Protip: you can't.
What do humans posses, or what proof do you have, that makes us significant? Would there be this much disinformation if we weren't? Would they waste time going to the moon ot taking the moon if we were insignificant?
Protip: you can't.
What do humans posses, or what proof do you have, that makes us significant? Would there be this much disinformation if we weren't? Would they waste time going to the moon ot taking the moon if we were insignificant?
>What do humans posses, or what proof do you have, that makes us significant?
The ability to call Americans fat.
i had sex more than once
Wheres the image on the right taken ?
I am the universe experiencing itself in a electro chemical super computer meat suit
I’m a white male.
We ARE the universe. That alone makes us significant since we're the only ones (as far we know) able to not only observe the universe but also ponder on it and our role within it.
Sub-Agarthan Antarctica.
Nothing matters. This is ego illusions
This makes us significant
Whatever you want to call it, (God's Wrath, The Happening, etc) something chilling is taking effect over the Earth. In times of extreme caution due to disease, this video started popping up all of a sudden.
I looked deeper into the books referenced in this video.
>The Sacred Secretion
>Originally an Egyptian, Greek and Indian known truth.
>The basis of Hermetecism and sexual alchemy.
>The spleen creates a germ every so often and the brain creates fluids
>if you raise your energy by meditating, yoga, relaxing, eating really good and exercising over a 3 day period every month, you will increase your immune system, clean your body and stay healthy and live longer
>The philosophers stone, the pineal gland, the fountain of youth, etc
>the greeks called this secretion "Khristos"
>The Jews are responsible for hiding it
>Genesis 32:30 - So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."
>Pineal Gland
>33 Rungs to Jacob's ladder = 33 bones of the spine
>Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles
>12 tribes of Israel
>12 signs of the zodiac
>Zodiac = the human body = Adam Kadmon = Adam from Genesis
>12 cranial nerves
>Spleen creates this germ once a month depending on your sun sign and the moon
Are these people on to something?
this is the correct answer.
I jerked off 8 times in one day.
I know 66,6% of why and how the pyramids were built.
>Prove that you're significant to the universe
The King of Kings conquered death itself out of His love for me
But how does that make you significant? I can watch the stock market all day and it doesn't mean shit
Hasn't there been enough "hell on earth" s scenarios that fit these? Ww2 happened, and people died before it got better, but to them the world ended. Didn't mean that the world was ending.
Antarctica you retard
You're just recognizing patterns, something your brain cant "not" do. I could google the number 12, and a LOT of shit would vaguely line up with it. It's your own confirmation bias that allows you to belive it, cause you sub consciously ignore the number 12 when it's not relevant to, or goes against, proving that you're special
I can convert energy into emotions
I'm significant because I was born into this world.
Well in seriousness, we’re the only creature like us in the universe with the ability to understand it. The math tells us there are likely others, but we’ve met none. So we’re still very important in the idea to record what is happening.
And you trust the people who told you this had no motives other than to help you?
Now what? God, according to our holiest person, isn't some magician.
So can a cat if you bitch slap it hard enough.
So were a lot of people that lived and died without making a lick of impact on you, or who you are, or what the universe is and does
The universe existed before us, and it will after us.
I understand your point, but patterns exist for a reason
There arent an infinite amount of emotions or colors, they're finite
Because we are locked into this world. Things work in patterns, including the patterns of the planets moving
This is a science in your body based on the macrocosmic reality
Time to wake up
>What do humans posses, or what proof do you have, that makes us significant?
Goethe, Beethoven, Hitler.
Based and Christian-pilled
We are the only beings that can understand the universe, somethings the universe itself cannot accomplish
You wake up. The color magenta doesn't exist on the visible spectrum, and yet its there. You actively fill in the blanks of your reality with sub conscious parts of your brain.
Us being Locked into this world has dog shit to do with how the planets and stars and galaxies orbit.
Basing macro and micro cosmic realities is basing it off of artist rendering from what a scientist says his graph says or his telescope sees. Again, what you see isn't always what is there.
To the universe?
What makes you think we understand the universe? You realize how imperfect humans are, physically and emotionally. Still, understanding how the universe works doesn't make you significant to the universe working.
fuck off, retard. you're clearly not white
the Aryan doesn't capitulate to the whims of the cosmos, nor to retarded jews such as yourself; the cosmos will become the Aryan's birthright.
It's a white man's universe. you're just living in it, sub-human slave morality untermensch
non-whites really should have their ability to voice opinions revoked. especially on my white man's internet you have no right to be on, parasite
over 10,000 years ago the Aryan was making sub-humans like you his bitch. nothing will be different in 10,000,000 years into the future, weak jew
Giant pyramids made of fucking rocks with bronze age tools? This is what aliens do?
Most people on here and the world are insignificant. Nobody is denying this.
>literally being the thing you argue significance for is not significant
wow ok so you're retarded. sage
also lay off the drugs, moron. try not to lose what last brain cells you have left, faggot
Woah woah easy now dont cut yourself on that edginess. Sounds like someone is relying on being "white and special" cause he can't give me a reason why the white race or any race, having high speed access to cat photos or hyper porn, makes you significant. I would've accepted the double slut theory, or the observer theory, but mannnnn you are so far up your own ass you cant see that your universe is literally your own ass wrapped around your face
How so? Those writing and works will be eroded in time, and forgotten. How were they significant to the universe and the way it works?
My emotions can create Love for the universe
Lol why you mad tho? Anger is a rational response to not understanding something, nigger
I'm not significant, but my thoughts and actions are.
I like this post.
So are we saying that the way we observe the universe, is significant to universe in some way?
>Double slut theory
Double slit theory***
Alles Vergängliche
Ist nur ein Gleichnis;
Das Unzulängliche
Hier wird's Ereignis;
Das Unbeschreibliche
Hier ist es getan;
Das Ewigweibliche
Zieht uns hinan.
Consciousness is a force that permeates the universe, and as humans we are the most conscious physical being in it. Our thoughts and actions all have direct consequences, even if those consequences are hard to see. In a less spiritual sense, any idol/role model you have has clearly left a great impression on you, which is significant in its own right.
nature created us for some obscure reason
>Prove that you're significant to the universe
bix nood
>according to our holiest person
>Double slit theory
>Observer theory
I take it you have studied quantum mechanics?
The eternal feminine pulls us in? What are you saying user lol why would you post something in a different language just to hear me tell you I dont know what you're saying
We are a cosmic plague. We're significant to the universe because we are a danger to it.
Good answer. Fyi, I'm looking for answers, not claiming I know them and you dont.
I've been looking up everything I can to teach my godless brother that he is significant, but I have no proof and he has no faith
What proof do you have that we aren't significant?
Your question is a red herring anyway.
What matters is that we consider our lives to be significant.
It's implicit to our nature. That's all that matters.
So, I argue the onus is on nihilistic faggots like yourself to prove that we should accept your pathetic, defeatist view of existence. We're evolved (maybe designed) to see value in our own lives and value in the lives of other humans. It's gotten us this far, so to suggest this is wrong requires some evidence.
I'd accept that. Seems like for some reason we get divine intervention when were breaking out of the "viel" or testing nukes.
>humans are a plague
Nah, just faggoty jews like yourself.
>double slit theory relates to significance
I'm confused. I thought the sole purpose of that experiment was to observe whether light is a particle or wave, and of course it was found to be both.
I studied quantum mechanics in grad school, and I would argue that science is at currently at the crossroads between materialist observation, and metaphysical philosophy. I'm of the opinion that quantum mechanics is a representation of the platonic form of math. The first step to saving an unbeliever is to get him or her to agree that there is something that is metaphysical.
Well, first off, your name calling. You're angry, why does my questioning challenge you, to the point of responding. Secondly, I'm challenging that even the lifespan of humanity is not significant to the functions of the universe. It will exist before, and after us and continue. We have no significance to it. Does it hurt your feelings?
We're the fungus to the primordial wood, creatures capable of killing planets and creating fantastic machines, in a universe where we haven't yet found another creature to oppose us.
Through that, there was a conclusion that matter being observed reacts different, and you can draw different conclusions based on that relationship.
That is it's only significance
Well, yeah. But we still haven’t met any other civilizations yet, so our story isn’t finished.
"Observation" isn't just analysis by the human eye but also by robotic means of detection, there's definitely some magic shit going on in quantum physics but there's no saying it cares about us.
Superposition is wild though
Wow, this is the input I wanted lol ty user. I really feel like if he genuinely searched for a metaphysical response, he'd get it. It seems like we're significant because when you talk to the universe with quantum mechanics, it seems like it "talks back"
I believe we are significant too, but do I have proof other than "trust me bro" no, and neither do you
I love this
Fair enough
Yeah, i thought it meant literally, our thoughts shape the universe, but after doubling down I read it was based more on instrumentation observing matter. What's superposition? If you dont feel like giving the rundown I can Google it but I'd like to hear your version too
I see. Well you are right it does depend on the frame of the observer.
>Superposition is wild though
Yeah Schrodinger's cat is a good example. I haven't gone over quantum for some time though. Confused the hell out of me.
One could even argue that particles themselves contain an element of consciousness, given that particles seem to "choose" which of the two slits to go through. I don;t necessarily agree with this position, but it was suggested by Freeman Dyson, who is a prominent physicist. I would recommend checking him out if you are interested in the internationality of faith and science.
Yes I'm angry that faggots like you make sweeping nihilistic declarations in an attempt to demoralize others as you've demoralized yourself.
You're like faggots and trannys. You're not content in your own aimlessness and depression, and therefore you attempt to push points of view which have no relevance to our day to day lives.
You choose to look at the universe and say "I'm insignificant".
I choose to see my life l, my civilization, my family and friends and say "this is significant to ME".
The question you should be answering is:
why does the age and length of the universe matter when we can take action over our own lives right now?
Seriously, other than external events outside of our control, the universe doesn't matter in how we choose to live our lives. We could one day end up so advanced that we can bend the very nature of reality to our will, or we could go extinct.
Doesn't change the fact that right now, in this very moment I find purpose and meaning in my life and loved ones, while you remain a depressed nihilistic faggot.
Is quantum, the only way to prove metaphysical? Has anyone ever mixed together quantum physics with the math involved for making sigils and all those other demonic looking symbols?
Quantum is the most obvious way of proving the metaphysical because it is based on empirical observation. it involves science and philosophy, rather than just philosophy.
Quote where I said "trust me bro", because I don't need to.
It's implicit in our very existence.
Dude. You just cant read
You're embarrassing yourself. Come back with proof or shut the fuck up. You love having someone to shit on, and I gave you that opportunity. You're welcome, but you're dumb.
Depends on your perspective.
Cant proof to you bout me, but about you:
KYS. -> Universe gone.
Pretty significant, ha?
If you say so. I cant use that in an arguement though, make of that what you will.