No, white man. You can't say that. Can't say that either. Don't do this, don't do that, can't say this, can't say that

>No, white man. You can't say that. Can't say that either. Don't do this, don't do that, can't say this, can't say that.
Are they actually trying to instigate fascism at this point? Soon even the most brainwashed lefty white man won't be able to take this shit anymore and will start to resent "protected groups" with fiery passion.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the time for apologies has ended bitch

That's how i got radicalized

But isn't it the truth?

If some greasy fucking slant-eyed Chinky boy would have not slurped undercooked bat soup we all would be well. No financial crisis, no corona crisis, we would be enjoying spring as normal

the fucking Chinks ruined this year, perhaps even next year

If they're going to call you racist anyway, might as well Dirty Chink flu

Diaf Pelosi cunt. If not for the insectoid chinks white countries wouldn't be suffering right now. China should pay up the slanty fuckers

And it is not about the individual chink either

It is their sick, fucked up dog shit eating culture that cooks dogs raw and eats their testicles raw, all sorts of cat genitals, bat anus skin licking magical "VIAGRA OF THE NATURE" beliefs about foods that causes all these fucking pandemics

They are sick as a race, subhuman shit race that were not properly taught the ways of the civilized man under the aegis of the English rule: even then they were degenerates and most of their nation succumbed to opium addiction

>Spanish Flu
>German measles

But Chinese coronavirus is the racist one?

I've already had to miss a few days of work.
Couple thousand bucks down the drain.
Chinks engineered and released the virus. THEY NEED TO FUCKING PAY.

>CDC spreads misinformation
He should just tell her to put a sock in it

Third worlders eating live animals is going to get my parents killed, might give my wife a miscarriage, or even kill her, all because these fuck ass liberals wanted to be altruistic and not racist.

If being racist would keep my family alive, then guess which set of policies would have been better.

I wonder if Liberals think open boarders are a good idea for North Sentinel Island. Oh why not? Because disease would kill them all? Because the cultures would clash and there would be violence? Because it would destroy their way of life?

Yeah, guess what, we're vulnerable too. Stop apologizing for policies that would save us. Stop apologizing for policies that every liberal thinks are good ideas for other people.

If my family dies over this then it's war.

Ummm none of those places were pumping billions of dollars into the US sweaty


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nobody but smoothbrains believe the bat soup story


Same for "wet markets"?

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Kung flu

Many historians believe the spanish flu originated in china, google it. They create disease outbreaks more then any other single nation.


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Calling the virus Chinese isn't going to protect you

>cooks raw dogs

Doesnt everything you cook start out as raw?

This is what many people have been going on about, altruism to the point of suicide. Liberals may have a greater anterior cingular cortex, but it means fucking shit down the line when the system it created and thrives in disappears and a state of constant paranoia is enacted. The Amygdala crowd will be able to thrive in those places.

No, but it acknowledges that this soft language is a problem will quell future issues.

Wuhan plague might actually be ,literally, made on purpose by china.

But it IS their fault as well as the people controlling our borders.

Slopes have to go. This was true even before they unleashed another chink plague on the entire world

I agree what a bunch of misinformation, it is to be refered to as the chinaman's lung

Spanish flu legitimately didn't even come from Spain. It's only called that because when the disease broke out Spain was the only country that actually reported their numbers correctly. The disease actually is said to have come from Kansas of all places, and modern theories say China (who naturally deny it - not that the poor heckin' good boy Chinaerinos would ever lie).

>lefty white man won't be able to take this shit anymore and will start to resent "protected groups" with fiery passion.
They already do, but the problem is how they react to that resentment. Theu prefer to emulate victims to try and acquire their privleges. Becoming black, becoming women, becoming disabled. Theu want to harvest the same kick backs professional victims get.

>the chinks
nah bro, this has that kike smell all over it

>black plague
Hello, racist much? Niggers are innocent on this one. Filthy diseased chinks started it, once again

Remembering who is carrying the plague will

If you look at chinese history, it's a story of unifying, fucking up royally and fragment and then repeating the process. They would have justed themselves eventually, with something.

>will start to resent "protected groups" with fiery passion.
im afraid it wont happen

It is actually retarded what Republicans are doing here, just instigating conflict for no fucking reason.
I don't see China going around instigating ethnic conflict in foreign countries for no reason.
Americans just want to have a conflict, no wonder many nations consider them bloodthirsty thieves and mass murderers.

Exactly. WTF is going on with so many in this thread blaming chink eating habits. That's the cover story for an escaped bio- weapon from the Wuhan lab you absolute retards.

He doesn't have to listen to you, you stupid bitch. What a tyrannical mindset.

Exactly, we can't be wimps about this anymore. Had we been following "alt right" policy then we would have like 12 people in quarantine at the border and there would be no issue.

But the economy god would not be pleased. We'd have a relatively flat market since we wouldn't be obsessed with sustained growth.

All open border supporters will be thrown over the wall with a backpack and some food so they can experience the joyous reception poor white people receive in other countries.

>Soon even the most brainwashed lefty white man won't be able to take this shit anymore and will start to resent "protected groups" with fiery passion.

You're correct, this actually happened to me. People will call me a faggot for admitting this but I was a diehard socialist a year ago. Bullsit like this is what turned me to the right

If republicans said the sky was blue dems would argue about it.

Yes, you were a faggot. You changed though, apparently so that's pretty based.

>They are sick as a race, subhuman shit race that were not properly taught the ways of the civilized man under the aegis of the English rule: even then they were degenerates and most of their nation succumbed to opium addiction

Virology institute full of diseased animals 80 meters from the food market. But user keeps propagating the soup meme.

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usually it at least starts dead.
china fucked up by re-allowing live wild animal markets. unsurprisingly, the last time around they were banned was because of SARS, and then unbanned a few years ago.
>SARS (which is caused by a coronavirus) originated in bats too, then jumped to civets, which passed it to people in a Chinese wet market. The SARS coronavirus infected more than 8,000 people and killed 774 between 2002 and 2003.

No one is even saying it in a racist way or using it to be racist other than leftists and niggers. Ofcourse they'll take it as an opportunity to patronize whites again.

>this chink again
Why are you in Serbia?

I think he meant alive

I am a fairly tolerant person, but the double standard, hypocrisy, lies, etc made me really wake up and go WTF?! As Tony Montana would say "YOU WANNA WAR!? OK, WE GONNA WAR!"

Stuff like this is literally what redpilled me so yes. It will drive more and more people to the right.

Corona is man made my dood

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>mfw i voted Kevin McCarthy.

He’s in my district.

>white men are bigots
>white men are terrorist incels
>white people need to be replaced
fucking hypocrites

>article from 2015

I swear, if some third world country like Pakistan detonates a dirty bomb in a Western city, there will still be some libshit subhumans making excuses for them and trying to prevent them from getting erased from the face of the earth in retaliation.

>it's fascist to want to tone down racism
He just needs to rephrase his words. What's the problem?

it is, in fact, totalitarian to demand someone change their words; words are, in essence, how we think.
imagine thinking you have a right to control what people say.

Agreed it should be called the Moaist Virus

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We need to go to war with China over this. They need the kind of cleansing that a nuclear detonation provides.

>words are, in essence, how we think
only if you're a retard


I love how lefties eat that shit up, perfectly happy to be denied the right to think for themselves


Why do Democrats push pro Nazi propaganda by demonizing and antagonizing white people? Thats how you create violence.

Which is in China you absolute semen slurping faggot

God I hope this worthless fucking bitch gets covid and is denied icu because of her age then dies gasping for air. I’m tired of suffering because of the shit behavior of other humans whether it be superstitious chinks eating undercooked bat ass or pc leftists whining about race and gender when the world is on fire.

You'd think after doing this one or two times they would get the message. Avian flu, SARS...was going to say swine flu as well but apparently that was Mexico. Still, if you keep continually causing horrible pandemics every few years you would think that it's time as a nation to rethink hygiene policies.

If eating shitty, poorly maintained foods causes crises then STOP DOING IT!

It's simple; we eat the batman.

jesus christ democrats, can you give it up for a bit? fuck.

Escaped because they were selling test animals to the god damn meat market.

This couldn’t happen in a civilized country even if a lab did this because you don’t buy live animals and YOU FUCKING COOK MEAT PROPERLY.

Glass China. Burn them off the fucking earth with radioactive hell fire.

npc with no inner monologue detected.