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nuke china to teach them who's boss
China is rushing to dump her boyfriend before she gets dumped. Your attempt to save face won’t work. You, CHIONA, are fucked.
We boss. not you.
2020 is off to a great start. This is what we deserve, since 2018-19 were boring as hell.
Do it you baby-dick chinks. Because as soon as this chink flu runs it’s course we are gonna fuck China up the ass, to death
china boss powerful not die just take nap drink warm water
numba one.
as if America couldn't start mass-producing penicillin overnight, if they truly wanted to
This is the best thing that could happen actually. China’s economy collapses, the US manufacturing base moves back home.
I was happy those years
I am no longer happy this year
if you so smart than how come you no #1? how come you let corona virus make a fool of you when USA not?
Boomers fucking deserve this destroying the manufacturing base
You've always just been our work bitch.
This is exactly what we needed. China Delende Est.
Trump will make China pay for the virus
>spread virus across the planet
>start throwing out warnings
The arrogance is almost admirable.
Apologize now Ameridogs
Welp, guess this is time to pull the plug and bring all industry back to America.
*opens trade by force*
seems gay and faggy
Do it, we need to move industry out of that shithole.
Naval Blockade.
lol if china doesnt fallin line, american freedome dispencers will be utilized
Buy into globalization or else!!
Imagine CHINA being mad that they unleashed a virus from hell on the rest of the world and people are taking action to prevent it.
Fuck those commie bastards.
We cure virus already. Now we help other countries. You are ingrate.
Those retards created the virus. Literally. They are slaying an entire generation of Italians. And they have the balls to act like martyrs?
>China kills all the US baby boomers that are leaching off the system.
>The US suddenly doesn't need massive medical industry.
>Housing market drops out of the sky and people Massive political demographic shift in US to anti-jewish liberalism
>Available capital make literally everyone less inclined to be socialist morons
>US retaliates to Chinese aggression by increasing asian allies capabilities and officially recognizing asian countries china is in dispute with including Taiwan.
>US forced to open supply lines to other asian and american countries, redistributing wealth to countries not ran by the worse totalitarian government in existence.
Yeah, I can't think of a bad angle here.
The Chinese have been always the Jews of Asia...only difference is that the Chinese actually invented writing for themselves instead of stealing it from the Phoenicians.
Good. We need to be back in charge of our own production and whoever allowed fucking China to produce most of our medicines needs to be hung for treason.
You mean no more 3rd rate products from Ebay not Gucci bag knockoffs? Now I’m pissed.
Fuck off you 3rd world mutants. God was trying to rid your polluting country from the planet.
Warning? Do it, it will clear out the riff raff.
Who started this shit?
interesting that they are ramping up propaganda. china gonna make moves!
Italian are not suffering. Chinese in Italy suffered.
You are ingrate.
> the literal recipe to get democracy'ed with nukes
It’s only right you clean up your own mess. Nobody is going to thank China for causing a disaster then putting a bandaid on it.
That's actually good for America. America will start manufacturing again.
Best Korea nukes china and takes over
This is old news Chang, they announced this several weeks ago. But your admitting that Kung Flu was an economic weapon against the US...interesting.
When weak you make your enemies think you are strong, when you are strong you try to convince your enemies that you're weak.
The Chinese are fucked, if they weren't they wouldn't have to threaten people.
>oooohhh noooooo not the heckin medical supplyarinooos
America could easily produce all that shit ourselves. We only use china cause its cheaper. China really belives theyre necassary but theyre not.
You're probably some bitter Serbian or something who now lives pretending he's Chinese
Reveal flag
in thr 1800s china was closed to trade. a western vessel sailed up the yangtze river and shot the palace with cannons until they opened trade.
It has been done, and so it shall be done again
As if this wasn't expected and will be the catalyst for removing bug from the supply chain. Everything will come back home to america now.
Oh my, I'm sure this will lead to a completely positive outcome, everyone wil be so happy with china!
GOOD, this judaic shithole known as burgerstan needs to burn for its sins
they burned a lot of people alive out there
What's wrong with this? Only the weak will die.
China are the chess players here, US cannot bomb its way to number 1. Wonderful strategies going on with China; we make all your shit, you die if you fuck with us
We control 90% of Ameridog anti biotic. You are slave country.
Beg. Roll over. Play dead.
Beggars can’t be choosers, shartlard. What happened to all your manufacturing?
Any other country's up for another boxer rebellion? The world will unite once again killing chinks hand in hand.
>boomers outsource all critical manufacturing to chink land for a boost in profits
>die of corona in understocked hospitals
Seems about fair
Nah, we'll just take back our manufacturing plants and put'em back here in the states. Creates jobs, makes people happy. So fuck you China.
Is this real? Big if true. The CCP has such short term thinking, this is the kick the USA needed to get their industry in shape and hopefully the rest of the west.
Most manufacturing hubs moving out of China to Vietnam for the last five years and now everyone is going to stop importing their essential products and create it themselves.
China shooting themselves in the knee once again with this threat.
This is going to hurt us in the short term, but China has been a festering wound on the US for too long. Time to amputate.
the bat eating gooks started the whole thing though
Eat bat soup and die, ricenigger filth.
>play dead
Looks like the Chinese are already doing that trick
How about...
do it, more dead mutts are always good
China could eat a nuke .
Not after a nuke , FakeChinkAnon .
Does China really want an actual shooting war on top of their country falling apart?
is this forreal
okay coofer
Info overload at that link.
Really , they coofed on us , shouldnt we hit them ?
How about we just wait until April?
January: Virus spreads clogging hospitals
Early February: Roads blocked, doors are welded shut. Farmers are blocked from entering cities to sell their crops.
Mid-February: Bird flu and swine flu kill the meat supply. Swarm of locust from east africa are seen heading towards China.
End-February: Locust swarm has reached the border and are entering China.
Early March: No one cares about china as humans are now being infected in the real world.
Mid-March: No crops due to locust, no meat due to bird/swine flu, no food due to already eaten cats, dogs, bats and pangolins for Chinese New Year celebration hot pot.
End-March: Virus still going strong
April: A test to see the longevity of skinny Chinks when starving.
>shit your pants in front of the entire world
Fuck yess kek wills it
Yeah and if we close our factories over there they'll have a depression and a famine eating their kids to survive.
Yeah we'll have a recession but the chinese animals will all die.
We cured virus. You are still infected because you are dirty dogs.
We shit on you , now we help wipe it off , be happy we help you . Get fucked , ChinkaJew .
>baby boomers dead
>biden wins election
>”Here’s the deal, Jack. We’re taking your guns and we’re going to be the most corrupt regime the world has ever seen”
Come suck our dicks and India will supply whatever China bans
Die in a ditch
We could help them kill corona with radiation.
As if we haven't forced a country to open trade before
The world should demand financial compensation from China for even letting this happen
Chinks can eat a dick
How’s the wet market, Winnie?
Worth it to never rely on Chinese slave labor ever again. Everyday is hell in china and we should not profit off of it.
>baby boomers dead
>biden wins election
>canadian flag
checks out.
only canadians feel confident enough to bitch about things they know nothing about.
the boomers are the only people voting for biden.
You think america doesnt have labs or something? Like insaid we could easily just make it our selves. Before now we just preferred using chinese child slave labor for the profits.
It will come to that, but the problem needs to be rectified first.
This is actually a valid threat-shows how retarded it is to be dependent on China
Bangladesh can do textile
Vietnam can do cheap electronics
Philippines can do BPO
India can do everything else.
If countries could sue, then people would've sued America ages ago.
>This is actually a valid threat-shows how retarded it is to be dependent on China
absolutely. closing borders to protect your population and curb the spread of the virus is seen as a hostile act by fucking chinks. just let them fuck off already.
We could literally obliterate China from the face of the earth, and the resulting net benefit of them being gone would outweigh all that nuclear damage as a net positive.
Shame on us for stopping Imperial Japan from eradicating the chinaman.
LOL WTF? This would short term hurt the USA, but long term they'd move manufacturing back home and the economy would boom just like it did during the USA's golden years after WWII.
If you so smart, how come Taiwan #1?
It's fucked regardless. We might as well Samson Option them.
Is corona-chan waving a magic wand that will bring jobs back to America once and for all?
>We could literally obliterate China from the face of the earth
You post lies. Why are you Ameridog?
>you better not ban us
They're scared because they already lost so much money. Their economically crippled.
The interesting thing about vietnam is the vietnamese government is currently manipulating thier own currency. Theyre devaluing their own currency. Even trump has put vietnam on the list of international currency manipulators.
The reason being is they are making so its cheaper for foriegn buyers to buy vietnamese products over its competitors, thailand, philipines, china, south america.
With china on the way out, vietnams currency manipulation will pay off as buyers will choose them.