MODS, for the love of god, can you PLEASE stop moving these threads to /bant/? There is a stupid image limit (size and numbers) there and this thread is in its place on Yas Forums : architecture and art are linked to politics as they can be the reflection of a society's mentality, politics, health, state or whatnot. This thread shall be a Best vs Worst compilation to highlight this.
/art/ Art, Architecture & Aesthetics General
how is this politically INCORRECT??
>newfag that wasn't on Yas Forums before the 2016 elections
Now it is
It's wrongthink to care about the aesthetics of muh backwards, old patriarchal white world.
Try putting up a classical stature in the middle of a western city and you will face cries of racism, classcism, sexism, abililsm and what not.
Have you tried using /ic/?
Not sure if this is the same building, anyone knows anything about this one?
Ffs, it is :
where is that?
It's called Times Square One I think and it was turned into the current piece of shit in the 90s, it's a concrete box now. The version in my picture is the 70s abomination it was turned into.
That's not what the oekaki boards are meant for.
You can usually get away with these threads on /his/, as long as you wait at least a couple dozen posts before you start pointing out who's really at fault for these.
they allow 40+ corona threads at once, but a single thread on this or christianity or the satanic pedos in the government gets shoahd constantly.
On the southern side of Kossuth Square right outside parliament.
>or Christianity
Who the fuck are you trying to fool Christcuck? If it wasn’t for coronachan flooding the front page, it would be chock full of “muh Christian board” or “we da real Jews!”
There was an almost violent movement in the united states to get rid of anything nice, like the Fox theaters.
the only reason people get aggressive about it is because they shoah any thread that is pro christianity while letting anti christian threads up eternally.
Fuck off, Yas Forums always was, is and always will be christian.
Christianity threads are almost never purged , what bizarro Yas Forums are you browsing
>muh always Christian
Seriously user your new is showing. This boards entire thing is being counterculture contrarians.
Christianity is the norm? No we’re an atheist board
Atheism is the norm? No this has always been a Christian board!
Libertarianism is the norm? No this is a natsoc board
Etc etc
Like clockwork.
>your new is showing
either way, im done with you, dont want to shit up OPs thread
N-Natsoc is the norm when?
Old city hall of San Fran. Got destroyed in an earthquake I believe.
Context on this?
>no argument I’m now leaving and declaring myself the victor!
Really turned the cheek there user
Unfortunately Yas Forums isn’t reflective of real life, as we’ve been conditioned for decades against national socialism
An older building burns down, and an ugly mass of concrete and steel takes its place, stifling it in an embrace that will be its doom.
>that perfectly shaped foot
Bros, I can't fap for the 11th time today again my dick is hurting...
That older building looks like a church
Did they surround it with low income apartments?
i made this many years ago, good to see it circulating
Bernini is HIGHLY underrated.
Can we tak about pic reated?
I feel its a really accurate depiction of the word. God is stretching himself, doing his best to reach man/adam, while man just lays back and halfheartedly reaches his hand towards God like "whatever bro, if it means so much to you"
>gods trying so hard for you why don’t you just enslave yourself to (((his))) word when (((he))) forced you to exist in his flawed world
Your version of god was literally invented to make you cattle you fool
wasn't le corbusier fascist?
Yeah he was
did ZOG use him and trash him afterwards?
Most likely.
I guess you could say that, I don't really know the history around him.
Like we have history to spare...
Goddamn I love how the sculptor made the marble look like soft flesh
thats some damn good skill
Mods are faggot fucking jew nigger trannies.
Also how the fuck did someone make this.
>and this thread is in its place on Yas Forums
>Your version of god was literally invented to make you cattle you fool
>Managed to convert Rome
>Christianity keeps Europe united
>Christian Europeans are the ones who discover the new world before Muslims and Chinks
>Christian Europeans conquer the new world and make it theirs
>"durr christianity is weak"
Christianity is only getting weak in the modern age due to jewish subversion and Protestant stupidity
Its everything and nothing.
>Protestant stupidity
With the current pope, it's clear it's not just a prot problem.
>Christianity keeps Europe united
To invade the Middle East, fail, destroyed Constantinople, meanwhile Europe spends centuries fighting itself
>admits Christianity is weak in modern era due to Jewish subversion that Christians allow and infighting
>hurr Christianity is strong
Hence why I said subversion AND protestant stupidity
Only a dumb boomer catholic would not notice that something is wrong with the church
>meanwhile Europe spends centuries fighting itself
Because of a man named Martin Luther
this. Maybe you will like
dont forget pagans constantly warred with another and raided and pilaged for no reason way before christianity.
Jannies are bought and paid by the same people that pay shills like . They aren't worried about corona threads, in fact the panic makes it easier for them to push internationalism and draconian laws, but Christianity, satanists, and this stuff? That can't be allowed.
What a beautiful and modern Christmas Buttplug