Dad with breast cancer ‘rejected from support groups because he’s a man’


>A dad diagnosed with breast cancer says he felt isolated and lonely after being rejected by Facebook support groups because he is male.

David McCallion, 55, was diagnosed with the illness shortly before his 30th wedding anniversary and even his own doctor assumed that his wife was the patient when they talked about the diagnosis. Facing a mastectomy and being left to feel as though ‘real men’ don’t get breast cancer, he turned online to look for support.

But, he was told that he could not join because he was a man and it would prevent other members from opening up about their own concerns. He said: ‘I was made to feel like I was muscling in, but the last thing I wanted to do was jump up and down saying, “Look at me I’ve got breast cancer too”.’

Every year 390 men are diagnosed as having the condition in the UK and 80 of them die. David, from Manchester, said: ‘If the other 389 men feel anything like I did, something needs to be done. I will never be the same person I was before my diagnosis. Cancer is lonely, full stop. But being a man in what I call the ‘pink world’ of breast cancer – that’s even lonelier.’

>‘Some ask why I’ve had it, as if to say, “Are you really a man?”

He was diagnosed in 2015 with gynaecomastia, a common condition causing men’s breasts to become larger than normal. Then in April 2019, David noticed his right nipple was inverted and thought it must be linked to the condition.
>Twenty minutes after the biopsy the doctor said that, in his opinion, there was a 99 per cent chance it was going to be cancer’. The first thing I thought was, “How the hell am I going to tell my family?”

>‘My second thought was, “How am I going to tell everybody else I have breast cancer – as a man?” My head was completely gone.’

Now David is keen to make men aware that breast cancer can affect them, too, and is urging them to check themselves for tell-tale symptoms.

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women are evil

>be obese boomer
>get breast cancer
>lose man boob
>go to support group
>ok boomer
Just don’t be fat. Losing a man titty isnt the same as losing a woman titty
>vestigial body part vs mommy milker

Not a surprise, breast cancer support groups were just more pro-women/feminism rhetoric

my friend literally lactates milk from his nipples and he's a man

A huge percentage of breast cancer patients are men. Thanks to Susan G. koman for brainwashing everyone into seeing it as a women only thing.

what's it taste like?

There is no support structure for white men outside their immediate kin. It's either toughen up and smarten up or die. White men are the Jews of the 21st century.



This isn't Yas Forums you dumb nigger.

>There is no support structure for white men outside their immediate kin.
Men shouldn't need support structures. Men requiring such feminine bullshit is in itself a symptom of a broken society.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that all the support groups are for women. This country needs to cleanse itself of woman worship if we want to help the men

Fp is always bp

that's not what gynecomastia is you useless fucking waste of air. you don't get CANCER on FAT. holy shit.

You can thank women groups for having a monopoly on these issues. Nobody can just go in and get the support they need because it threatens their standing. Women feel like they are under attack when things like this happen, because they've been privileged all along and when they are asked to treat others the same, it feels like oppression. Women advocacy is just the worst.

Dude even if I had breast cancer I wouldn't go to the support groups because I know it would only be women there..
This fucking social retard should have just gone to a regular cancer support group.

jannies get this tard out of here

But a society that prides itself on being progressive has to show that it is not hypocritical and extend that compassion to men as well. It does not matter what you think men need or don't need. It's about holding these people to their own standards.

Well. All we can do is hope that god mutates the virus in our favour.

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let me find out

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My left chest muscle is bigger but that's because I was born with no right chest muscle :(

True but sometimes support is needed even by the most alpha of all men, be it an illness or an unlucky event. The lack of support for white men will wake them up soon to the reality of our society.

Amen to that.

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That's just the way it goes. I keep that in mind when any woman under the age of 80 asks me for Jack shit.

He was too ugly. They'd let chad with breast cancer in.

His name was Robert Polson

gib milkies

I simply can't go to a non specific cancer survivors group because I felt like real men don't get breast cancer so I tried to join a group with absolutely no men.
Yeah he's a fucking pervert of some sort or another.

This, but that's the way it's always been. White society was built on fraternity and all of our groups and clubs reflect this desire for fraternity. As you can imagine, with fraternity (brotherhood) as the basis for these groups, the source for them ultimately comes from the family. None of the societies built by other races are nearly as family-oriented as societies built by people of European descent. Keep this in mind. It is naive to expect fraternity with anyone that doesn't look like us to be anything other than the exception to the rule.


I could understand if it were urinary tract cancer or whatever, but basically just shit on that guy because he wasn't a gash


A big reason why breast cancer is so scary for women is that a lot of the time they have to cut off their breasts, this is humiliating for the woman as breasts are valued as her womanhood and femininity

He's welcome here.

Gynecomastia is often caused by obesity because fat contains an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen.


Thanks for the info fat fuck.

Men have always had support systems in place.
They're called pubs and gentleman's clubs.
The former is more effective, especially when you're at your local.

Kill yourself kike

Yea because you can't just throw silicone back in if you are really that vain. Meanwhile, still radio silence from dudes with testicular cancer...

This. Cutting off a woman's breasts is like cutting off a man's hands.

I'm Yas Forums, nigger.

post six pack

If you have no white male friends you're a failure as a man. Civilization is about more than having kids and believing in an abstract idea about not being barbarians. It also means community engagement and fraternity with men outside your immediate family.

You can't get functioning silicone hands.

What about Yas Forums being failures?

First post is once again, the best post.

Brb hitting the pub to talk about my man titties with the boys

What does a support group even do?

Women are cruel.

>wanting support
>from women
kek what a retard

retard faggot gay aussie

Probably filled with bad memes and 50% of posts asking if their hair will grow back fine eventually.

They talk about the struggles involved with treatment, how it made them feel, thoughts of suicide, thoughts of giving up, dealing with the trauma of having their body mutilated. Its basically therapy.

>you could have prevented this by simply not eating cartloads of bread and sugar all your life
>boo hoo *eats more bread and sugar*
what a marvelous world we live in

Oh my god, breast cancer is more strongly associated with women than men, discrimination!!1

There will be female spaces in the ethnostate(s), you echo chamber faggots.

He's a fuckin' man.
He can support himself.

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Breast cancer can strike people who aren't obese. Certain cancers have been increasing in prevalence for decades. Its likely an environmental factor which we can't avoid like BPA being everywhere.

You have to be 18 years old to post on this website young man. Do your parents know about your online habits?

A trash high-carb diet will still lead to inflammation that can then develop to cancer, whether you're overweight or not.

>Pasta nigger
>High carb

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When it happens to you I'll laugh my ass off, pastafag.

dream on, copeniggers
*eats Fiorentina and dabs on your fat asses*

Breast cancer support is about women being sad because of losing a titty, not just cancer in the upper chest area. Sad that he has cancer, but this dude is a faggot.