Suppose the following people die from "Coronavirus": >Bill and Hillary Clinton >Joe Biden >George Soros >Tom Hanks >Steven Spielberg >Rob Reiner >Nancy Pelosi >Chuck Schumer >Dianne Feinstein >James Clapper >Queen Elizabeth >Angela Merkel
Just to name a few. You notice how the main consensus about Coronavirus is that it primarily kills old people? You notice how the main members of the deep state are elderly or close to being elderly? If they all died from "Coronavirus", then they certainly didn't die from anything else. No one would ever believe they were executed, imprisoned, or otherwise "taken out", would they?
I mean, remember John McCain? Remember how he had a "brain tumor"? That's what killed him, right? Has to be. He was an old man. Old people die all the time. Not very many famous old people die one month to the minute after some asshole user on the internet posts a picture of them with their hands up, but that was just a coincidence. Had to be. It was a brain tumor.
I think I’ve got the corona virus. I’ve been ill for a week and it gets a little worse each day. If it’s not better by Monday I’m gonna call the hospital :(
using the virus a way to arrest the satanic pedos without causing panic
Bentley Sanchez
What's so bad about Tom Hanks? Am I missing something? Putting him in the same bracket as Soros and the Clintons seems a bit unfair. He's just an actor with a very carefully managed public image
Bentley Kelly
Yeah he has. A few months ago Ellen was getting shit for being seen with him at a baseball game. But it seems like a good time to get a Last Known Sighting thread going.
It’s kinda sad, honestly. I’m sure some of these people are evil, but I’m also sure I don’t know that. Who are we to play God’s Jury, and praise the deadly pathogen?
I believe these people in power truly do not kill each other. Not in America. I believe America’s politics is ruled by... not kindness, not honesty, not exactly pacifism, but... a kind of ground rules that any nation could benefit from. I think the aegis of the rules keeps the actual suicide rate among VIPs well above the homicide rate among.
That doesn’t mean I don’t think any of them will die to the crowrona virus corvid-19, but I think it’ll be honest when if happens. A lot of them really are old enough go be vulnerable, and this thing is infectious enough to caws a lot of problems.
Christopher Ward
>completely fucking missing the point that the virus is going to be used as a cover for for their deaths well done
Suppose the following people die from "Coronavirus": >Tyler McVicker >Gabe Newell >Marc Laidlaw >David Warmflash >Rome Viharo >and me.
And the enemies also die from "Coronavirus:" >JustARandommer >BatteryIncluded >Emily Temple-Wood (AKA Keilana) >Robert Fernandez (AKA Gamaliel) >Molly White (AKA GorillaWarfare) >Boing! said Zebedee >Dennis Brown
You notice how the said enemies are close to being elderly? If they are all died from "Coronavirus", then they certainly didn't die from anything else.
JustARandommer should be the first to die from Coronavirus along with BatteryIncluded and his people at the Wikimedia movement.
That was a great example of liberal actors (Ellen) not actually believing anything they claim and push on the rest of us. She had to have a whole show defending herself and saying that she can be friends with anyone despite their beliefs being completely incompatible with everything she stands for. It's too bad that people just immediately forgot about it and didn't take that as a lesson not to be influenced by elite talking heads.
Henry Ramirez
>a very carefully managed public image
Jose Hernandez
The said people are mentally ill. Coronavirus is the cure. JustARandommer and BatteryIncluded will praise it.
Joshua Carter
wow rexxid really does suck
Jackson Rivera
Look at JustARandommer's false rants about me. Do you agree with him or me or not?
Jaxon Torres
>Tom hanks >Elite He is a peasant-nobody for the real ELITES. real ELITES already have the vaccine.
Ryan Morgan
Fuck the elites. I'm looking forward to it thinning out some of the jew shills on this board. Maybe Yas Forums can become decent again.
So glad the mods are too busy jerking off to delete real spam.
Adrian Smith
Hey, I was supposed to die from "Coronavirus?" Because I got banned many times. Recently from Wyvernkeeper and JustARandommer and Nox Lucis. On behalf of BatteryIncluded.