Unpopular fact: Masturbation is actually good for your health

Unpopular fact: Masturbation is actually good for your health.

If you listen to sexologists all of them recommend you to jack off to cure premature ejaculations and having an over all better sex life, it was even observed that jacking off actually increases your testosterone levels and balances out your hormones. With that being said sexologists also recommend reducing or eliminating porn all together (eliminating is better) porn is addictive as fuck and can lead to erectile distinctions. It is even a fact that the growing market of Viagra consumers are teenage boys, they coom so much to porn that the pp don't work no more. I would also like to add that it's also better to know how to jack off properly. When I hear the descriptions of how most guys jack off I realize that they don't know how to beat it properly, most of them jack off like they are on a timer and feel exhausted afterwards. You shouldn't be feeling exhausted after beating your meat you should feel revitalised, so the next time you wanna jack it off turn off the porn, relax and unwind. take it slow try edging it at least to 30 min i guarantee you, you will feel revitalised and feel no shame at all. And do it 3 times a week.

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Cool flag, still a faggot.


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Before you dear Jannie's ban this
This is political. Because Jews own the porn industry and Pol users like to name call each other cookers. Pls don't ban this

I just want you to have a better sex life user

how is that unpopular ? in Christcuck land ?

>jack off properly
Imagine being such a coomer that you have even developed a special technique for the most pleasure. Anyway, if you don't understand how masturbating or even too much sex lowers your motivation and energy you are an idiot and don't deserve getting an answer anyway, I would rather people like you go extinct for having such a dumb mind instead of helping you fix your shitty selves.

Its def better if you edge, but I kind of think its a symptom of health and not a contributor. Like when I got my diet right and added daily cardio to my usual 4x week lifting, my libido went completely fucking bonkers. Couldn't of nofapped if you held a gun to my head

In any land that doesn't like getting replaced by Niggers and Arabs, you fucking spineless faggot. Thank god I spent a year of my childhood in France, I learnt how pathetic you Western faggots, and especially Frenchies really are. You would rather masturbate in your room than clean up the mess that your country has been becoming, cowardly globohomo cancer nation.

gonna go to a gay bar and ask for some help ig

There is nothing wrong in jacking off. People have been doing it for millennia and it's scientific fact that jacking off improves your health. Of course doing it in excess is harmful as is anything. And porn consumption is also harmful. But jacking it off once or twice a week and actually doing it properly will dramatically improve your sex life

> listen to (((sexologists)))

oh yeah that reminds me...

Please coom.

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No fap is so retarded. Sexual pleasure is a basic human need like eating or breathing. Humans are sexual creatures when will these fapstronauts and Christ cucks understand

porn hasnt existed for that long and when humans were hunter gatheres they didnt do it every day not even every 2 days. probably never desu.

And if you dont think theres a difference between porn and jacking off without it then watch porn 3 times a day for a week and then try to coom without porn see how long it fuckign takes you.

porn is the worst thing for society it causes depression and social anxiety. amongst other fucked up things.


Actually spilling your seed without reproducing is not good it lowers your vigor and vitality and no it has nothing to do with Christian religion or any other religion for that matter ..look at da Vinci ,tesla the scientist ,hennirick,Crowley, etc


No user its actually not a human need. you absolute fucking retard. What other animals jack of? huh fucking tell me. even chimps dont jack of they only jack of in captivity. Which leads me to believe that humans are the same

Once you stop feeling the natural shame of masturbation it is too late, there is no going back, might as well keep doing it because you have already become a degenerate for life.

and here I tough it was a Vatican or something ''actually'' rare

>Sexual pleasure is a basic human need like eating or breathing
Can you die if you don't coom?

I coom bearing news from the post corona world. Coom will save you. Cooming and swallowing it will save you and make you immune to it.
Give to your gf, your neighbor, you mom, your dog. Coom is the way out.

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Jeez. It's everything about the Jews with you guys. We should create a Yas Forumss law: Everything is the fault of the Jews. Got bullied in class? It's the Jews. Bad grades? It's the Jews. Can't get laid? It's the Jews. Lost your diamond promos? It's the Jews


desu tho I jack off just so I can focus at work. If I don't jack off in the morning I can't focus because I'm busy thinking about tits or creampies or something. Maybe I'm a coomer but I'm just doing what I need to do to actually get things done.

I promise your testosterone levels are not as high as you pretend they are. I imagine your levels are pretty low since you are asian.

>cure premature ejaculations
>having an over all better sex life

I'm going to stop you right there. That only matters if you are a degenerate. Abstinence is the true enlightened path.

>erectile distinctions

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turn off your proxy moishe

Lol. I jack off without porn. And when I jack off I feel renewed. After I stopped using porn I got harder erections, lasted longer. And started making women moan like crazy giving them multiple orgasms. Dude I recommend you to do the same. Stop watching porn and learn how to coom naturally

I'm not Asian. I'm a white IT fag.

Absolute newfag.

If you stop masturbating and try to resist that thought, you will feel better in the long run.

> realize there is something wrong with porn
> But not with jacking of naturally.
> Doesnt know shit and proceeds to post on a board saying cooming is good for you

Retard faggot

I found only fapping once every couple of days and not looking at porn gives much more intense orgasms.

Masturbation is not a problem. Porn is. And we all know who owns that business.

Jackin’ it , jackin’ it
Errybody doin it

How is this an "unpopular fact" when literally every single kike owned website, journal, NPC, and TV station repeats the same lie?


>jerk off without porn

I think this is why cooming hasn't caused me problems. I coom to my wankbank in my brain and not to porn. I mostly jerk off thinking about real experiences I had.

Cooming can be good or bad. I can tell you that for me, cooming is like having a shower in the morning. I'm not doing it for fun. It's just so I can get by in society.

A simple Google search


Will show you that there are indeed a lot of other animals that masturbate. And if you look around you you will realise that humans are not like others animals we don't use sex exclusively for procreation and if you listen to actual scientists who study this shit for a living you will also realize that faping is good for you

49 married. Masturbated since 13. (Daily back in teens) Have sex once a week now masturbate twice a week to pornhub still cum in two minutes pumping wife’s pussy. Hadn’t helped with this. Possibly made it worse lads.

Why should I be ashamed of enjoying my body? If you feel ashamed then perhaps you have a problem and not me

No you faggot the less you jack off the more aggressive and energetic you become and the more you want to change things and do proper work to reach some goals. As I said, you are a dumb degenerate, but don't spread your dumb shit here and go jack off on your sofa quietly instead of giving people doubts about combatting a damaging hobby.

>Be on a good nofap streak
>Exams approach
>So nervous I start jacking off again
You know, masturbation is an activity many animals such as chimps in captivity do whereas their wild counterparts don't. I feel the same way, we're just trapped in this modern world and therefore reduced to the same state as that wanking chimp.

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Lol. Vai ao Vaticano e vá foder crianças se queres ser assim

Oh my fucking god op youre such a fucking retard yes i know other animals masturbate. I already talked about chimps how they masturbate more in captivity vs in nature where they need that energy to survive and socialize.

They dont masturbate every single day. And thats not even as bad imagine masturbating every single day to porn thats like double fucked and unnatural.

In short you are just coping because you have a porn addiction and you dont believe there can be people like me who dont masturbate at all

" if you listen to actual scientists who study this shit for a living you will also realize that faping is good for you"
Ye you can also find studies on how masturbation is bad for you. What you can also find is atleast hundreds of thousand of experiences of people on how porn fucked them up and how they have to do nofap.

Im legit

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This. this this. If it has such a big fuckign impact on people what about the whole of fuckign society. I mean this is hurting mainly men and i think men with more testosterone are more likely to get addicted (just an observation) So basically all the masculine men are jacking off while useless women go into politics and spread their bullshit

yes, it's good as long as you don't watch porn

go ahead and pull on that monkey bud ;)

lol even the people on your bank notes look retarded. poor niggers

Like I said you guys madturbate wrongly. When I jack off I feel like having more sex not less, if feel like socializing more. The problem is porn not jacking off

Cleaning out your pipes is good. But obviously you can take it too far, coomer

Just talk about something else. Sage this shit. You're causing more harm than good.

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Don't watch porn and learn how to edge

You know I'm gonna side with mozaman in this one. Our bodies are made to coom frequently and have entire mechanisms that benefit from doing it. Physically for the body there is no difference between jacking off and having sex. The problem psychological, when you get addicted to porn and forego proper human contact
The real jew is the porn not your hand

How about you suck a dick.

I will not masturbate, only shall i sex, for that is what the lord would prefer.

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digits confirm.

Geez then search the truth for yourself. Stop watching porn and learn to jack off properly

Sex is for procreation and anything else is a waste of energy. If you're concerned with your sex life you're a slave to your ego and are of a lower life form than the animals.

Doctor detected.