Gather around, my brothers. It is not too late to be saved. Renounce your disbelief. Acknowledge Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and and profess your loyalty to the one true Catholic Apostolic church
Gather around, my brothers. It is not too late to be saved. Renounce your disbelief...
Other urls found in this thread:
No. Catholicism is cucked. Christianity as of what I can tell has become so fucking corrupted even the local Baptist churches that keep sabbath are cucked now. Satan has the world in his clutches. Serving a pope ar priest who serves the devil is not something I want to do. I don't reject the son, but at this point in time. Christianity has become a fucking joke.
I love the Lord Jesus. But please take your filthy blasphemous cult somewhere else.
>“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth”
Hmmmmm.... Really makes you think about all those statues of Mary and the Saints, as well as the Lord himself...
Also, pic related
you don’t need to join a denomination to follow Jesus.
Whatever you want to call it, (God's Wrath, The Happening, etc) something chilling is taking effect over the Earth. In times of extreme caution due to disease, this video started popping up all of a sudden.
I looked deeper into the books referenced in this video.
>The Sacred Secretion
>Originally an Egyptian, Greek and Indian known truth.
>The basis of Hermetecism and sexual alchemy.
>The spleen creates a germ every so often and the brain creates fluids
>if you raise your energy by meditating, yoga, relaxing, eating really good and exercising over a 3 day period every month, you will increase your immune system, clean your body and stay healthy and live longer
>The philosophers stone, the pineal gland, the fountain of youth, etc
>the greeks called this secretion "Khristos"
>The Jews are responsible for hiding it
>Genesis 32:30 - So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."
>Pineal Gland
>33 Rungs to Jacob's ladder = 33 bones of the spine
>Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles
>12 tribes of Israel
>12 signs of the zodiac
>Zodiac = the human body = Adam Kadmon = Adam from Genesis
>12 cranial nerves
>Spleen creates this germ once a month depending on your sun sign and the moon
Are these people on to something?
the world is not in book of revelation yet..chinas just release a bioweapon it may end humanity but life will find away
>It is not too late to be saved
It literally is. The weight of my sin has completely crushed me. I deserve to burn.
>Oh geez, I’m an impotent boomer. Why won’t the Catholic Church allow me to defile the sacred sacrament of marriage? I’ll just start my own church and kill anyone who disagrees.
Amen, pol is a Christian board
>t. freemason faggot kike
Get thee behind me, Satan
Catholicism practices ritual and traditions not in accord with the bible your not suppose to add or take from the bible. Idol worshiping satanist
Name them.
>Implying anyone who wants to do what the Bible says as opposed to what some crusty old paedophile demons in fancy cloaks say is an impotent boomer
Really nigga?
Did you not read my post about the second commandment?
Do not listen to this man. You can pray directly to the savior himself, you can talk to him directly!
>John 14:6
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
You don’t need a sinner in fancy robes to get into contact with our savior or the Father! The only mediator between God and Man is Jesus, the Son of God himself, not Mary and certainly not “your favorite saint”, read your Bibles people! Latin Bibles being chained down in catholic churches is symbolism directly from God himself! Do not call yourself catholic or protestant, just be a follower of Jesus the Christ! Seniority does not excuse or negate the fact that the catholic church has morphed into a disgusting paganistic lukewarm beast of a creature since times of old- do not be led astray by seducing spirits, we’re at the end of the race my friends! Finish with flying colors! May God turn his face to you all and bless you greatly in these last days! Maranatha!
Begome Orthodox, my dear brothers.
>It's not idolatry if it's 2D
Hur dur you believe Jesus is coming to save you
The freemason jews know more than you, fuck off
>1800 year old heresy
This is a settled matter, my brother. I would also recommend St John of Demascus' defence on icons, it's an excellent read.
All the freemasons know is a bunch of jewish trickery and pilpul. Their master is Lucifer and they're going to end up in the same place as him.
Why should I? Convince me to believe by providing objectively verifiable evidence that jesus existed, is the son of God, and performed miracles. I'll wait.
I'm sorry but my intellect and common sense absolutely prohibit me from judging one religion any less true than another. They are all just as fictitious and small minded. In this , the digital age , all the knowledge of the world available online; how anyone can preach any ancient myth based faith or doctrine is beyond retarded.
>Relying solely on the Bible for knowledge.
That's stupid user. Quit being stupid.
Jesus was half lyran btw
tfw saved but waiting to just die
Fuck you piece of shit
I'm a protestant
>being this christcucked
Go eat your cracker, drink your juice, sing your songs and give the church money, goy
Imagine still thinking modernity has more wisdom than the ancients.
>the one true Catholic Apostolic church
Out of the frying pan into the fire. They don't need to renounce atheism to join some pagan cult specifically denounced in the bible as the beast of revelation, the fourth beast of Daniel and the feet of iron and clay of Daniel.
Lord, have mercy.
No thanks I'm happy being a heathen nonbeliever thanks
The ancients used to think that germs and diseases were demons and curses of the gods. The ancients were fucking retarded.
Imagine relying on the word of God for knowledge about God instead of listening to the opinions of men.
Cope kike. Jesus was a commie and so are you
>the bible is the word of God because a bunch of people believe it is
Belief has no actual bearing on whether or not something is objectively true. Prove that the bible is the word of God. Demonstrate that with objectively verifiable evidence or shut up when people dismiss your religious bullshit.
Germs exist and demons exist.
Lamb of god = Aries
Jesus is the fish = age of pisces
Golden calf = taurus
Satan serpent = kundalini
7 days of the week are based on planets
12 months based on zodiac
Ezekiel vision is about taurus, leo, aquarius, scorpio (scorpio used to be an eagle before the jews changed it)
Face it, you have the wrong interpretation, you're cucked
It's been demonstrated and proven that germs exist, but not demons. Demonstrate that demons exist with objectively verifiable proof or recognize the fact that you're full of shit. Belief in literal superstition is the opposite of logical reasoning.
Define objective and verifiable
Why would I worship a false Hebrew God?
>He believes what the "scientists" tell him
>He believes what semites wrote and worships their prophets and deity
Lmao. What is this, some zeitgeist silliness? Actually read the contemporaries, instead of watching a documentary made 2000 years later, by some snake oil salesman.
God bless.
>Show me a picture of something that operates on a different plane of existence
>Define objective and verifiable
That which is demonstrably true in objective reality, independent of subjective belief. The objective truth value of something cannot be changed by having a particular set of beliefs. Objective truth value is just what it is.
Coming right up, my brother.
No, this is the true interpretation of your religion based on thousands of years of ostracized people massacred by jews during dark ages forced by the catholic church
Hermetcisin came first dude. The bible was written in Alexandria and then it was burned and the scrolls are still in the basement of the vatican
The catholic church has started more wars and touched more little boys than hollywood
This isnt about a documentary from Gaia or some shit. This is directly from sources pulled before the bible was written. This is the truth of your god jesus christ. He isnt coming to save you as a person, but as a chemical process in your body that you can choose to play into to find god. That's why psychedelics work the way they do.
Get educated and interpret the bible the way it was meant to be interpreted or get the fuck out of the way for the rest of us
>hurr durr if I make unfalsifiable and unsubstantiated claims and demand people prove them wrong then it makes me smart
Christian "logic" everyone.
In case you haven’t noticed, you elected a Pope that is a sell out to everything SJW. You have been flip flopping on every important issue since your inception.
/cathpol/ will save you.
Atheists and agnostics are also welcome.
Protestants need to look into early church history.
Alright, step 1: What is God.
Ok. Now, what is your objective and verifiable evidence that proves you need objective and verifiable evidence, to assert truth claims?
What? When did I demand you prove me wrong. Lol I'm saved bro, I'm just trying to help you.
Not a kike, so that rules out Christianity
His brain doesn't function on logos; logic, his brain functions on emotions such as fear.
There is no logos for Christianity being the true religion.
one of the more dangerous things is a baby Christian on Yas Forums
You dont need any evidence to assert claims. Your claims arent valid until it can be demonstrated however. Anybody can make any claim they want as much as they want. Making claims and investigating their validity are 2 separate issues. This is why having objectively verifiable evidence to back up your claims is so important, and why claims which lack such evidence are easily dismissed as bullshit.
First, I'm not catholic. Second, there is none of the Church Fathers that agree with you. Nor any of the martyrs, nor any of the saints.
If you wish to go down that heretical route, so be it. But it's not, nor has never been Christianity.
God bless.
It's a spiral reasoning actually. There are certain claims in the Bible we can verify, which lends more credit to other claims in the Bible.
If you really want to be the doubter in chief, go doubt your own senses. How could you ever verify that you aren't a brain in a vat, stimulated by evil scientists?
>You don't need objective and verifiable evidence to assert truth claims
Lmao! That was a quick 180.
The Christian brain functions like this, Christianity must be true because Yahweh is true and because the Bible is true because Yahweh is true.
Logos for
Bible being true =
Yahweh being true =
Christianity being true =
All of these values would he the same as any other religion therefore Christianity is not true.
These are words you can take with you where ever you go. If you have the scriptures at your side or not. Let these words stay with you.
Jesus Christ is King. He died for our sins and was raised up on the third day.
Yeah sure enjoy your pedo ring. Sincerely, a chad protestant.
I really don't understand why Christians waste their time coming here, their God is pretty clear about not wanting his followers to put worldly pleasures in from of worshiping him. Why not donate time to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen instead of worthless arguments with those that do not share your beliefs? I don't see Jews or Muslims promoting their beliefs on here much but I would ask them the same.
I understand some people just like to argue because it makes them feel more intelligent than they actually are or validates their life choices to themselves but they are not doing some good holy work by spamming this shit everyday, it's just mental masturbation and feeding their egos. If you really follow the teachings of you God then get off here and do good works in his name, anything less is a self serving larp and against the true beliefs of your faith
When did I say that? I said "to assert claims" not "truth claims". Reading comprehension dude.
Tell me the evidence for the Bible being true, for the god of the Jews being true, and for Jesus being a god to be true.
no thanks I prefer Gods take on the matter
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
He also wants us to spread the gospel, my brother.
>no, it’s not bullshit, it’s excrement of a bull, that’s something totally different
>There are certain claims in the Bible we can verify, which lends more credit to other claims in the Bible.
"Lending credit to" and "objectively verifying the truth of" are 2 entirely different things. Try again.
>muh brain in a vat!
Useless solipsism not worth anybodys time.
Christians are spending time spreading the message to everyone in the world who needs to hear it.
You may or may not see how far they spread the message. But the people here are also in need of it, to combat chaos with order and fear with love of God.
Same thing, dear friend. Unless you are admitting your assertions are false?
There are long explanations for why Christianity is true, you should look into some apologetics.
because saving your soul is also important.
Who else comes to you and proclaims the Gospel to you?
What is your reason for Christianity being the true religion without appealing to emotions but to logic and fact of truth?
I completely agree with you despite not adhering to any religion (while still being a theist), but hey, pearls before swine.
because we are commanded to spread the gospel to all corners of the earth
that includes this dumpsterfire
cant speak for other saved anons but this is my home as sad as that sounds and I want to ensure as many anons hear the gospel as possible
Acts 16:30-33 King James Version (KJV)
30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.
33 And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.
why do christians say that nobody can be perfect when jesus explicitly commanded perfection?