How much of your powerlevel do you hide when among friends and family?

How much of your powerlevel do you hide when among friends and family?

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When among friends I show 90% of my power. And only the best of them have seen me at 100%

50% senpai
70% most of my friends
0% for a couple of my closest

>hiding my power level

I wouldn't dare

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Family*** dont know why it autocorrected to senpai, wrote senpai

You can show 100% to family. But you have to increase their power level slowly by redpilling them and you can only show within 30% of their power level.

Your autocorrect threw you out of the closet ass over head.



you just show right above what they think, follow their beliefs to show more.

My power leaked so the whole city knows. I'm still doing fine.

Tell everyone you see about your beliefs. You have to keep these ideals in a real working world or they will never propagate.

Wait, 2b is like 5’6” in heels? She’s proportioned like an WNBA player. IMAGINE.

For some family it just won't work. I started small with simple things like disease and crime statistics. Got called a white supremacist by my supposedly "conservative" sister.

I'm a master at hiding my power level
Most of my friends are far left hippies and jews

I usually just hide the shit that nobody understands without context. No point doing a three hour conversation twice a week over a whole year trying to explain things to someone who really doesn't care.
>Yeah I hate fags.
>I have reasons.
>But I have no intention of explaining them.

Smh senpai desu

>simple as

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Well I don't tell anyone in my family that we need to gas a certain group of people, or anything. Otherwise I think they know about my disdain for the menace.

Norf > Souf. Cityfags get out REEEE.

>hiding your power level

i showed them my dick, so i have nothing to hide.

My family is already redpilled on race,LGBTQHIV+ and the JQ.

I show 100% power levels at all times. If anybody doesn't like it, they can piss off, including family.
My white, blue eyed cousin disgraced our family and married a nigger she met in Ghana... somehow white nationalism came up at Thanksgiving, I didn't hesitate to bring up black crime stats, and the negatives of race mixing. About 2/3 of the family audibly gasped, and started shouting incoherently at me. I did notice a couple assault smirks from the other third.
Having a smoke with my cousins father after dinner, he said he was disappointed in his daughter and wishes he could "shoot that nigger". I likely won't be asked to come back next year. Fuck 'em.


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'ate ye norf bois. was just fewmin when ngubu dinn get that hat trick last game. still won you nonces


Stride through the land of the Normie like a Collossus.

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I go all out with friends, i dont have many but they are good ones.
Same for family, my dad was always right wing and we all hate jews but its mostly just me and my dad.

As for coworkers, they know im antisemitic but i try to hide my opinion regarding other races.

Btw i post daily whatsapp statuses about the holohoax, would do it as well on other social media but i dont have any.

You gotta redpill the normies somehow

No one is going to mention this bitch is over 300lbs?

i hide it around women because i know they're hopeless and i don't want to hear any bitchthink.

>imagine catering to intellectual toddlers instead of throwing your gigantic brain around like a demolition hammer literally destroying their paper thin ideologies

are you some kinda fucking beta?

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You should compare her weight to vehicles rather than humans.

I have to hide at least 30% at all times.
A couple of my friends have seen me at full power once or twice in a crisis situation and I now get significant respect from them in social situations.
Power is combination of mental abilities and physical conditioning. I am able to invoke adrenal response on command. Sometimes I'll pop it off at home when I'm alone for fun.
Sometimes I will show off some mental or physical power as a parlor trick, but never at the same time. If you display an obvious show of power to a group who think they are your peers they will become frightened of you. A lot of people have very low power levels.

what are you gay?

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50% family
65-80% colleagues
10% closest friends

“Stride with a proud disdain through the swamp of human inadmissibility.”

- Joachim Peiper

Spotted the faggot

looks like you were trying to hide your powerlevel

You don't have to hide it if your strategy is on point

Shes made our of fuxking ceramic, steel and high density polymera you fucking retarded burger of course shes weigh more than a person who has the average density of water

Kaine will always be better than 2B, Kaine has a big fat futa cock that you can give a reach around as you dip in both her warm squishy holes.

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I'm slowly revealing more of my power levels to my family. I've probably revealed like 60%. I've been criticizing Israel A LOT in front of my Christian Zionist boomer mother.

Look at this roody-poo candy-ass.

My mom understands my position on stuff and regularly asks for recommendations for books about fascism and national socialism. I don't ever talk to my sister because she's a literal communist, and as such she has no idea of my political leaning

I live in a very liberal state. My family all unironic libtards. And I go to a very liberal university. So for the sake of me not ruining my life prematurely, I hide my power level 100% of the time. If it weren't for Yas Forums and Discord friends, I would probably have gone insane.


she will slowly realize you're right as her marriage fails, her kid becomes a nigger (mulattos never identify with the white parent), starts selling drugs, getting arrested, etc. her

she has set herself up for a life of misery because she has been brainwashed by the (((antiw hite))) forces

try canada lol

i show my power level to my parents and they think im a crazy sperg. they are unironic boomer libtards.

some of my friends have seen 30%. they think im racist as fuck bu they haven't seen me in my full form yet LOL

And you faggots jack off to this? Your ancestors laugh at your pitiful existence.

>Thinking your ancestors haven't been jacking it to lewd magazines, ancient statues and even their own imagination for thousands of years.
You thought wrong kid.

Only my family knows close details about me. I think it is uncomfortable for someone to be able to toy and mess with your life. Friends are nice but I've yet to meet someone I can 100% trust anything with. There's a lot of psychos irl and on this board especially who will use your information maliciously against just for the kicks. I feel like if I don't owe anyone anything, they don't owe me either :)

You're lucky to have parents who can tolerate your shit. My own mother accused me (several times actually) of being a Neo-Nazi over the past four years now and won't leave me alone. My own father told me that if he concludes that I'm a "white supremacist" in his eyes, he'll disown me.

I have no where to go if I get kicked out of the house for my power level. My friends irl have either left town or are dead. I don't want to risk doxxing myself for internet friends--can't trust them 100% of the time. I'll pretty much be a homeless bum who's going to die alone if I reveal even a hint of my power level.

Last year I told my mom I have serious doubts about the Holocaust legend and laid out the zündel story lol

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Cease your falconry this instant.

Everytime I try to redpill relatives or close friends from real life and they tell me "You can believe everything you read on Facebook" I just bite the pillow.

I did redpill my messenger group friends tho.

I hope your course is worth living in hell for another few years. Best just leave the moment you're done. Fuck letting them disown you, disown them.

you should talk her to her again about the holohoax and tell her which countries reported black rain of organic matter which rained down into nearby countries as they incinerated the corpses, oh what none? that's strange how would there be no black rain with basic incinerators made in the 1940s

Full power level among people I am considering could be friends or friends.

That's the plan. I recently applied for a study abroad program that, if all goes well, I'll be working in the U.S. State Department. I'll basically become a glownigger, but at least the pay is good and my parents can leave me the fuck alone.