Bill Gates - 10m to die in Africa from Corona

>Bill Gates has warned that coronavirus in Africa could overwhelm health services and trigger a pandemic which could cause 10 million deaths.
>There are now fears that the disease could spread to sub-Saharan Africa where it could spark an uncontrollable outbreak, with health services unable to monitor or control the virus.
>Mr Gates said coronovirus was more worrying than Ebola because although the death rate is not as high, it spreads far faster.
>etc... more at link

Also this guy who I have been following, who was recommended by a top UK virologist says that he suspects there is under reporting in Africa and that it is likely spreading without anyone knowing, thats why the numbers are low there.

He makes a video every day with the latest. I have only watched the most recent 3 vids, but its very interesting.

Attached: Bill Gates - 10 million to die in Africa from COVID19.png (800x903, 462.95K)

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that's low. We gotta make those numbers better!

kek...thats rather harsh

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>noooooooo not the niggers
>who will rape my women and spend my money ? Noooooooo

>Bill Gates
>muh 60 million dead
>muh 30 million dead
>muh 10 million dead
Seriously is this guy jewish? Because I don't know any people better at fucking with numbers to fit their narrative.

not nearly enough dead nigs

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i wil send potato
not realy haha

and i bet he was smiling when he said that

10 million in africa is a cfr of .8% if everyone there gets infected

too low

more like tens of millions ded

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This number needs to increase by two orders of magnitude.

Whats happening here owo

not enough
they breed more than this in few weeks

The real question is why anyone cares about African deaths when a pandemic disease would balance out their population from the inflated state we created through foreign aid.
Culling Africa is a pro environmental action.

Isn't Africa the only continent without the Coronavirus? World gonna get blacked by the only surviving race

That’s not enough

>implying Africa would even notice they have an outbreak of this

The only reason they know about Ebola is that it kills everyone who gets it.

Only 10 million ? :(

>10 million deaths.
>in Africa

That's fucking nothing.

who the fuck cares about Africa at this point

rookie numbers

we need to pump those numbers up

>Isn't Africa the only continent without the Coronavirus?
No, it is there. Its just that there are reportedly only a few cases. But it is suspected that numbers are way under reported due to lack of ability to test. It is suspected that it is spreading without knowledge. Watch youtube link in OP. That Dr is making interesting vids every day.

Niggers shit out more in a month. What they need to be afraid of is the economic impact. When Europe and China can't feed them anymore, they will implode.

Wow that offsets a whole week of niggers breeding.

blacks are immune against it, he is probably talking about the few asien and white people on that are stil left on that entire continent

Just negro stuff .

Bet he sees this as a great success

Well.... Y'all should have listened to us three months ago.


>checked for rookie numbers

That sucks, only 10 mil. Even a 100 mil would be nothing.

>10 million less niggers
So at least something good from this fucking virus.
T. Quarantined

Is this a death cult where we just cheer on death? feels like it some times.

you have to go back

Its spreading there, we just dont know it because of poor health services and lack of testing. Africa is going to be the big story in all of this and it is going to pop up out of nowhere. Its going to be a much bigger story than china.

thot patrol

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That's nothing the niggers breed like rats

never had a reddit account, never posted there. unlike you, faggot.

desu, I care more about how many die here. Let the fire rise!

rookie numbers

Has Bill Gates ever been right about anything but starting Microsoft in a garage? Shit hair, shit wife, no impact with his foundation. Shut up dummy.

Overpopulation solved
Save the Planet

Bill gates WANTS depopulation.
dont forget to take all the vaccines that he funds.

multiply that by 50 and we're good.

>blacks are immune against it,
WRONG. Blacks are more susceptible to it due to less ability to produce vitamin D.

Its spreading there, we just dont know it because of poor health services and lack of testing. Africa is going to be the big story in all of this and it is going to pop up out of nowhere. Its going to be a much bigger story than china.


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>Whites and Colored will die off and then millions more of Africans will starve because they can't maintain their own country
Jeez Hans, when you put it that way

I thought the virus dies quickly in warm climate?


>if you kill your enemies they win

it’s too hot in Africa, viruses wouldn’t survive. More proof that coronu is fake

Finally some good news

Oh no

If a load of white boomers will die from this we have to see massive deaths of non-whites as well. Otherwise we won’t even break double digits as a percentage of the world population.

Fuck Africa we got our own damn issues

Sounds like a decent start. But given how rampant aids is down there we might get luckier.

WRONG again guys. This virus has remarkable ability to survive warm temperatures. Research so far shows it can last up to 3 days at 98F on glass, fabric, metal, plastic, paper

this virus is going to absolutely survive in hot weather.

June 6-13
>bilderberg 2020
decisions will be made.
No elections.
New currency coming.

its all part of the plan. You think this is an accident?

they deserve to die if they couldn't create a 1st world civilization after all these years

take your meds

How is he an expert on the subject... I have money listen to me? Seriously?

Explain Ebola then.

I know every rich person has that one weird hobby they're known for, but how did his end up being babbysitting niggers?
Has he ever explained that?

Crypto or involved... All that money.

Structured collapse.

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Qatar is one of the hottest countries in the world.

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that's less than percent of population, that's nothing
does he assume that most of the africa will remain uninfected or what?

tf we're listening to OS stealer for medical predictions


>those digits
If the numbers do go up then we know who's responsible

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Black immunity is way stronger than whites or chinks

Hey Bill, FUCK AFRICA. Stop wasting your money on niggers. You might as well just light $100 bills on fire.


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He's said his vaccines are designed to lower the population of Africa.

HOL UP HOL UP ONLY 79 peeps replied to a bill gates thread...why

Im assuming 10 million from the disease itself...
What do you think happens when they start believing proximity to anyone will get them killed?