Nick FUENTES and GOYper Hate Thread

>heh you want to protect the white race and have an ethnostate?
Wignat, Cringe and Bad optics
>you want to call out Jewish influence and flesh it out? Not some waterline thin BS like the USS liberty, instead of the Lavon Affair
>Optics bro, Normie's would think of us as anti semetic for that
>you want to preserve the WASP culture of the Anglosphere
Dios mio, wetback and irish nigger catholicism is the way
>heh you have radical beliefs and believe the system should be destroyed and replaced
Cringe, bad optics
>heh you h8 irony peso crossing dressing cat bois
They are based and redpilled like you, stop dividing.
>heh you dont want us to be paleocuckservatives

Why are conservacucks and civic (fake) nationalists such traitors

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Other urls found in this thread:

OP is a faggot. Nick is cool, handsome and based.

he's doing more than most. the primary issue is immigration and he is getting that out. have fun sitting in your basement shouting sieg heil, dumb fag

Non argument pedro

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He's a literal homo that defends a religion he doesn't practice or understand. Imagine being against paganism and not understanding christian dogma, much less catholic theology

Kill yourself faggot. The nicker is based, and you’re an irrelevant tranny

>the primary issue is immigration and he is getting that out
He's a wetback twink, you fucking fag.

Another literal homo.


I believe a "movement"/optics doesn't work nor matter. Revolution is a spectators game, all the population have been lulled into a deep sleep post 45' and have let world degenerate around them.
In my opinion MAGA/Civic" Nationalists"/Goypers are merely reactionary and always retreat into a watered down liberal position. In the 60s homosexuality and other sexual deviant acts were considered abominable and now we have supposed leaders of the right like "Nick the spic" hanging around with horse dildo sucking catbois, the acceptance of these pervsions within the right and watering down our core beliefs for muh optics, even though schlomo shekelberg will shut it down regardless and only allows what he wants on TV, social media, etc...

Tl:Dr this pic

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Nick is based, redpilled, handsome and charismatic while getting the message out with more success than any previous online figure before him.

Where does "groyper" even come from? I don't understand this spic

fuck wasp culture
You're all cucks that abandoned it.

>cuckservatives are such traitors they called their brethern of race and same political wing trannies
Pathetic, this is your movement in 10yrs since your weak minded and unable to make a stand

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>Irish nigger
There was a reason we had you in chains for 1000s of years

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You'll be muslim in 10 years

What message? A watered down version of the far right (I.e. cuckservatism)
You already have a faggot, paki prime minster and are of EU Gib me dats sheamus, we won't bail you out of debt next time

you wish you could look as good as nick does in as many styles as he can

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Shut up faggot.
Living out your supremacist fantasy on Yas Forums. You're an asshole people are beginning to come round and see how cringe and stuck up you are.

Cry more lesbian. I'll get moe to slap your head in.

The exact same message as the far right, only packaged in a much more digestable fashion to convince normies. You have to play the game of politics in order to achieve any real change, and Nick is by far the best at doing this. He has great analytical understanding of how the political game is being played unmatched by most others in the dissident right who rarely achieve anything noteworthy.


>"Hey, did you guys know I'm Italian? Only a half Italian mutt, but we have such a better culture than anglos."

>"Did I mention I'm a med yet this episode?"


I feel like I lost 10 IQ points reading this. Not that I had very many to begin with...

nick is winning, wignats are not

Americans with minority heritage do this all the time retard.

>a wetback
>supremacists dreams
Nope, don't care for others just want to secure a future for my peoples you paki
>appealing to Normie's with cuckservatives redpills.
If you can't get them to suck up to Zion Don you won't get them any further, 90% of the population are either lemmings and/or demoralized. Look at the KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov interviews on demoralization
>playing the political game
His (((optics))) cuckery got him shoah'd by the mainstream which was his attempt to appeal to, it failed
Its pathetic ik

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You post this garbage LITERALLY every fucking day. Don't you get bored of this shit?

>>you want to call out Jewish influence and flesh it out? Not some waterline thin BS like the USS liberty, instead of the Lavon Affair
The attack on the Liberty is one of the best ways of getting patriotic burgers to question our relation to Israel. Show them that the Israelis knew full well who they were attacking, and the burgers will want to know why Israel would do something like that. Then you bring up the Lavon Affair and other examples of Israel's use of false flag attacks to trick other nations into siding with Israel. Then you tell them about the dancing Israelis of 9/11. From then on, the burgers will never trust Israel again.

He is a mystery meat lmao, afro latino
OK address it
OK cuckervative traitor he flopped, kirk got more funding, endorsed by Zion Don and still in his ear because he is a mainstream lolbertarin.
Now he is streaming on a 'who'? Platform.
You should send those KEKSERVATIVE groypers into town hall and political meetings, not some boomer fest with Kirk.

Yeah, Americans with an obvious identity crisis. If you're trying to promote "America First", then shitting on Anglo Saxons incessantly, while talking about how Italian you are, is not very serious.

>no argument
Typical cuckservative
>thinks he can redpill people who are demoralized centrists who think they are redpilled
Have you seen the /ptg/? They still support that kike cocksucker because he makes the libs mad. You aren't going to do this within any present generation, seeing as genz has more disenfranchised young men and given the unsteady social/political and economic climate you are going to have to target what ever comes after genz.

You forget that every generation up to us as of now has been demoralized with propaganda, predictive programming and normalizing degeneracy

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Its not even just Saxons but the dissolution of Germanic and to an extent Celtic identity and heritage
Anglo Saxon (though large and more numerous in the past) are just one Germanic type in America, you have Nord's, Danes and the Germanics of Germany too.

Tommy Robinson is a Jew lover

Why do you want to talk about idiotic Americans like Nick and not about stupid Brits like Sargon?

>Same exact UK flag

A Mexican jacksepticeye.

Answer the damn question.


Google Tommy Robinson MOSADD

He's doing good work, unlike you. Patrick Little tried your approach, and he's fucking gone. Zero influence. The optics war is over: wignats lost.

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I'm aware
He is irrelevant lolbertarian lite, he made himself though he had good intentions why UKIP
What question?

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This desu except that 99% of people don’t know the first thing about their religion (or lack thereof) and even less about any alternative belief systems. One of the things that causes free thinking individuals to descend into atheism is the realization that most people don’t have any clue what they believe in or why.

This isn’t limited to religion either, it applies to politics and science and everything else

Some forced meme, they took a fat boomer looking Pepe and decided this is their version, Groyper the Toad.

Great optics (pic related) read --> Your appeal of cuckservatism on the far right will always lose as we dont like semetic influencers who insult our pride and values for wanting to secure the existence of our people, keep screeching wignat you stupid conserv-a-nothing traitor

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This question from



They use religion as an aesthetic rather than an extension of themselves (because they don't practice what they preach)

When will wignats wake up and start behaving like adults?

Who the fuck is going to follow a movement of retarded hollywood nazi stereotypes?
Only morons

I'm not as religious/spiritual/whatever as I once was. But I have studied various religions and most of them are valid social systems whose success varies due to the genetic quality of the people who practice them and not due to the religion's factual validity (since most of them can be summed up to "just have kids and don't be a total degenerate cunt, bro").

Stay irrelevant, kiddo. You're not going to torpedo this Christian movement with your malicious associations. Go join a wignat club and get sodomized by a kike.

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Multiple /ptg/ threads get posted hourly, if the /ptg/ had their way it would just be that, the /ptg/.
There are many generals KEKSERVATIVES don't like (/SG/ /NSG/ Brit/pol/ and now my new /PKG/) but have stood.
In other words I'm starting a new general to counter the MIGA circle jerk

Youre mad online

Come here Bong boy

Serious question. Why are you so obsessed by and threatened by Nick? He's just another streamer that normie zoomers like until they move on to the next popular e-celeb. Why did you stop using rèddit spacing when anons called you out for it? And you have to be the only "far rightwinger" who spends 24/7 seething over Trump like a tranny with tds and attacking American rightwiners for some reason while literally doing nothing to help the white race or addressing the many problems in your country. And why did you suddenly pop up with the same exact old failed /leftypol/ script as soon as the Bernie spam stopped? You're literally the only one still doing it since it backfired hard awhile ago.
You're either new and clueless or a /ptg/ shill just making obvious shill threads to rile up support for Trump or something

Also, what do you think about Brexit and your own countries leadership?

Based "Big" Dick summarily BTFOd Nick and the gaypers in one of his recent video. He predicted that Trump will go down in flames this election and it how it would be retarded, as a nationalist, to keep your wagon attached to the Trump train. Lil' Nicky lack this kind of foresight and come fall, will play a great part in decimating whatever nationalist sentiment there is in the US.

You hate to see it, but we've done all we can for these people.

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But why focus on American politics or Americans and not British politics people from the UK

Catboy nationalism is the future of conservatism, get used to it boomer wignats

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>being the only person obsessed this much about an easily avoidable and easily filtered general
Seems like with the elections coming up and Bernie being out, you're threatened by the one place on the internet where you can't censor or silence Trump supporters. I'm guessing you're a journalist?

I'm a proud gay Republican!
Nicker Nation, let's stomp out these anti-American racist fascists for good!
It's the most important way to put America First!

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No point in putting effort into defending him against tranny talking points that have already been disproven multiples times over and over months ago and you can’t deny his boyish charm

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>t. Gay spic


Hes not doing more than most though. Hes causing more division among us with all of his infighting and labeling. Pic related is taking real action. Stop worshipping ecelebs.

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Good luck.
Get in the way of others who want the same will put you in their crosshairs.
What's your goal here? You're attacking Yas Forumsacks who are doing shit for their cause. You must think the wasp faggots are going to wake up and reclaim the throne. You are dead already. There's no group of people who have reached anglo levels of degeneracy, self-hate, cuckery and migration replacement. Again, good luck because you need it. Raging on Yas Forums about catholics like a good lil jewish golem. Keep it up you clown.

t. Meximutt

>no argument
>wasn't listening
I'm a fascist if you didn't get the memo
You are central to world politics given you intervene in everyone's business with your exportation of globalism
I despise weak conservatism

>le conehead man
this is the kind of shit i'm talking about.
Who the fuck is going to follow this guy? You have to be a fucking idiot.

This guy is a villain archetype right out of a shitty pg13 movie. He's a spoiled preppy homosexual with anger issues that will do anything to validate his delusions of grandeur.

>Nicks fans are asians, indians and other mutts
Yeah nah fuck this civnat movement. I was enjoying it at first until he brought back the term wignat to write off people who care about race, when I saw his supporters, and when I saw that he hangs out with literal faggots. He is making us all take a step back.

>supports king kike
>aka the pope

Anglo Saxons had you niggers in chains, enjoy the gay, paki and pro EU leader Abdul

Implying Nick isn't already doing speeches at town halls. You can't watch this and disagree, that's why you have to be a lil purity spiralling faggot because that's all you are. You don't care about politics because you're only here to join the validation gang.

Same exact tranny response instead. Thanks for confirming what we all already knew

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Well that's just cuckservatism, the can't conserve anything and just make concessions

Between catboy and youtube banning him he's done. Washed up ex-celeb. Stop worshiping people anons, worship ideas.

But you have no argument, therefore you lost

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>convinces brown people to support shutting down immigration
Wignats, everybody.

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And now we're free from you kike slaves because we fought for it. You're still a serf.

I agree. Its extremely sad to see the alt-lite/civnat movement come back into the spotlight.

Ah yes, once immigration is shut down all these browns will stop reproducing and magically turn white.

The (((alt-lite/civnat))) movement are now the establishment. What you on?

The anti-jew bullshit has just opened the floodgates to old people to infest this site like roaches.
Stop bitching about jews, go back to stormfront

>inb4 kike, nose check etc
eat shit

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>"catholics arent heretics"
>"catboys are Christian"
>"the nazis are bad"
So the fuentes shill reveals himself

I asked you a question. You of course won't answer cause you never do when anons ask you the same questions
Nice filename btw

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This guy eats his boogers and thinks Stonetoss is a "pea brained wignat"

Youre all doomed.

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>also that pic
Fucking kek. Youve been jewed hard. Yas Forums is and always will be remembered by its national socialism.

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I like how you have to put the cartoon mutt face on him because he actually looks nothing like the Eurofag stereotype of Americans

Like Trump only shutting the EU border down when it's already all over the country. Lets people think they're doing something without actually doing anything.

Yep, and the groypers are no different. Its littered with non-whites and mutts. Hiw can you call that anything but civnat?

>he looks worse

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>Everyone I don't like is a tranny

Little Nicky hangs out with catboi trannies though you fucking GOP faggot.

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Lol says the Brit who sits at home and does nothing with his life or cares about the white race. A lot of people here who take this shit seriously do nothing but act like a bunch of white niggers expecting others to do things for them.

Yea we know. Nice r*ddit spacing though

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1. Lie, he admired anglos, Japan, Spanish and Italians and even aspired for Sino Japanese culture
2. Most Natsocs support Bashar Al Assad over Israel and the turkroach
3. Hitlers gun laws were as laxed than the USA
4. Socialism in name, off he had free enterprise

Your strawman doesn't work here conservakike

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Migration is one of the biggest problems. Not the only one. If you cant fix all at once, you shouldn't try to fix none, is that your logic?