This really does look

This really does look

This virus is still in the very early stages. Health services will be on their knees within no time and so many could die. The global economy is actually going to crash, for real, its happening before our eyes right now. Huge depression is coming, life savings gone, mass unemployment, riots and civil unrest everywhere. This is IT.

And you know what? It's no less than we deserve. We are all complicit in creating this fucking madhouse of a planet. The monetary system is a house of cards, an unbelievable scam built upon a monumental lie. Weak men have indeed succeeded in creating hard fucking times.

Only God can save us now.

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I agree with everything up to the last point

god doesn't exist, otherwise this would have never happened in the first place. This is all random and meaningless. Enjoy what you can while it lasts.

It's not too late. I'm not one to preach, and I won't. Pray to Jesus for guidance. What harm can it do now?

Before we all go, I want to say it has been an honor and a privilege shit posting with you faggots. One day I will sit with my grandchildren around a camp fire telling them about the olden days of dank may-mays and frog posting and Keks prophecy of the happening of 2020. See you on the other side Anons.

It's actually happening. Can you believe it?

No. I’m not going to believe it until I see it with my one eyes. I’ve been lied to too many times.

Shut up, you're always talking.

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This is it frens. Love you all, and I hope I meet some of you in the wasteland. It's been an honour shitposting with all of you.

I was about to buy an apartment. Now I wil get fired instead (Consultants are the first to go) :)

>runny nose
You doomsayers deserve to get a disease worse than Coronavirus.

China says its peaked there, but they have FREE health care for their ppl.
In the JEWSA, we're fucked, only the rich will survive.

This isn't the end of the world you tards. There have been much worse viruses. The Spanish flu was way worse. Yes a lot of people died and it was bad but it isn't the end. Just saddle up and shut up.

Just a flu bro

Witness me brothers

I'm afraid this is the consequence we face from free will. God gave us free will to make our own decisions, and fix our own problems. Have you read the first few pages of the bible? Adam and Eve, the forbidden fruit?

And what about total societal breakdown resulting from economic collapse?

It's just empty shelves for a few months, bro

*tips fedora*


Digits and we all make it.

China does not have free healthcare. Kinda weird.

It’s about the same. But you’re right this won’t cause a collapse. It will reduce globalization though which is a god send for white people.

China has been "getting back to work" for weeks now yet they seem to be doing fuck all. I cannot take anything they say seriously ever.

Yes, because everything an oppressive Communist state says is to be believed.

They also locked down entire cities with brutal force, welded people into their homes to die and buried them alive.

What if god caused it

>Only God can save us now.
Your "God" isn't gonna do a single fucking thing.


Checked and blessed.

>thinks God is a sky daddy with a beard that buys you a BMW for your birthday Bc you asked him nicely
Get a load of this brainlet. Go watch some more Disney channel you man child

Digits confirm 0% chance we make it: checked

and that's a good thing

Checked and grateful

we'll survive lads

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>Muh bad cold!
It's literally nothing.

Half a million Brits caught swine flu, this is nowhere near "it"

>stores run out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer

Swine Flu was nowhere near as bad as this.
Entire countries are being quarantined and it's still early days.
We will be in the millions before June.

Checked. Still hope a lot of people die, though.

Hopefully evil cunts catch it and choke.
Would love to see a story about a bunch of rapists in prison drowning in lung puss.

Cheers lad. He’s still with us.

You're all going to die.

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It will end around June due to the heat. There is no community spreading in Hot Climates like Tenerife, Australia, Thailand and Africa.

Keep fooling yourself lad.
Ignorance is bliss.

Jews are profiting as we speak. Everyone else will suffer and jews will come out in top.



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>If sky man real why bad thing happen? btfo christcucks

Jews will soon learn there are things they can't control.

Atheism is by far the worst religion.

MERS COV spread in the summer in Saudi Arabia. This is only the beginning.

big if true

I went to a Catholic school and was told straight up during pillow talk that the old testament was full of more shit than I was and serves as more of a parable.

Based post.


the happening is happening right before our very eyes and normies are sitting on their hands and going like little kids "it'll all work out" and it's beautiful
The economy is going down, millions are in quarantine for months and normies just shrug. I don't know what to call this feeling but does anyone else find it so calming to see normies play in the sand when the sea recedes, they know full well a tsunami is coming and they choose to stay and play and run around. why is it so calming?

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Only boomers need to be afraid. It's a great time to be young, healthy and broke.

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and it's in brazin ;)

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Its about time we sacrifice our security for freedom

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I know what you mean.

I keep see-sawing between being glad that the people who created this mess will finally get some payback ... but then I feel sad knowing that my dear Mumsy and many others will likely die; good people, kind people, generous people will die as well ...
Then I remember that things weren’t getting any better and the only option was work until you die (retirement no longer available) and I figure this at least speeds up that wretched process.

>life savings gone

Speak for yourself kike

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Medical system is collapsing before it collapses. I prepped, but have symptoms and possible exposure given I was in Asia a while when this was ramping up and just got back week before last. Tons of people trying to figure out how to test me safely now.

And SARS died in the summer. This outbreak started in Winter, in cold ass China for a reason. MERS started in Saudi Arabia where it's very warm. This will blow over in 3 months watch.

You should really do a better job of removing the EXIF data from jpegs if you're going to post things like that, user.

I hate how no audio is allowed.

Attached: COVID19 End of Days No Audio.webm (844x720, 2.79M)

Thank you Italybro

>life savings gone
Good thing I don't have shit to my name I guess other than guns and a few old JDM hoopties.

Idk what that means nor do I really care


We can only hope...

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>If i just add more infected for no reason, the overall mortality becomes lower!
At least you know some math, retard

No this isn't it, i hope that it will be but the ultimate blackpill is that the world will just be put on pause for 8-10 months then everything will resume.
Countries will continue importing the third world, white people will still be MEGA NAZIS, no governments will fall and no real change will happen. We're just gonna have a few less people around for it, envy the dead.

This. Nothing can detail this train to hell.