itt we
>discuss best places to ''find'' supplies
>network with other raiders close by
>laugh at boomer preppers
in minecraft
Raider general
I think it’s very important that we do our best to be honest with other Yas Forumsacks. Call random people nigger faggots and kike fucks, tell them the pool is closed. Find others that belong here. Those are your friends. Those are going to be the people that share you ideas and be willing to rebuild the world as it should be. Honor the kinship that is Yas Forums. We’re in this together. Let’s take a page out of the kike book and profit.
>im gonna shoot you if you try it
well, I'll just burn your house down.
My plan is to raid the raiders, as they will have all the best supplies from raiding retarded boomers. It will be easy because raiders lack the foresight to prep, so it is likely they will lack the foresight to have adequate security in place to stop my counter raid operations.
They'll also be 10+ strong, your gorilla warfare ass will get caught and raped.
burning houses don't stop bullets
Nigger faggot kike
>makes punji pits around my house and takes a fat steaming fudge bomb right on the spikes
have fun
>assuming I'll be alone
Lol you're not going to make it user
Your weak family and friends won't be worth a damn when the chaos hits, they'll be a liability.
Doing this in America where 2/3 of the population is heavily armed will be hilarious. Maybe it will work in the cities?
>being a raider
>not being a chad brother of steel and preserving technology for the sake of maintaining humanity
based, if we use old Yas Forums memes we can find each other easily
>in minecraft
I will be wearing this as a tshirt logo printed on my back. Very very visible.
Your entire country is a liability to humanity. You assume that these mysterious "others" that will raiding will somehow be better prepared than my in group already is. Have you always been a retarded faggot?
this. Just a bad idea in America unless you're in the suburbs of California.
Easy one will be to cruise the local upper-middle-class neighborhood and look for the McMansions with plywood over the windows.
Pop in a few tear gas rounds and wait.
>poll's closed
>due to nigger aids
You can pass
Shit-tier larp
Raiders on a quest for drugs and coronavirus test kits
are you going to shoot the flames? I don't need to be anywhere near your house to start it on fire, lmao. retarded boomer
>I want your supplies
>I'll burn down your house that they're in first
Zoomer logic on display. Go back to playing COD you dumb faggot. Next time you make a "raider" thread just rename it the "poorfag cope" thread for honesty sake.
Insecticide foggers are a great substitute for tear gas
I bought 10 more gallons yesterday like 3 hours before the Trump speech. I drove by it after the speech, it was fucking PACKED.
Anyway, RAID ME daddy, fuckin raid my papi raid me gooood...Uwuuuuu.
Try to be nonchalant about it. Slip it in to conversation. I really don’t want fucking normies to get into the inner workings of what I plan to build. With all the fucking autism here we can truly build a better world and shackle the normies back into their false sense of safety and into wagecucking for potatoes and our ultimate goal. It’s our fucking time. It’s time for us to climb to the top. It’s going to be a huge opportunity to purge the degeneracy and save humanity. I will do everything in my power to take advantage of it. In Minecraft.
You will leave your house and supplies, or you will die with them. This isn't a negotiation.
Looks like I hit the nail on the head since you're so butt bothered. ;)
Imagine coping this hard
Based and autismpilled
ill be wearing pic related
good thing thats were im at then kek
fear cope
sorry im too autistic, ill probably just yell out hitler did nothing wrong in a group of people
Not bothered in the least. You however are still a faggot
Lots of FBI fags up in here. Let’s just say you “anons” have always had a difficult time blending in here.
Ok glowie
You're so fucking stupid that you cant even understand a point being made clearly in green text. Maybe you'll understand if I put in caps.
On a side note, although anecdotal, the majority of people I know who took this seriously enough to prep have a lot of fucking guns. Even my Mom and Grandparents. You're going to get shot in pretty short order if you fuck with prepared people.
Oh yeah I'm the faggot here xD
>My plan is to raid the raiders, as they will have all the best supplies from raiding retarded boomers. It will be easy because raiders lack the foresight to prep, so it is likely they will lack the foresight to have adequate security in place to stop my counter raid operations.
Only a complete larper bitch boy would write something like that. Just stay in your bedroom eating beans, fatty, and hope the police reach you before the urban youth does.
just hunt and forage, reseeding as much as possible
raiding is fun, but retarded, and will 100% get you killed fast in america
>burn my own house down so you anarchist faggots can't take anything
>burn the surrounding houses down
>burn the entire town down
Good. Fuck you.
>quasi-nazi techno dictatorship
This is post apocalyptic Yas Forums to a T. Sign me up!
>Just stay in your bedroom eating beans, fatty, and hope the police reach you before the urban youth does.
That statement applies to you more than it does me
Jesus, I'd say you're in for a rude awakening when you throw a tantrum like that with a person with a gun, but taking a dirt nap isn't what I would call "awakening".
Man, I don't even like beans. Plus I can at a moment's notice bug out to our summer house where we can easily last until next autumn at least.
Imagine not already living in an all white gun loving neighborhood in florida.
The dried beans are smart, but it's not a lot of them. If all the bags are beans then it's like $20 of beans at most?
Cheapo vodka, smart for trading, but higher alcohol % might be better because it can double as a disinfectant.
Only 2 vegetable oils and they're small. Why not a couple jugs of oil? It's cheaper to buy that way anyways. Just refill the bottle you use in the kitchen. They last a long time.
Spam is good. I can see you have a fuckload of it. Chili and mexican only if it doesn't give you the runs.
Veggies only if they didn't ruin the vitamins.
Chef boyardee packs ok, but not a ton of calories. Get some dried pasta and a giant sack of dried rice.
Vit C good.
1st aid good.
Individual soaps bad. Get a giant pack for cheaper per bar and use those normally, buy a second pack
Where's your iodized salt? It's cheap. First aid applications. Cleaning applications. Dietary applications.
Waters good. But in a quarantine your water will still. Good to have water anyways.
Pink stomach chalky pepto shit.... does that help with corona? I guess you'll need it with all that Chili you have.
I don't get how some stupid assholes don't understand this mindset. I say give me the supplies, you say no and threaten to shoot me, so it's not like I'm getting the supplies anyway. Might as well just burn your ass up with your supplies. Misery loves company.
You can't defend a structure when your structure is flammable. I'm not going to come have a conversation with you. You will leave your house, or it will be burnt the fuck down, and when you come running out YOU will get shot. See, you are stuck in a house, you can't leave. I can pretend to leave, leave for awhile, do what ever I want, but you are still stuck in the same place that in short order will be your coffin.
based and redpilled. Fuck niggers, fuck jannies and especially fuck preppers
I don't have to bug out. Im already in the boondocks. Good luck not getting enriched while you run like a bitch
Gotta sleep some time. Can't watch every window. Your home is getting burned down.
It's not a bad strategy user. When I used to play Ultima Online I always hunted and PKed other PKers because they had the best loot. Sometimes you could find where their house was, hide outside their front door, wait for them to recall back to their house to drop off loot and then stealth walk right in their house behind them. Then when they would leave you loot the entire house.
Hey raiders, I just used your scouting party for party decorations.
Please send more.
I hope I get to see a fat greasy user larping as hugh mungus. Good times.
Multiple adults , a camera system, and a bottle of adderall says differently.
>not taking the heads of all your neighbors to deny the raiders the satisfaction of murder-raping
user, it's like you don't even know how to Khorne
A 5 gallon jug of diesel, a flaming oily rag sticking out the top, and a car with a brick on the accelerator rolling its way toward your home say otherwise.
By american standards I'm pretty much already in the middle of nowhere (no chance of getting enriched here, thank satan), but the summer house is waaayyy out in there, closest other building is like a mile away and those fucks are never in there since they're a couple of half-dead protoboomers.
UO always sounded like great fun, kinda sad I missed on it but at the time I was just playing singleplayer because of crappy internet.
Post what you'll be listening too while raiding boomer suburbs and kidnapping their bernie-supporting daughters
UO was the best game ever before the carebears fucked it up.
Oooh thorough! Thanks for the tips. Yeah bismuth has always kept my stomach regular, violent diarrhea is one of the symptoms. I bought these soaps as a brick or 20 or something, I just broke the pack as soon as I got home to take a thorough shower.
Today I'll get more oil and more salt.
Really good points user thank you.
Alright, but there’s only one faction who knows the true nature of the Jew.
Yeah that's what I've been told. Never bothered to check the unofficial shards later, that kind of thing is never the same.
>Why yes, my base camp is at the foot of a 5G tower, how did you know?
There's a good consumer.
>House is made of bricks
>Prep supplies include fire extinguishers
Your plan assumes you are only raiding one house, which is why it has already failed. You should be targeting houses with no men and enslaving them to increase your harem size.
I just need some spiked football shoulderpads. Because when you look good, you feel good. And that’s really what’s it all about.
Based and russiapilled
when this really starts to pop off, i'm shooting anyone that comes near my house that isn't a hot chick.
It's not about your supplies, it's about sending a message.
Maybe people in other houses will see yours burning and turn over their supplies to prevent the same thing happening to them.
We have to protect our own
They have a similar game out called LinkRealms (I think) but it's not the same. I tried playing it once, but couldn't get into it.
Shit, we're going to take Canada and run all the Chinese into the ocean
Come to NC if things collapse. Big Rock Sports supplies every hunting and fishing shop on the east coast. It has everything you would ever need in terms of weapons, ammo, and accessories. Inside it literally has every firearm purchasable in the United States and pallet upon pallet of ammo to go along with it. Check out their online catalog.
>The building only has one unarmed security guard.
>best places to find supplies
Go to your nearest All-Boys, predominantly white Catholic school and enjoy the buffet
this entire thread is fucking retarded, taking other people's shit implies excessive risk if they are armed, burning their house down burns all the shit you want and also carries further risk of being shot at, while prepping itself carries no risk and so the obviously optimal thing to do is to both prep and arm yourself defensively
everyone here is either a larper or a CIA agent trying to get people not to prep so as to not cause panic, there are no exceptions and they've been at this for weeks ("it's just a flu, only boomers die from it, some big retard is gonna take your shit, please just don't prep user i'm begging you!")
All this stereotyping. You guys don't pay attention.
Raiders won't be drug fiends or inherently evil. They'll be going after the greedy kikes who took all the food for themselves. They were left with nothing because of people who cared only about saving their own skin.
They're the product of hoarders. This is why they share while the selfish guy holding stockpiles worth of goods keeps everything to himself. No matter what movie you're watching raiders always share, the supposed good guys are never benevolent. They never give to others or help anyone they come across.
Watch any movie and you'll see that I'm not lying.
Nigger, we have guns too.
Your shit will get set on fire and either you run or try to put it out.
When you do you die. You're a sitting duck.
>imblygin fire extinguishers would put your roof out.
Face it, 2 molotov cocktails and your shitty trailer fortress is destroyed.
Ben, is that you?
I'll give you some beans when the time comes cause I like you user but I'm going to make you close your eyes and I'm going to throw it at you as hard as possible.