a place close to Syria and it will make his kingdom around it. Probably Israel.

Show flag.

Chong, nobody fucking likes you. Literally nobody in the world. Even white people who were duping into tolerating fucking negroes hate you. Just think about. Think about it for a moment. You are a fucking disgusting abomination and a mistake of history that long overdue to be wiped out from the face of the earth. Japs could use some extra space.