
Why does cultural marxism never address heightism Yas Forums?

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Manlets are annoying "people"

me on the right except also fat

I never understood the issue with being short. Women are looking at my wallet anyway not my heels or my hairline

Because cultural marxism is not a thing other than in your head. So it can't address anything.

Because it only affects men

because marxism is for faggots and you being short makes you weak genetic material that shouldn't reproduce.

Is it just me or did anybody else never give a shit about other guys height. I mean, I think in my head, "man this guy is short" but it never changed my opinion on what they are saying or doing. Im 5 foot 11 btw

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Maybe because height isn't a culture.

>inb4 dwarves

Because they're all short

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at a certain age yeah but during your late teens and early 20's when youre supposed to be laying around and fucking prime pussy you are literally invisible to girls.

.... So tall brothers aren't represented?

Because Marx was 6ft

because cultural marxism doesnt give any fucks about men

Because they cant see you down there manlet

>be legit 5’2” up until age 16
>magic late growth spurt activates
>Finally hit 6’0” at age 23

Not gonna lie lads I didn’t think I was gonna make it

Growing up as a manlet was hell on fucking earth. I always feel for my childhood brothers when I see them

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i never liked short "people" manlets
because they always try to start shit like fights only to get there ass handed to them, it has happend to me and i have seen it happend to others

I've never thought about it until I visited other countries and had to duck through doorways, I'm only 6foot3.


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What shithole country did that occur in?

I'm a manlet bros... barely 5'7. Should I kill myself?

Looks like Mexico. Apparently those are cops that caught a cartel member

Its over user

That nigga got a booty.

Jesus I feel bad for your joints. I remember waking up several times a night when I was young because my feet and legs would hurt so bad from the growing pains.

Most manlets i‘ve met so far had severe issues with their character
I can’t help myself but thinking that their „height“ lets them feel inferior

Cultural Marxism is ideological Satanism first, Moral Relativism, Social Darwinism, Service To Self Material Hierarchicalism. Mockery of Man and Worship of (tall, psychopathic, cainable, envious, murderous, golem hybrid) Serpent Seed is the business of the world. Challenging clearly insane society, is insane. Is every woman a hypocrite for being a stature idolater? Are most men also this basic? YES. Satanism is the largest Re-Legion in the world, and Stature Idolatry is core practice. THE MOST POLITICAL thing there is to the thoroughly demoralized, is the hatred a manlet deserves for not choosing to be idolizable in stature, or else. And then not choosing to adopt psychopathic tendencies, or else.

they care.

yes. 100% honest truth - I'm 5'10" extremely Yas Forums with wife and kids, and browsing Yas Forums so much made me contemplate suicide, and I still have deep insecurities to this day that I never had before browsing Yas Forums. And I'm like 1/4 inch away from 5'11", I've even asked female coworkers and they've said
>you are definitely over 6ft
so yeah you should probably kys yourself

Is this how you make them learn?

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>flying school

>if your white no
>if your black yes
seriously we are already the minority we dont need anymore dead white people

in the case you are white and do wanan kill yourself make sure you kill many niggers while doing it

Because the reality is no one without serious mental illness cares about this shit as much as you losers do. Get a fucking life you insecure plebs.

>implying I'm not in my late 30s by now

user, I...

16 is the age when foids start caring about height.

your women fuck niggers and muslims
nobody cares about what you think

If you and ALL of your descendants keep breeding with the tallest women they can find, then there's a chance to redeem your bloodline. But ultimately your contribution to the genepool will be a negative one, even if your family's bloodline will eventually be fixed thanks to outsider genes.
There's also gene editing, that's coming soon.

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8 heads tall isnt average u fucking nigger, 7-7.5 heads tall is 90% of the population. 8-9 heads is what they use for fucking superhero comica to denote a demigod you fucking retarded dog fucking leaf

Do you live in germany? I do you fucking leaf. Die off from corona virus and continue to live in your delusion. What you just explained is the state of ghettos and all countries have those. Seriously, get off your chair you fat shit and do something productive instead of feeding your brain with cuck shit and racism.

>Im 5 foot 11 btw
Yeah that's why dumb ass, you are short just like them so you don't see anything wrong with it.


quit your carb addiction dude

>5 foot 11

You fat retard

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>kraut is madd
project much? your post is funny, and you look like you accidentally ended up here by clicking an erroneous facebook link or something. Seriously, you don't belong here


Being 7-7.5 heads tall doesnt mean you are a manlet you fucking idiot. You can be 6 foot 5 and still have this body proportion

You are wrong. Have a good day

You are short.

lol @ manlets

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True, but it's always funny to make the manlets freak out.

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Because it is not a problem. Manlets will inherit the world when all lankets starve to death in the next cataclism.

there's so many *isms that don't get addressed because they are realm of sexual desire and attraction but because they intersect with male identities they don't get examined because hur dur males are the top of the privilege pyramid.

That’s a load confirmation bias
Men today are much, much taller on average due to better nutritions and just better quality of life.

you are on Yas Forums accusing others of '''''''''''racism''''''''''
you are so far off the boat it's not even funny.

I'm 5'7 and a half, and my height doesn't bother me at all. I think it really affects those that are 5'6 and below, because the ones with the issues are normally shorter than me. Now, I'm sure you are wondering what my answer is. I date girls who are 5'2 and under. Feels good man. Call me a manlet all you want, but worrying about height is like worrying about dicks. It does no one any good, so no need to stress it.

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Manlets are extremely quick in a fight but Chads hit with a lot of power. In the ideal world we would need both to defend society however we've allowed our women to be jewed into thinking even midget roasties deserve a 6ft Chad.
Alpha males have lost their way as feminism has taken over society and mock the betas. Eventually the Alpha males are out numbered by beta male thirst and so society collapses just like we are seeing today.
You faggots will most likely ignore this post because the truth hurts and we're all going to act like this isn't happening.
Fortunetly, Corona Chan is forever in our favour. The NEETS will outlive the outgoing social alpha.
Goodbye Chad and Tyrone. You had your turn, it's now ours.

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Be patient. It will address that, all differences will be abolished.



That's the difference between 6 feet and 5'11 in a woman's mind.

Im 6’5.

Heard it was cartel members having fun with a rival

I'm 6'10'' and I unironically don't care about other people's height.

amazing how climbing trees is second nature to americans

What's the current short cut off Yas Forums?

Is it 5'8? 5'11? Have we hit 6'1 yet?

Unless you're in the midget territory, height is actually a positive. History is filled with manlet overachievers. Being short makes you more ambitious and driven

I'm 5'6", the shortest in my family. But I'm more successful than everyone in my family because being a manlet means you are forced to overcompensate elsewhere

Cartel get spankies UwU

5'6 is acceptable of youre a woman, but if youre a dude thats midget height
do you work at a circus?

Men don’t say “yo dude that’s too short” to each other because height is not a consideration for attraction for men.
Notice if a dude in your group gets a new girlfriend everyone’s asking “is she hot? Is she nice?”
Those are qualities that men want from a mate. A man will fuck a woman tall or short. You got a pussy, alright you’ll pass!

A lot of men nowadays can get quite redpilled by talking to each other about their dating experiences especially if a taller man compares notes with a shorter man when both do not have much character flaws. The taller man usually would be surprised by the shorter man’s story because men only see the qualities in each other that we believe makes a good mate from the male perspective.
It’s a very redpilling process when a tall man sees that even when a short man has merits and resource and is a better man. The raw attraction and the carnal desire for a taller man while ignoring the “qualities” that tick boxes that men think should be ticked were often overlooked
Men, unless gay, do not try to look at other men from the feminine attraction perspective because we’re not constantly looking at each other and evaluating our worthiness based on “how much I want his genetics”
This is why women have trouble interpreting their tingles. The quality of an attractive mate to a woman sometimes don’t make them good fathers. (ESP the dark triad) Men are more concern about the other man’s capability to father the child because that is our domain.

are you new?
any shorter than 6' is considered manlet and any dick smaller than 7" is a micropenis on Yas Forums

btw, i'm a 7' chad with a foot long dick, trust me