It's over. This isn't a meme anymore this is actually really fucking bad

It's over. This isn't a meme anymore this is actually really fucking bad.

Good luck, anons. I'll see you on the other side if you survive

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nice larp

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you're scared of the flu? Fag

best thing ever = bad?

I just want to buy a cheap house

Lol I have work for the next 3 years

Time to beg me for toilet paper faggits

Sorry House prices aren't going to get cheaper. Unless interest rates go back to 20-30% it's going to stay where it is today. Maybe it'll drop 10-15% depending on the market. But gone are the days of $150,000 starter homes.

>it’s back down to where it was two years ago; might as well kys

Fucking happening faggots are the worst

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My employer just secured a huge contract that will ensure my job security for the next few years. So an economic slide is nothing but a basket of opportunities for me.

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it's just a flu bro!

>Daily reminder
Financial user called the quarantine in Italy and collapse in march

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>The current housing market is sustainable

Zoom out, it's still literally 3x higher than 2008.
>tfw yen and chf master race


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Buy the dip, bigot

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The mother of someone I know has coronavirus, shes not dead tho

It will fall another 50% before all over

Any big finance brains here? What kind of companies are at risk of going under due to Corona virus? Looking for a good short.

>3X higher than 2008
Great so only a few more months to break that barrier. Nearly 9K lost so far. We can probably hit 23K lost in two and a half months.

Every single news organization has a headline like the following:


You need to update your chart, sweaty. It's 3 years now.

if it hits zero do we all suddenly die??

Travel, duh. Telecoms. Utilities. Transportation. Just think Germanbro.

>China will collapse any minute muh Tiananmemcaust
>30 years later
>China needs us
>2 years later
>USA loses tradewar
>plants Corona in Iran and China
>6 months later
>USA collapses

Ahhhh Bernie sssandtrump. I no him I does

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Boomers control politics
Boomers control most of the real estate
so as long as they are alive home prices will remain inflated.

What if 2.5 million home owners die, will it drop?


150k starter home?!?
Where the fuck do you live, I got mine for 120.

This is great for the looters and plunderers that robbed Americans blind back in 2008. They needed to crash the market again, so they can wait until it bottoms out, then buy up stocks for pennies on the dollar, then start all over again the looting.
By scaring ppl shitless with Corona, it's given them an excuse to frag the DOW without the Goyim bitching about getting raped.


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lol "this isnt a meme anymore"


>implying they'll survive Wave 2 of Corona in 2021

I actually think residential single family homes will continue to rise. We’re a safe spot for global capital, and even if you’re sick you still have to pay rent lol.

Commercial, luxury, and hotels might get fucked

>tfw sold my sweet 20% yearly profits in January
>everyone told me I was "stupid"
The amount of gut-wrenchingly dumb people follow the stock market and believe in it like it's God, their inhumanity and greediness never surprises me. This wasn't a shock to anyone with anyone with an IQ above 90.


Just fuck off the secondary sector will be completely fine just like it was in 2007/8

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>the days of 150,000 starter homes
in the 90s that would buy you a mcmansion and wages are only up about 30% of where they were back then.

Once Trumps tax cuts start trickling down your grandchildren can afford a Corona virus check with only a single mortage on your cuckshed of a house

can't read it lol

So where will it actually land lads?

Not yet. Zoomers and millennials have a real chance at getting rich if we time this right

Checked and based Fed printerboi


It's funny you mention that, because I've been hunting for land to buy up recently and in the past month the prices have tanked. I was going to buy only one lot now I'm thinking about buying three or more. This one area in particular lost $80,000 in value since Corona-chan showed up. They really are panicking.

Yes, but they’re not immortal. The oldest boomers are already past the average life expectancy and most of the others are catching up. In 10 years they’ll start firing off in huge numbers.

When do they start jumping out of windows?

You will miss it. This shit will recover as soon as it crashes.

No way to time the correctly

That's what we should be doing too, dummy

Lol housing market is going to pop and people won’t know what to do. I live in a condo complex in Southern California, units used to sell like hot cakes. None have sold since January. More go up for sale and they’ve stayed that way for months now. It’s over, the market is dead

So did the 2008!stock market did happen independently of the housing crash?

Bullshit we're not out of the woods yet. This quarantine shit is just getting started

People losing money from work.stoppages and their savings vanishing will result in house prices plummeting. Nobody is going to be buying anything, so there will be supply with no demand.

your mom

>that misleading graph scale
Sorry Donald your stock market isn't coming back.

Lol at having to pay rent when everything is shut down. No nigger I’m not paying rent to some fag landlord when I can’t even go to work because of the plague.

Lmao I got a fucking dream house in a great neighborhood for 215k. Imagine living in an overcrowded urban nightmare

The market is always pricing in everything and more. And don't imply that I have said we are done yet.

Nobody knows shit.


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tfw sold out at 28500

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Reminder that country-wide quarantines are fucking unconstitutional in Italy and any other """democratic""" country worth a damn and if you blindly accept this shit, ruining your future just to save the boomers you're a fucking pussy.
If you get sued now because you violate the quarantine you can actually band together and sue the State later for denying you the most basic of rights.

On what planet are wages up 30%?

On the bright side, my boomer grandparents and parents might die off which will give me their house before they can sell it and blow the money on a condo and repeated cruises. Also, their liquor cabinet is second to none.

>graph goes down
>it's bad for me
what the fuck do you mean lmao. how does a stonk graph affect me lmao. go outside and get a life incel

Sorry I try to know as few chinks as possible.

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Wages are actually down slightly and everything else has inflated even more than houses with insane taxes added on top and its a fucking dark time.

if the organization or corporation with whom you have that contract do not default.

in a way, they are if you're a buyer. mortgage rates will be very low for the projected future. any time in the next 30-60 days will be the best time in 10 years to get a home loan or refinance.

this is really a piece of shit way to see things. i hope they donate your inheritance to the naacp, because then they fund many niggers instead of just one, you.

>Zoom out, it's still literally 3x higher than 2000
>Zoom out, it's still literally 3x higher than 1991
>Zoom out, it's still literally 3x higher than 1985

never ending nothing burger