Swedish Corona - Woman with poor breathing put in a room for 5 hours with a broken alarm button

An interesting insight into the incompetence of the Swedish public healthcare system.

>When Agnieszka feared she was infected with corona, an ambulance sent to her home. Then, as she describes it, "hell" began with Swedish health care. "Huge chaos where not even healthcare professionals know what to do".

Agnieszka has multiple sclerosis and asthma. It is 112 (emergency service) who makes the assessment and sends an ambulance to her.

- When the staff is outside the door and they have no idea what to do when they see me on the floor with great breathing difficulties.
They call someone and talk on the phone for 15 minutes. Then I was told that I should go out to them.

They are wearing protective clothing and when she sits in the ambulance, the paramedics laments that they have no routines for these situations.

- He says they do not have access to the "tops" so they can not test me. New rules established during the day are that they are not allowed to swab people outside the hospital.

At half past nine in the evening she arrives at Danderyd's hospital. Two men receive her in a room that you enter directly from the parking lot.

- I get absolutely no information. They know that I have a disability and need a wheelchair. They think my condition is serious and promise me they will test me soon. I lie there for two hours without any contact with the world or medical staff. Press the alarm button when I really get the feeling that I'm suffocating. The button does not work.

When her alarm button does not work, she starts crawling on all four to reach the other button, which is on the wall. Because of her MS, she has difficulty walking.

Attached: panic button not working.jpg (1288x1064, 130.67K)

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That's what she gets for being a Swedish girl living in Sweden.

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- To reach the second button that sits on the wall I have to crawl gently on all four, like a damn dog, to get there. The tears begin to flow. After 20 minutes, a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes without anyone even checking to see if I am still alive, a nurse shows up. She promises me to come back soon with medicines that will help me breathe and Alvedon against fever. She never came back.

Agnieszka says that she lacked water and could not reach the tap because of her MS. Agnieszka then called her husband who came there and they sat for another two hours in the room. They walk out into the corridor and ask the staff what is going on and why they even brought her there if they cannot provide care.

- The staff replies that they do not know what they are doing. Their routines are changed a couple of times per day. Nobody knows what to do but they were told that they can only test those who have been 100% contact with a person with confirmed coronavirus.

Now the couple had had enough and decided to leave the hospital. On the way to the parking, however, they meet a doctor who says she wants to examine Agnieszka. It had then been close to 5 hours. But the doctor's help would not be long-lasting.

- While she is starting to ask questions, her cell phone rings and she disappears before she even has the chance to investigate me or swab me. She promised to come back to us within a maximum of 2 hours. I went home.

- I can no longer cope with the fucking circus. It was the staff of 112 who decided that I had to be taken to the hospital. But the hospital had no time and no plan for me and other patients, she says. So far, the visit itself and the idiocy in the health care center have taken on more of my powers than the illness itself, she adds.

Two hours after returning home, the hospital discovered that she was no longer in place.


>being a Swedish girl

Oh, le 56% burger mutts are cute when they think they know much about Europe.

At least this will finally crush the myth of Swedish exceptionalism and force people to stop living off of old merits. Most Swedes (including the entirety of our political machine and mass media) seem to be stuck in the 1970's and still think we're seen as an enlightened bastion of civilization and efficiency. Any time someone points out this isn't the case they get triggered as fuck and start raving about Russian bots and the holy and inviolable "Swedish image".
Bring it on Corona, crush this house of cards once and for all that we may build something better from its ashes.

Why does no one ever have singular sclerosis?

>pressing a button

just pull off the heart monitor lol, everyone knows nurses aren't paid half enough to care for you


Good question

Do Muslims even care for white people?

She should have said she was a Syrian refugee.

If you put aside the horrible treatment of this woman there is something good to come out of this whole covid19 situation. It will be a huge shock for the system, people will (hopefully) reevaluate things. If they don't there isnt anything that will until it is too late.

Only to the extent they can pay the Jizya (which is what many see gibs as). If the money runs out however, heads are inevitably gonna roll.

Oh and there is a video of her filming herself trying to press the panic button to no avail and she's mumbling something under her breath, if you wanna see it follow the source in my second post.
I would post a webm, but since there will be no audio I dont see the point.


Should we tell him? Hint: it's just as Swedish as Radu, Ahmed or Giuseppe.

There is no “myth of Swedish exceptionalism”
Sweden is one of the gayest countries on earth.

"it's just the flu bro"
"just press the button bro"

>wearing UGGs in 2020

good, let her die.

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Yeah. The nanny state is one of the few things Swedes still hold dear, if that fails then all bets are off. People will be forced to take action. Progressive thought and feminism are really luxury ideologies only applicable to high functioning societies. Take that away and force people to care for themselves again, and these ideas will inevitably die out or at the very least be discredited.

Dont worry democracy, christianity and freedom of speech will fix this. Just vote harder next time and keep speaking to walls.

Yeah there is. Most people here believe that we are special and anointed by some higher power, which is also why they take it all for granted. We have always been special and shall always continue to be so, hardships strike other countries, never us. That is essentially the crux of it all. And all socialist apologists in the US still hold us as a prime example of the success of socialism do they not?

>UGG boots
Deserves what she gets desu

He’s trolling.

Every liberal here holds Sweden and Scandinavia as a whole on a pedestal. Christ, at one point even Cuba.


These buttons never work, i passed a whole night pushing one once, as a kid for a Meningitis.
Its extremely distressing using them while nothing happen.

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The cracks are beginning to show and the handrubbing intensifies

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she's Polish, dumb dumb.

Too busy servicing imported somali cock to deal with sick natives


God damn they are getting desperate now!
They need handguns at the hospitals!

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>Swedish woman

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Any name can be swedish. It's 2019.


I never stated that she was a Swedish woman

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>MS and asthma
she was genetic discharge anyway

Actually NO people born in Sweden have to choose from a list.

I wish I was joking.

I mean I don’t speak ikea but I’m pretty sure that’s not correct

Coronavirus is the savior of the welfare state, killing off useless old boomers.

Yet, before finally fucking off, the boomers are trying to ruin the economy for their children. They demand people to stay home and do nothing such that they can survive a year or two more, at the expense of the economy diving into deep red sea worse than ever, resulting in job losses for the young and working population. But the Boomer doesnt care. He gets his pension, and he wants to live on. Even on his death bed, he is shitting on the younger generation.

For the record to any dumb americans, this is a mistranslation of rubbing alcohol, she's not actually saying handguns

holy fuck kek

I wonder if it's the brutal crashlanding required to clean shit up. Or let the cleaners clean.
The problem is partly the intense swedish conformism, and an all-encompassing leftist liberalism making any critic a public enemy. Then there's the social-democratic nepotism, having their useful idiots everywhere to promote the party whenever possible.

Frankly our best bet is that the King steps in and activates the quirky writings of our constitution that enables him to dissolve the Parliament. And he'd then hand pick a few good guys from the army and the political parties to run the show until the 2022 elections.

Oh damn i haven't left my room for a few months except to go to McDonald's everything is blending together

>Köp- och säljsajten Blocket förbjuder annonser för munskydd, handsprit och ”liknande produkter”, enligt ett pressmeddelande.

>– På grund av det uppdaterade läget rörande coronaviruset har vi därför nu tagit beslutet, skriver sajten.

>Och auktionssajten Tradera gör likadant.

Swedens version of craigslist blocks people who trying to sell overpriced protective masks and hand sanitizers.

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No, of course not, It means hand sanitizer/ disinfectant.
But the miss translation was funny in the context

>panic button not working

This has been Sweden's problem for decades. This is a microcosm of everything wrong with the country. No response to threats worsened by only the illusion of security.

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Can confirm, swedes are exactly like the fags he described.

How long until martial law?

>implying sweden has the power to instill a fucking curfew let alone martial law

I went to a swedish hospital once with an ear infection, it took 8 hours and 250 euros for one of those doctors to even take look inside my ear, they had to fetch a "specialist"

>Frankly our best bet is that the King steps in and activates the quirky writings of our constitution that enables him to dissolve the Parliament. And he'd then hand pick a few good guys from the army and the political parties to run the show until the 2022 elections.
I can already see the butthurt protestors yelling and coofing at each other. Beautiful.

>hand rubbing

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Ok, then how long until sharia law?

>When the staff is outside the door and they have no idea what to do when they see me on the floor with great breathing difficulties.

So the sudden collapse chink meme is real?

They are intentionally leaving her to die because they probably calculated that with her pre existing conditions she would still be crippled anyway even if she somehows 'recover'.

It says she suffers from asthma, so that might be the breathing problems, but it might be the corona as well.

Honestly I think the state is gonna let everything play out, it's in the hands of the people to make anything happen.

If old people die of the corona virus they don't have to pay out pensions so it's in the swedish states interest to do absolutely nothing about this.

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Surely you have some kind of beredskapslag there? If it's anything like Finland's, it'll have various stages culminating in military taking over most functions.

let me guess, your health care professionals are all diversity hires

Dead pensioners? You mean more money for the nysvensk!

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they are fucking idiots. sweden is such a shit country now adays that its a fucking disgrace to walk the streets here.

it's good, we have that in Poland too - a closed list of names, it stops degenerates naming their kids Kurwa or Computer

Wouldn't matter either way, this is going to be handled by 65 year old feminist women with bobcuts. Bye bye miss american pie, drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry...


most of the doctors are slavs and nurses are africans and arabs

Let the boomers die. Time for us to finally get a piece of the pie.

Sure its not just a euphemism for disinfecting via shots to the head Nork style?

Dat FREE healthcare tho lol

it also stops based slavic names like Grzmichuj and Gniewogniew

>country where everything is run by women starts falling apart immediately after actual problem appears

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someone should tell her that it's just a flu and that the risk of spread in sweden is very small.

Just post this whenever some American roastbeef whines about US healthcare and how Utopian Scandinavia is.
It's one big joke, all of it.

agnieszka is a polack name

Pretty much, the coronavirus is a blessing for the corrupt fucks.

>school duty prevails, quarantines not needed.

>We can't let people stay at home because it's not possible for everyone and we gotta treat people equally

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This is the closest I can think of. The problem is that the ruling cabinet (Regeringen) has to declare it. And the cabinet is the problem.
There might be some other law somewhere, there should be cold war things working under the assumption Stockholm got nuked. The laws of Sweden are notoriously complex and unreadable, where most countries have photocopies of the english. You may have encountered a book called "Svea Rikes Lag", it's not from the government or lawmakers but a private person who set off to collect as many as he could find.