Blumpf is finished, stock market is plummeting as im writing this.
His chances for reelection are also in freefall as is stock market.
Biden's new deal will save us all.
Tomorrow's Dow J will be hit sub 20000.

Attached: IT'SOVER.png (398x276, 70.59K)

there will not be any election, the us will be under martial law by june and countries will be collapsing allover the world

Derlumpf is a CLOWN

Rumpf will not stay in power.
He's incompetent cheeto nigger.

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I thought I was voting to own the libs. Instead, I signed my own death warrant. I won't be able to even wipe my ass in 3 days. FUCK

The DOW today is up 20-25% since Trump's election.
It will be up plenty more before November.
Get ready for 5 more years.

You voted to lower black unemployment and secure greater israel!

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Russiagate failed, impeachment failed, now this...

They were simply never going to give up. Trump is done. I honestly believe Hillary will end up President somehow.

>Blumpf is finished

You'd be seething and screeching no matter what Orange Mad Bad does.

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome symptoms are showing. Get help.


3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?

Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

I agree 100%

Frellmpf is a MORON

Found the Cronumpf sucker

That's how winning looks like?
At this rate in 2 days stock market will be -5% since blompf election.

Attached: winning.jpg (828x936, 236.11K)

>elect a literal retard
>Crisis on crisis on crisis since his election

What a fucking surprise, it's almost like real life wasn't a fucking game

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Orange man did nothing for european descended americans.
Instead he sucked off jews all the time, lowered nigger unemployment yet white suicides are at all time high.
According to drumpf covid-19 was just a flu bro couple days ago.
No muslim travel ban but travel ban on youropoors.
Winning! Libs trolled! MIGA.

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If it stays on current course, but it won't.
It'll return to the growth curve your graphic shows.
Probably DOW 26000 by November.

Based roo.
Picrel is you, roger.

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this is the first time i've considered not voting for him. he's fucked imo. for once CNN isn't fake news too. fuckin upside down world

By november we will be balls deep in a pandemic.
Its only going to get worse.
That's the biggest drop in 10 years.
Almost 2008 levels.

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Candidate trump and president brumpf are two different people.
Libs trolled but at what cost?

cope harder Crypto Nigger.

>Biden's new deal will save us all.
The Biden that recently confused his sister for his wife?
Senile Biden?

Trump is a shoe-in, as long as he doesn't die from the Wu-Flu.
but I'll bet almost all of DC has it, by now.

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You have to go back to r/ziondion
oh wait.

Trolmpf won't win the reelection.
There's no wall, and there's a stock market crash.
It's over.
Biden is old but at least he isnt retarded cheeto nigger 120 iq "businessman".

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Trump tanked everyone I guess.

Biden is senile and his team are a bunch of lib crooks. Trump, as bad as he is, is way better

Where does one get a red head gf???

Way better for niggers spics and gooks you mean.
Bloomberg even though he was a fucking kike actually said that minorities cause more crime.
Ermpf called him raceeeist!

There is a wall, and it continues to be built, and the Main St. economy is not entirely dependent on Wall St.

Literally everybody knows the flu wasn't his doing, and they also know there's no way of stopping it.
You dickless retards would trash him no matter what he did or didn't do, as you have been since his election.
It's old and boring, now, and you've even started outright lying about him, not even implying or telling half-truths, but outright lies. You think everyone is unaware of this?

When he wins again, I want you to remember me, and remember me laughing at you. I will be laughing at your frustration and tears, we all will.

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I don't know, I've got a redheaded wife.
Found her in college, if that helps.

>its literally going up as we speak
cope harder europoo, no entry allowed

hillary would be importing coofing chinks en masse right now to show how "not racist" the US is

20 km of wall? Most of it was replacement of existing structures.
Accept the fact he lied to you, he lied to everyone.
He is a zionist, he sold his daughter to a fucking jew!
>wins again
Right, after a 2008 magnitude crisis heading your way.

This will recover much faster than 2008. This is panic selling due to a pandemic, not the collapse of a bubble

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>what is dead cat bouncing
Utter drumpftard midwest retard.

Pandemic will stay here at least for a year.

>virus is his fault

It’s not recovering in 2020

>blame Trump for an ongoing trade war with china that Obama started
zoomers peak big brain

>current year
>still blumph posting
LMFAO at your life faggot

It's his fault for being a zionist and not giving a fuck about his core voters.
>We want legal immigration
>Lowest black unemployment
But highest white suicide rate.
Good job blompf


lel what would a pollack slav know about a stock market? Also, Im a califag, keep coping

Oh wait, you have nowhere to go now so you are just trying to shit on this board, neocunts.

Attached: backtorziondion.jpg (717x880, 130.72K)

>insult based on a nationality
Running out of arguments, smooth brain? Typical Wrumpf voter.

More than you/

Attached: 1573461370899.jpg (502x442, 29.41K)

>muh onsults based on nationality are bad
fucking fag, what do you think pol is about? we might not be able to keep you out of here but no entry to the us europoo

>makes a pleddit tier thread
>claims I'm the one from reddit
Super cool story bro

Or is it even lower now?
Enjoy your country run over by spics and niggers when i will be chilling in my ethnic state with 98% of it being Poles.

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He's a shill on a VPN.

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bumping these for visibility

Yes, you are.
You are supporter of Grumpf, it gives away you being a smoothbrain or a rodditor.
Same thing really.

Yes im from shareblue jerusalem discord tranny operation.
G-d bless Donald Trumpstein for making Israel great again!

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>Urmpf tanked everyone

Attached: YES.jpg (1172x659, 150.22K)

Still better than a smelly polack.

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True, I wouldn't expect a slav to type semi coherent sentences like this retard. much less in English

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Im ubermensch, part of the sarmatian race.
Kneel before your master Mutt.

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stay mad leftoid.
we imperium now

You can't build a wall that long overnight, and the "existing structures" you mention were 6 ft. chain-link fences and, in some cases, only vehicle barriers.
The border patrol is already reporting illegal crossings down over 90% where the new walls have been built, and the construction is ongoing. Also, this is in the face of retardedly angsty opposition from the democrats & neo-cons.

And the Jews here in the U.S. hate him. Also, he's done absolutely nothing to further Israel's agenda, and even helped wipe out their mercenary army, ISIS.


He withdrew from the Paris climate agreement.

He got NATO allies to kick in $12 billion more toward our collective security.

He removed the wet blanket of Obama-era regulations smothering our economy.

Stopped protecting ISIS fighters in Syrian "cease fire" zones (much to Israel's chagrin), and is now withdrawing our troops from Syria altogether, as we wanted him to.

Transgender people will no longer be infecting the U.S. military.

Ended involvement in the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Renegotiated NAFTA and got us a far more fair deal.

Eliminated mandatory enrollment in Obamacare.

Increased pedo-gang arrests by a huge factor.

Got Mexico to halt migrant caravans crossing their country to the U.S., and they've already killed people.

Got Mexico to keep so-called "asylum seekers" on their side of the border, so the libtard courts can't order their release into the U.S.

Is now constructing the wall without ANY support from the congress, showing them to be inconsequential.

No war with Iran.
No war in Venezuela.
No war with Assad.
No "greater Israel."

Expanded "fast-track" deportation to include the entire nation.

Is now implementing immigration reform that favors Canadian and European whites, and penalizes third-world trash that would come here and immediately need welfare.

Attached: R35.jpg (564x792, 51.11K)

trump will win the election and your money is gone for ever

Attached: bernie-sanders-no-refunds.jpg (1024x800, 122.11K)

Actually you know im flatenned by your compliment.
Thank you.

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Your optimism is misplaced. I feel sorry for people like you. Heads in the sand.

4 years and well, nothing.
>Jews here hate him
Jews at home love him. Drumpf heights!
Jared kushner!
You forgot about lowering black unemployment rates but doing jack shit about Whites killing themselfes out of misery.
I can see why you support him, but well he doesnt care for you or anyone from his core voters which will vote for him no matter what.

Attached: 1570112068798.jpg (480x480, 48.55K)

>trump says stock market is good
“What a retard, the presidents success has nothing to do with the stock market
>stock market goes down
This is the worst president in history, just look at the stock market!

>Imagine paying some jew

Attached: 1578608946773.jpg (915x997, 133.47K)

Copy paste from a tweet. Jesus Christ. Its not even all on Trump, but the speech writer. That won't matter, though.

'So, to recap, the President misstated what insurance companies will actually pay for; misstated that cargo would be blocked from Europe (it won't be); and left out a huge detail about the European travel ban that was decided before his speech and added relevant context. Uh-oh.'

>4 years and well, nothing.
4 years of fighting congressional bans on funding the wall, and constant libturd court challanges, you mean.
STILL getting it built, despite all that crap.

Best president in U.S. history.

Attached: KarenGillan.jpg (605x770, 61.73K)

Stop make fun of me

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i imagine you seethe with how fast you're typing those replies
face it, those shekels are gone forever

Checked and keked.

Attached: 1571922792126.jpg (1261x1600, 401.71K)

Don't worry, we still have the Jerusalem embassy and lowest black unemployment of all time.

>implying i had any stocks to begin with
Nah, i just finished studying for medical exam and as im eating delicious lunch i decided to have a debate with newly arrived plebbitors from r/ziondion.

Attached: 1575404690712.jpg (612x612, 35.57K)

Coюз нepyшимый pecпyблик cвoбoдных
Cплoтилa нaвeки Beликaя Pycь.
Дa здpaвcтвyeт coздaнный вoлeй нapoдoв
Eдиный, мoгyчий Coвeтcкий Coюз!

Attached: 15840255035780.png (1560x871, 413.04K)

>stay mad leftoid.
>we imperium now
if you are a trump supporter you are a Donnie and Nancy red flags confiscation supporter

Attached: the Trump Pelosi Gun Agenda.jpg (600x400, 59.05K)

Take the guns first go with due process second.

Attached: FB_IMG_1569750339540.png (343x609, 231.27K)

Da fug is that pic
Stalin in background kek

If you got interest rates. You're paying some jew.